[Frontline War Report: The Thor Legion Severely Damaged the Abyss Demon, and the Prince of the Scythe Cursed! ] 【News

: The Split Sky Senate decided to promote Qin Feng to become the commander of the Thunder God Legion. 】

【Important news: Alex, the five-star god, has been subordinate to the Thor Legion, obeys moderation, and serves as the chief of guards. With

the repair of the void crack on the front line of the abyss, the happy news of the victory was like snowflakes flying back to the rift civilization, and these three news briefings were born by them, and then became the most explosive talk after the tea and dinner of hundreds of millions of people.

Now everyone knows that the Split Sky Civilization has newly promoted a heavenly arrogant, who easily killed the Scythe Prince with the strength of the four-star divine position, and also eliminated the elite guards who were preparing to fight back.

Such achievements, in addition to being jaw-dropping, also set off a wave of enthusiasm for joining the army in the Split Sky Civilization, and in just half a day, 100,000 enthusiastic young people have participated in the recruit training of the Thor Legion.

"Almighty God, bless me, and don't let such a huge reception work kill me suddenly." The envoy who received the recruits prayed sincerely, full of resentment.

However, Qin Feng, who was the source of all causes, did not know about this, and he did not even receive the promotion order above, because he had been tracking the remnants of the Abyss Demon in the time after he eliminated the Scythe Guards.

If nothing else, he just wanted to find the lair of the Abyss Demon, and then get rid of the nightmare that had entangled the Void Civilization for tens of thousands of years in one fell swoop, and as for the legend of immortality, he only regarded it as a convenient addition.

After all, the end of life lies in a void silence, and the matter of immortality is really against the way of heaven, and Qin Feng is not sure whether there is really an ultimate answer hidden under the abyss.

This journey was very long, and after Qin Feng led the Thunder God Legion into the abyss, he witnessed the birth and annihilation of stars at least three times.

Even without his action, the Abyss Demon continued to breed and die in the long river of time, like a weed, one year old and one withered.

At this point, Qin Feng clearly understood the principle of profit and loss in the universe, there are many ways of heaven, yin and yang are accompanied by each other, and it is impossible to eliminate the abyss demon by brutal force alone.

Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blows and grows.

Therefore, Qin Feng launched the angel legion to continuously purify the abyss, and continued to pour energy into this barren land through heavy nuclear technology, and then gave birth to everything.

During this period, he also actively intervened in the evolution of the Abyss civilization and guided the healthy growth of the so-called demons.

Calvin and Alex originally questioned this, after all, the Rift Sky Civilization and the Abyss Demon have been living together for ten thousand years, and the hatred is particularly deep, and now Qin Feng shows goodwill, isn't it an enemy?

But later.

The voices of this skepticism are getting quieter.

This is not Calvin and Alex changed their minds, but the years are not spared, the two have not been able to break through the realm of the five-star god for a long time, and their lives eventually return to nothingness.

Dust to dust, soil to earth, everything rests.

"The Thor Legion... Well, it should be the name. Qin Feng stopped above the nebula, looked down at thousands of worlds, and hesitated, "How many people are left now?"

The guardian angel Alice replied like a stream: "All have perished, but I have uploaded their life information, ready to enter the reincarnation when the next time singularity breaks out, and can still be loyal to the Lord God again."

"In other words, the current Thor Legion is actually an Angel Legion." Qin Feng muttered to himself.

Under the increase and decrease of the entropy of the universe, he has witnessed too many ebb and flow, and even the smoke of the 10,000-year-old part can only cause the slightest ripple in his heart.

He looked back at Alice and found that the years had not left a mark on her, and it was still timeless.

A holy posture cannot be squared.

In fact, if there is no trace, then their group of Chosen Races who have witnessed eternity have all become the ultimate life forms of the twelve wings, and they can also bless the prosperity of any civilization for thousands of years.

"God Lord."


"Looking at the sky does not know its height, and looking at the earth does not know its thickness." Alice's voice was very soft, like a bamboo breeze in the forest, "So what is the meaning of limited life?"

"You ask me?" Qin Feng smiled, and the Chiwu star that had just been triggered launched the first flare behind him, and the light was shining, "My life yuan is less than one percent of you, why should Zhao Yi ask for the life of a mayfly?" "

Uh-" "


Seeing Alice's dumbness, Qin Feng laughed heartily, and then said seriously: "Looking up at the vastness of the universe and looking down on the prosperity of the category, so wandering eyes are enough to be extremely audio-visual entertainment, life is limited, you should entertain yourself and enjoy your days in peace."

"Forgive me for being stupid, I really didn't understand."

"That's right." Qin Fengguan'er.

Alice's face was full of doubt: "Huh? What's wrong? "

I only half-understood what I said just now, if you really understand-" Qin Feng deliberately dragged his tail tone, playing with the taste, "Then didn't you ascend to the Immortal Ascending God before I did, and stepped into the Eternal Temple?"

Alice was silent, I don't know if she was speechless about the deep thinking of the philosophy just now, or whether she was speechless to Qin Feng's witty answer, but this did not prevent the angels on the left and right sides from laughing stupidly.

If the civilization in the thousands of nebulae looks up and sees so many angels who are regarded as true gods and smiles, they will definitely write three or four legends again for future generations, which will eventually lead to a glimpse of the secret of heaven.

However, Qin Feng gradually fell silent amid the laughter.

He has been promoted to a five-star god for 10,000 years, and if he does not break through the shackles, Calvin and Alex will be a lesson in the past.

It was one thing to bravely face nothingness, but the real thing had come to this, and he still had some indescribable melancholy in his heart.

"God Lord."

"What's going on?"

"I plan to lead my sisters through the void and see the wider world outside." Alice said in a reassuring tone, "Angels bear witness to eternity, and eternal everything should bear witness to angels." "

“...... Are you guys leaving? Qin Feng sighed.

Alice smiled: "But before that, on behalf of the angels, I want to send a great gift to the Lord God to fulfill the grace of cultivation." When

the words landed, the red black star shone brightly, and the surging helium flash wind burst like a frenzy, and the scale was so grand that all the stars in the abyss region actually resonated at the same time.

Six in eight desolate, suddenly trembling.

The originally barren abyss has been nourished for hundreds of millions of years, and the power of heaven and earth has exploded, and even the realm laws of thunder have been eclipsed here.

Qin Feng's pupils shrank slightly, and he saw a brilliant golden avenue unfolding above the Chiwu star, and his eyes went up, step by step to Qionglou Yuyu, like a heavenly ladder.


This is exactly the ladder!

The supreme ladder to the Infinity World!

"God Lord, the angel race is the embodiment of the will of the universe, and now we witness that God's subjective mind is as clear as a mirror, and it is time to open the ladder to welcome God and Lord to return to his place and guard eternity." Alice smiled like a flower.

She spread out her palm to lead the way: "This 90,000 li is the land of eternal life, and we will meet again in the next world."

Qin Feng was about to thank him, but the gravitational pull of the Heavenly Gate Hole made him speechless, and directly caused him to feather, soar higher and higher, and finally the whole world turned into a little star in front of his eyes, until he disappeared.

At this time, the legendary myth that resounded throughout the world was completely enshrined in eternity, and the history of the years drew the last end, and everything immediately returned to peace.

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