Hearing this,

Yue Ming's eyebrows raised involuntarily.

He had not made any outstanding contributions to China, so why would the highest leader give him this badge that symbolizes supreme honor?

After a moment of silence,

Shu Zhenguo's face straightened:"I believe you know very well what this badge means."

"This badge is not given to you yet."

"However, if I don't give it to you, I'm afraid you won't be able to listen to my chatter at ease."

Yue Ming raised his eyes and looked at Shu Zhenguo's face, and said neither humbly nor arrogantly:"Sir, you are too kind."

Looking directly into Yue Ming's eyes, Shu Zhenguo slowly said:"In this case, I will get straight to the point."

"Don't worry, I have no intention of coercing or controlling you. The purpose of my coming here is just to make a request to you on behalf of the country.......A request for the country's future"


Yue Ming was somewhat surprised when he heard Shu Zhenguo's words.

The highest leader of Huaxia State did not show any attitude of superiority in front of him, but asked for something!

This did not make Yue Ming feel relieved, but also increased the pressure on him.

His curiosity grew stronger.

He looked up at Shu Zhenguo and waited for him to say his"request".

It was related to the future of the country..........

What kind of request is qualified to wear such a big hat.

Shu Zhenguo exhaled, paced back and forth in front of Yue Ming for a few steps, and then said meaningfully:"What do you think of"Void"?"

Yue Ming thought for a while and replied:"Void has completely escaped the concept of"game". It is no exaggeration to say that the resources in it are a hundred times more precious than those in the real world."

"Indeed." Shu Zhenguo turned around and looked at him:"This virtual online game that suddenly connected to the earth not only has the ability to materialize into the real world, but also has a variety of powerful props that are beyond belief."

"《The popularity and sensation of"The Void" far exceeded my initial expectations. This is related to the fact that powerful forces and props can be materialized in the real world."

"Such an epoch-making game has had a huge impact on all walks of life and even the social structure, and its impact on the entertainment and tourism industries is even more devastating."

"The exchange rate between the gold coins in the game and the real world currency is 1:1. This is a fatal crisis that is enough to paralyze the economic system of all countries."

"but......So far, no country has stepped forward to curb the development of this game. Do you know why?"Shu Zhenguo said while observing Yue Ming's reaction.

Yue Ming's heart moved.

With the buff of ten times the reward, the gold coins he obtained in the void world were an astronomical figure that would shock anyone who heard it!


So far.

The gold coin system of the void world is still operating normally. With a slight frown, Yue Ming slowly said:"Certain factors in this game determine the fate of all countries and even the entire earth."

"Yes!" Shu Zhenguo nodded, his face solemn:"Everything stems from the fundamental reason why"Void" came out, which is related to the future of China and the pattern of the entire world."

Shu Zhenguo turned around, was silent for a while, and then said:"According to the agreement we made with Void Intelligent Brain, the reason cannot be told to others."

"unless........You can agree to my request"

"An agreement with the intelligent brain?" Yue Ming's face was filled with curiosity.

《There are too many surprises and secrets hidden in"The Void".

He vaguely feels that"The Void" contains the cause and effect that can determine his life.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"Yue Ming asked seriously.

"It's very simple, but also very difficult."Shu Zhenguo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and said in a slow tone:"I ask you to represent China and win the national war championship in the void world!"

"Oh?" Yue Ming was stunned, with a puzzled look on his face.

"The national war is one of the agreements between us and the intelligent brain. When there are more than 1,000 players who have awakened their divine power in the void world, the strongest battle in the war zone will begin."

"The final outcome of the national war is related to the world situation and the future fate of mankind!"

"Therefore, we Chinese cannot afford to lose this national war!"

Hearing this, Yue Ming said without hesitation:"I have had a premonition of this, I understand, I promise you, now tell me your agreement with the intelligent brain"

"Oh?" Shu Zhenguo's face showed a slight surprise, and his sharp eyes swept across his face:"You agreed so readily, do you know that the whole world is now undercurrent, and a small half of the countries are watching us. This national war may not be that simple."

Yue Ming said lightly:"They are just players. No matter how many people there are, they are still ants. After the national war starts, I can end the entire battlefield within one day."

Hearing Yue Ming's undisguised arrogance, Shu Zhenguo's face showed a trace of surprise.

He stared at Yue Ming with burning eyes, frowned and asked:"Have you ever thought about the consequences of failure?"

"There is absolutely no possibility of failure."Yue Ming said seriously:"And you, Chief, would not have come to me in person if you had no confidence in me."

Shu Zhenguo looked at him in silence for a long time, and suddenly laughed out loud:"Hahahaha, you are worthy of being the world-famous Shifang. This confidence and courage alone are not something that ordinary people can have."

After a while, he stopped laughing, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth:"You are very similar to me when I was young, with the same vigor, frivolity, arrogance, self-confidence, and a little bit of arrogance, but under your frivolity, you hide the wisdom and calmness that I didn't have back then."

Yue Ming smiled slightly and said nothing.

After winning the national war championship, he will truly stand on his own.��《The pinnacle of the world of Void!

This is also his chance to find the rest of the fragments of the original godhead!

After all.

The twelve fragments of the original godhead are scattered all over the void world.

Shu Zhenguo exhaled and said solemnly:"I have privately studied the powerful players that have appeared in various countries. Each of them is very powerful and has his own areas of expertise. Some even have some special terrifying abilities."

Hearing this.

Yue Ming smiled softly,"Chief, you don't have to tell me these"

"I just want to know, what is the agreement between you and Zhinao?"

Shu Zhenguo's eyes moved, and he sighed softly,"Everything is caused by the disaster brought about by the mobile phone robot's time travel."

He glanced at Yue Ming's reaction, but Shu Zhenguo did not notice the slightest change on Yue Ming's face.

"After America and Japan stole the manufacturing information of the mobile phone robot, they began mass production and even sold it to wealthy people from various countries at sky-high prices!"

"After the alien creatures descended on Earth and were wiped out by mysterious forces, China had not yet spoken out to denounce the United States and Japan, but the leaders of Germany, Italy, France, England, Kyrgyzstan, and India almost simultaneously expressed their support for the United States and Japan, saying that the root cause of the world chaos was our Chinese mobile phone robots."

"The aftermath of this disaster is our responsibility."

"Shameless!" Yue Ming frowned and said coldly.

Shu Zhenguo sighed heavily, his voice carrying a hint of helplessness and hatred:"When they almost stood in line and criticized and accused each other at the same time, I already understood."

"China has developed so fast in recent years that it has surpassed the United States."

"This is enough to make those countries that have shamelessly plundered and trampled on China feel uneasy. This is something that some jealous countries will not allow."

"Therefore, the world chaos caused by Japan and the United States, not only did not lead to their being subject to international sanctions, but instead became a ridiculous excuse for these countries with ulterior motives to unite and suppress China!"

"China is destined not to give in. At that time, I had a sad premonition that the world war would break out with China as the center. And this result is undoubtedly what some people want to see most."

"Finally, the Void Intelligent Brain came forward, right?" Yue Ming asked.

Shu Zhenguo nodded, with a look of disappointment on his face:"If the Void Intelligent Brain had not appeared at the beginning, I can't imagine how things would have developed."

"At that time, the Void Intelligence suddenly appeared in front of the leaders of various countries. It stated that it would not interfere in disputes between countries, but would never allow a world war to occur."

"Because once a country that is forced into a desperate situation frantically uses nuclear bombs or even hydrogen bombs, it will inevitably trigger a world-destroying disaster again."

After sighing, Shu Zhenguo continued:"In the astonishment of everyone, the intelligent brain proposed a method, a method that can solve the problem through a war without causing casualties!"

"《"The Void" is coming!" Yue Ming whispered softly, his brows furrowed.

"That's right, it's"Void"! This is why"Void" came into being!"

"Using war in the game to resolve disputes is naturally the best choice. Although some countries that are eager to see the world in chaos are unwilling to do so, they have the power and props in the void world that can be materialized in the real world. Under pressure from other countries, they can only agree."

"The first thing that the intelligent brain proposed was that when the number of players who awakened their divine powers reached 1,000, the success or failure would be determined by the national war. The victorious war zone would obtain resources that would be materialized in the real world. These resources would be enough to make up for the impact of the chaos of time and space."

"This proposal was rejected by Japan and the United States, on the grounds that China had too many people and was too unfair to other countries."

"Although this reason is obviously aimed at China, it is understandable and is supported by almost everyone."

"Therefore, the intelligent computer changed the method so that only one million people in each country were eligible for the national war!"

"However, this final rule is still extremely cruel to China."

"The war originally caused by Japan and America was eliminated in"Void", and the war in"Void" is destined to be directed at China."

"Moreover, since everything is caused by the conflict between Japan, America and China, during the national war, the enemies China will face will probably occupy at least a quarter of the world's population!!!!"

"In this national war, if our Huaxia area is captured by other war zones, then our Huaxia area will fall completely, and the entire war zone will become the territory of another country."

"And all its resources will belong to other countries!"

"This means that China will completely lose the initiative in both the real world and the virtual world."

"And the disaster that is about to befall the earth, we Chinese are powerless to resist it!"

Shu Zhenguo said calmly, and he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Yue Ming shook his head, and a cold look flashed across his eyes.

"No player in the war zone can set foot on the territory of China!"

Hearing Yue Ming's powerful words, Shu Zhenguo smiled and said,"Hahaha, with your words, I feel much more at ease."

Raising his eyes and glancing at the two rows of figures in the distance, Yue Ming asked,"Chief, what is the reason you just said that you can't tell outsiders?"

"To create a comfortable, harmonious and stress-free gaming environment for all mankind, and to avoid causing anxiety and mutual hatred among mankind, so that mankind can fight against the difficulties of the earth together."

"However, those ambitious people had no such plan."

"They don't care about the crisis on Earth at all. No matter in the real world or the virtual world, they still only want to expand their country's territory and make huge profits."

Listening to Shu Zhenguo's words, Yue Ming was silent for a long time.

After a while, he raised his head with a firm look:"There will be no other result for this battle."

Shu Zhenguo smiled gently:"Are you so confident?"

"In addition to confidence, I have another reason to succeed, for China and for myself."

"Good! You are worthy of being the most powerful warrior in China! Just based on your confidence and momentum, I feel much more at ease."Shu Zhenguo's face was full of joy, and the huge stone that had been weighing on his heart seemed to be much lighter.

He said with a serious face:"I believe in my vision, you can definitely lead our Chinese players to victory! Whether it is a national war or a difficult earth battle"

"By then, you will not only be the patron saint of China, but also the patron saint of the whole world!"

Yue Ming smiled and shook his head:"Chief, you are too serious. I am just doing what a Chinese should do."

Shu Zhenguo was stunned, stretched out his big hand and patted him on the shoulder twice:"I really didn't make a mistake! Well, I won't say much, I wish you to lead our Chinese players to victory! From now on, if you have any requests, just ask me, I will give you the greatest and most comprehensive help"

"No need!" To Shu Zhenguo's surprise, Yue Ming shook his head decisively:"I don't need help."

Shu Zhenguo was stunned for a moment, his eyes fixed on his face, and said with a smile:"Hahahaha, you really have the demeanor of the number one person in the void world."

"In that case, I'll go back first."

"I'm waiting for the news of your victory!"

Shu Zhenguo smiled and handed the badge in his hand to Yue Ming:"No matter success or failure, you are qualified to wear this badge."

Yue Ming took the badge and said goodbye to Shu Zhenguo.

Then, he directly released an infinite space door.

In an instant, his whole body suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The figure in front of him suddenly disappeared out of thin air. Shu Zhenguo was stunned for a moment and then laughed from the bottom of his heart.

His face, which was used to being majestic and solemn, also took on a touch of ease.

"I never thought that a young man could have such courage and take on such an important task related to the future of the country without changing his expression."Shu Zhenguo sighed softly, his face full of admiration without concealing it at all.

The two men who had been standing silently behind him frowned slightly and couldn't help asking:"Chief, why do you give him the badge of the patron saint? That is the badge of the highest power and glory in China."

His voice was very low and a little hoarse, but it was as cold as the cold wind in the severe winter.

Shu Zhenguo smiled slightly:"He is destined to be no mortal. It is a blessing for China to be the patron saint of my China."

The man fell silent, his eyes lowered to the ground

"Then, what if China still loses the national war?"The man asked in a low voice

"Lost......"Shu Zhenguo's eyes darkened. This was a result that he had been avoiding and trying not to think about.

"If I lose, I will bear all the consequences."After a light sigh, Shu Zhenguo strode forward.

Feeling that the leader's mood suddenly became heavy, the man sighed and lowered his head, and said no more.

In the flashing light, Yue Ming's body had already appeared in the bedroom.

Putting away the badge engraved with the golden dragon, Yue Ming took out the body of the crystal doll.

After the mysterious power swept the earth, the materials needed to make the crystal doll have been���All disappeared without a trace.

And this crystal doll that was left behind for some unknown reason is the last one in the world!

It is also the first one to come into the world!

Holding the frosted crystal doll, Yue Ming tentatively injected a divine power of destiny into it.

Just when the divine power of destiny touched the body of the crystal doll, the frosted crystal doll instantly became crystal clear!

Green digital light continued to entwine around it.

At the same time.

A red figure slowly emerged from the body of the crystal doll and kept spinning.

Between breaths, a burst of red light burst out from the crystal doll, illuminating the entire bedroom with a crimson glow.

And the red figure in the crystal doll's body also stopped spinning at this time.

Just as Yue Ming lost consciousness, an ethereal fairy sound quietly floated in his ears.

"The Chinese brand 2060 mobile phone robot is at your service. Please enter the power-on password."

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