Online Game: Start Ten Consecutive SSS-level Talents

Chapter 204: Horned Eagle Knight Appears

    204: Horned Eagle Knights Appear

    After some ideological struggle, the commander of the Storm Empire gritted his teeth, turned his head, and said to his own guards:

    "You too! Even if they die, I will kill these giant bears!"

    While saying this, the commander of the Storm Empire was already preparing for heavy losses.

    30,000 lives can't kill these giant bears, so let 50,000 lives be filled.

    Drip water through the stone, grind the pestle into a needle!

    As long as enough lives are hit, these giant bears can always be sent away.

    When thinking of this, a faint hope flashed again in the Commander's eyes.

     But just as the fire of hope was ignited, there was a shock from the ground beneath his feet, which made his heart palpitate.

    Looking for the feeling in my heart, I looked towards the distant horizon.

    Commander of the Storm Empire, Commander of the Advance Forces of the Legion of the Furious Waves - Doug Dantès was shocked beyond measure.

    Gradually above the horizon in the distance, female knights riding huge black panthers rushed in their direction.

    The direction these female knights attacked was the left flank of his army.

    "The left wing troops are vigilant, there is an enemy attacking, and the formation is to meet the enemy!"

    Don't even bother to call the messenger to give orders, Doug Dantès directly spoke and passed the order to the ears of the left wing troops.

     But as soon as these words fell, Doug Dantès noticed the same vibration, which came from the other side of the earth.

    Looking up, Doug Dantès saw the female knight who was also riding a huge black panther, rushing towards them with the same terrifying speed and momentum.

    "The right wing troops are vigilant, there is an enemy attacking, and the formation is to meet the enemy!"

    Doug Dantès hurriedly shouted out the second order, at this time he still had luck in his heart.

    In his opinion, as long as he can withstand these two waves of attacks, he still has a great chance of escaping and ascending with his troops.

    But at this moment, something happened on the battlefield where the vanguard was.

    I saw a small deer jumping and jumping together with those giant bears.

    Unlike the huge number of black panther female knights I have seen before, the number of these deer is very small, only a little more than those giant bears.

    However, Doug Dantès did not relax his vigilance against the deer because of the rarity.

    Because he felt a dangerous aura comparable to that of the giant bear warrior from these deer.

    "Line up! Keep it up!"

    Doug Dantès roared wildly, using this roar to vent the fear in his heart.

    But no matter how much he roars, he can't stop the fawn's attack.

    I saw energy gathered from the path, and then slowly rammed into his soldiers.

    These green energies seem to run very slowly, walking for a while, like an old man who needs help.

    However, Doug Dantès does know that this is a performance that outpaces dynamic vision.

    The sound of pattering sounded in Doug Dantès's heart. Although he was very far away from the front line at this time, the abnormal sound was breeding in his heart.

    After a while, the movements of the soldiers on the front line suddenly stopped.

    The next moment, an extremely strange energy grew out of their bodies, turning these soldiers into snow-white lambs.

    Then, the green energy that was walking for a while, slowly fell on these soldiers. (Doug Dantès is in sight.)

     Looking at the extremely bizarre picture in front of him, Doug Dantès was desperate.

    He didn't know the mechanism of this energy, and he couldn't think of a way to crack it.

    He can only watch the green energy emanating from the hands of those bouncing deer, mercilessly drifting towards his soldiers like a sickle waving by the **** of death, and there is no way to do it .

    After being turned into lambs, Raging Wave Legionnaires can no longer pose the slightest threat to the bear warriors.

    Under this change, the giant bear warriors harvest faster and faster.

    In an instant, hundreds of Raging Wave Legionnaires fell under their thick bear paws.


    A completely unequal confrontation begins.

    The line of defense of the Raging Wave Legion began to melt like ice and snow that met the blazing sun.

    It's just that the melted water is not crystal clear snow, but scarlet blood.

    Seeing this scene, Doug Dantès' heart is bleeding.


    The next moment a fierce look lit up from his eyes.

    Since the soldiers of the Vanguard Legion can't be saved, it's better to let them become irresistible lambs under the strange ability of those paths, and then be turned into meat by those brutal giant bear warriors cake.

    It is better to use their flesh to give these strange enemies the final blow.

    Thinking of this, Doug Dantès directly ordered all the mages of the Raging Wave Legion to start the indiscriminate Forbidden Strike.

    "The first, the second...the seventh magic troop, gather all your strength, start the Forbidden Strike, target area, c456·346·327, destroy the enemy at all costs!"

    As the vanguard of the Storm Empire's top legion, the Raging Waves.

    The advance army led by Doug Dantès did not have the kind of divine wizard who could release the forbidden spell alone.

    But under the combined force of all the magic troop, they also have the power to release forbidden spells.


    In normal times, Doug Dantes would never use this ability.

    But this time is different. If the deer and giant bears are allowed to continue to be tortured and killed, the entire advance army may be devoured by them.

    Instead of being suffocated, slowly being swallowed alive and dying.

    It is better to fight to the death and die with the enemy!

    As soon as Doug Dantès's order was issued, the magic troop of the advance team of the Legion of the Furious Waves responded.

    Obviously, they are also ready to die with the enemy.

    These magicians are madly releasing their magic power, and under their control, one after another violent elemental energy converges.

     But these elemental energies are about to complete their convergence.

    Just as this forbidden magic circle is about to complete its depiction on the battlefield.

    An incomparably harsh eagle cry rang out above their heads.

    The next moment, sharp feathered arrows hit them like raindrops.

    These arrows penetrated their heads, interrupted their spellcasting, and pinned them to the ground.

    Qin Feng's eagle troop arrived.

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