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“Owner, please!”

Feng Yunhe hugged Su Ziyang’s thigh, crying and knocking his head.

Such a scene is simply ruining people’s views.

I didn’t expect, this Feng Yunhe is really by fair means or foul for achieving his purpose!

simply is not the old stubbornness that Mei Caigan said.

However, such talents are just needed.

“Okay, okay, can’t I accept you!”

In an expression of extreme reluctance, Su Ziyang pressed his fingerprints.


At this moment, Feng Yunhe’s life and death are all under Su Ziyang’s control.

“Many thanks Owner, many thanks Owner!”

Feng Yunhe was moved to tears.

“Alright, stop acting, this King is going to throw up!” Su Ziyang said.

Hearing this, Feng Yunhe stood up and smiled awkwardly, “Lord, you are really bright vision like a torch, you can see the truth at a glance.”

“Go ahead, what’s the matter?” Su Ziyang asked.

“Lord, you really guessed it, I really surrendered! However, seeing such a wise Lord like you, I really surrendered!”

“Lord, Vice Palace Lord Chai Dong asked me to wait for the news, saying that after the Palace Lord leaves the customs, we will come together inside and outside!” Feng Yunhe said.

“Zhao Poshan is in retreat?” Su Ziyang asked.

“Not bad!” Feng Yunhe nodded.

“Tell everything you know!” Su Ziyang said.

“Yes, Lord!”

Feng Yunhe stood in front of Su Ziyang, took out a map, and started talking.

“Lord, you see, this is the great valley, which surrounds the entire Mountain Breaking Palace. This is a natural protective wall. Only the Lord level powerhouse can cross it!”

“The remaining elite troops in the Mountain Breaking Palace, there are more than 200 more than 10000, these people, all distributed in 3 days!”

“According to my observations, with your current siege engines, you want to break the defense of the East Suppressing Pass, it is basically impossible!”

“No, Lord, you can buy all the 20 cities east of Mountain Breaking Palace.” Feng Yunhe said.

Listening to these words, Su Ziyang slightly frowned.

Naturally, I have heard of this great valley.

The great valley is 1000 meters wide and contains green poison mist. It is impossible to see what is inside.

Moreover, there is some kind of magical power in it, and those who have not reached the Lord level, if they fly over from the sky, they will fall directly into the great valley and never come out again.

Legendary, the great valley, is the trace left by the Martial Lord fighting with people.

Ground Breaking Thorn was actually created by Martial Lord.

No one knows how powerful the Ground Breaking Lord is.

Looking at this great valley of ring-shaped fissures on the map, you can see how terrifying the Martial Lord is.

“Really unbreakable?” Su Ziyang asked.

“Lord, the city wall of the east gate of the town is built with special materials by the Lord level powerhouse. The ordinary martial power cannot be broken at all!” Feng Yunhe said.

Upon hearing this, Su Ziyang was slightly nodded.

But how can you know if you don’t try?

“Okay, I understood, you can withdraw!” Su Ziyang said.

“Lord, you?” Feng Yunhe looked at Su Ziyang with a look of expectation.

“What?” Su Ziyang puzzled.

“Lord, one of your soldiers severely injured me, my strength is too weak!”

“I can tell you that you are God coming into the world. With a wave of your right hand, Mei Caigan breaks through from Emperor level to Sage level!”

“Please do me a favour, have mercy on me!”

After speaking, Feng Yunhe knelt down, and kept squatting his head towards Su Ziyang.

“hmph! ”

Su Ziyang coldly snorted, “If you don’t have military merit, you just want to get rewards. How can there be such a good thing!”


Feng Yunhe stood up awkwardly, and bowed deeply at Su Ziyang, “Lord, the little one is abrupt, please atone for the crime, the little one will leave!”

After speaking, Feng Yunhe retreated outside.

Su Ziyang corner of the mouth raise, stop Feng Yunhe, “wait.”

“Lord! Do you have something to order?” Feng Yunhe asked.

“Since you think this King is the master, naturally you can’t treat you badly, breakthrough realm, wait until this battle is over!”

“However, this King can help you improve a little first, and show your weapons to this King!” Su Ziyang said.

“Yes, Lord!”

Feng Yunhe’s eyes shone brightly, and from his back he drew a pair of golden mace that he had prepared for a long time, and handed it to Su Ziyang.

In Feng Yunhe’s stunned gaze, Su Ziyang strengthened his long mace to ten stars, and at the same time, raised the quality to orange.

“many thanks Lord !”

Holding the mace in both hands, Feng Yunhe’s body trembled slightly with excitement.

Facing Su Ziyang, 3 kneels and 9 knocks.

“Okay, flat body.” Su Ziyang shouted.

“Lord, do you have anything to tell me? I want to make a contribution!” Feng Yunhe said.

“Yes, first stir the dishes to the satisfaction of the soldiers, and then you will remember that you have done a lot.” Su Ziyang said.

“Yes, Lord!”

After speaking, Feng Yunhe quickly retreated.

He quickly turned to the Huofang Camp.


2nd day.

Su Ziyang led the army and was about to set off when he received a message from Short Mustache.

“Lord, we have broken 3 cities in a row, 2 cities have surrendered, and one city has been broken!”

Looking at this news, Su Ziyang was slightly nodded.

It seems that the progress is quite fast, and I must speed up.

“set off!”

One order.

Su Ziyang ran forward quickly, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

No one can feel his shadow.

In less than a moment, Su Ziyang came to the front of the second city Xiao City.

He looked at the city guard on the city and shouted.

“Acknowledge allegiance or perish!”

This sound, like thunder, echoed in the sky above Xiao City, clearly spreading into everyone’s ears.

Soon, there were players riding the Golden Eagle into the air to watch this scene.

“What? Han Xing is here? Didn’t it just leave?”

“Run, don’t be affected!”

The moment the players saw Su Ziyang, the expression panicked.

They hurriedly rode the Golden Eagle, fleeing frantically, away from Xiao City.

On Xiao City city wall.

The defending general watched this scene and could not help but the complexion slightly changed.

In Evil Valley, how can you never hear the name Han Xing?

He was alone, but destroyed 1000000 army.

Can this strength, someone like me, be able to deal with it?

“Report to City Lord now!” the general shouted.

“No, I’m here, quickly follow me to meet Lord!”

I saw that City Lord had already led a large army to go outside the city.

City gate outside.

Su Ziyang watched each and everyone disappear and frowned.

“In that case, this King will send you…”

I haven’t finished talking.


City gate opens.

Followed by.

“Lord, show mercy!”

I saw that City Lord came quickly with everyone.

“Meet Lord!”

Everyone knelt down.

City Lord sent the treasure list to Su Ziyang.

Taking the treasure list and looking at the 210000 Gold Coin on it, Su Ziyang frowned.

Apparently, it was evacuated again.

In that case, I can only dig the Divine Statue.

Su Ziyang looked at the 50-meter-high Divine Statue and said, “Lead the way!”

“Yes, Lord!”


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