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Di Kui is an ordinary player. It has been more than 2 months since entering Dragon God World.

Over the past two months, he has not eaten, drink or sleep, and finally he has reached the 2th grade.

Such hardworking liver emperor is rare in Xiluo Empire.

Nevertheless, he still did not accept the guild.

In this Xiluo Empire, I was bullied by players everywhere and was extremely useless.

When he learned that Golden Cloud Mine was open, he was extremely excited.

Golden Cloud Mine, that’s where you can dig into Vajra Crystal. You only need to dig a piece to make a fortune.

From then on, life reversed and embarked on the peak of life, that is not a dream.

He recharged more than 200,000 cash in reality into Dragon God World and replaced it with more than 1210000 Gold Coins.

With Gold Coin, as if with a dream, Di Kui came to the Golden Cloud Mine.

After paying the Gold Coin, he entered the Golden Cloud Mine and obtained 2 days of mining time.

Enter the mine, 4 sides 8 reach.

The constant stream of people ran in 4 places.

“Hey, Lan Shou! After digging for an hour, Mao didn’t find it.”

“You die, if you can dig it, Xiluo Empire will open up?”

Hearing these sounds, Di Kui’s eyes were full of light.

In this way, there are challenges.

Mining is an art.

You can dig whatever you want. Isn’t it a miner many as dogs?

Di Kui corner of the mouth raise, shuttle in the mine.

Not long after he left, his expression was taken aback.

I saw a man appeared in front of him.


Looking at Thanos 2, Di Kui was taken aback.

How could he not have heard of Thanos’s wicked name?

How could such a character appear here.

Moreover, he is still mining?

What, he is mining with a hoe in his hand?

Is he here to be funny?

Di Kui almost laughed.

There is such a stupid lack of people in this world.

Thanos Ah Thanos, you are good at fighting, but you are obviously a novice in mining.

“If you can dig a mine of Vajra Crystal, I will…”

The words are not lost.


It sounded.

A white spar emits dazzling rays of light, which strongly attracts Di Kui’s eyes.

“This… is this Vajra Crystal?”

Di Kui murmured, his eyes were full of shock.

Such a scene not only attracted the attention of Di Kui, but also attracted the attention of other players and even NPCs.

Everyone’s eyes were fixed on the white spar on the ground, shock and greed, constantly changing on their faces.

But I saw that Thanos didn’t pick it up at all, but continued to swing his hoe, digging down.

is it possible that

Everyone’s eyes followed Thanos’ hoe, directly down.


There was another sound.

A white Vajra Crystal jumped out of the ground again.

The 2 Vajra Crystals exude the light of temptation, and hook out everyone’s greed.

Soon, a man moved.

This person is an NPC, depending on his strength, I am afraid that he has reached Level 90.

“Not good.”

Seeing the man rushing forward, Di Kui inwardly shouted it was not good.

He didn’t even think, so he went forward, “Lord Thanos, be careful!”

However, there is no time.

I saw that the man had raised his broad knife and slashed at Thanos.

“This Vajra Crystal belongs to an old boss. Whoever grabs it will end up just like him.”

The corner of the man’s mouth showed a cruel smile.



The blonde symphony sounded.

Not only did the man not injure Thanos, but the big knife in his hand broke apart.

His tiger’s mouth was shattered and blood was flowing.

Before the man had time to be surprised, he saw Thanos had already shot, and when he reached out, he grabbed his neck.

“This King is something you can take?”



It sounded.

The man’s neck was snapped off instantly, and his body fell limp.

After a few twitches, there was no movement.

One move, it will kill.

Such a scene strongly stimulated everyone’s eyes.

Everyone immediately withdrew their greed and stopped their figure.

They looked at Thanos with dread.

Seeing that everyone didn’t move anymore, Thanos picked up Vajra Crystal.

Then, walk towards Di Kui.

Seeing Thanos coming, Di Kui’s heart was pounding, and his eyes were full of fear.

“He… what is he doing?”

“I didn’t make a move, I just yelled kindly, won’t you kill me?”

“No, this is what I spent 1010000 Gold Coin!”

Di Kui’s face was gray and his heart sinking to hell.

I am dead and can be resurrected.

But re-entering the Golden Cloud Mine, it will get 1010000 Gold Coin.

I have no money.

Di Kui closed his eyes and waited quietly for death.

However, not at all blasted myself out with the palm of my imagination.

Ding, Thanos’s friendship with you +10000

Hearing this sound, Di Kui could not help but stagnate.

“This King is the Pavilion Lord of Immortal Pavillion. See you for your talent, a peerless genius in ten-thousand does not have one. This King has a peerless Divine Art to pass to you. You are willing to be the discipline of this King and become Part of Immortal Pavillion?”

Hearing these voices, Di Kui was taken aback.

I feel like I have heard this.

It seems to be a method used by a liar.

Thanos, is he going to lie to me?

Thinking this way, Di Kui instinctively repelled.


Ding, Thanos is ready to accept you as a discipline, confirm whether you agree.

Ding, reminder: If you agree, you will get a mysterious creation and a peerless cultivation technique.

Ding, after passing this village, there will be no such village. If you disagree now, there will be no chance in the future.

Hearing these voices, Di Kui couldn’t help widening his eyes, revealing an unbelievable color.

Thanos may be false.

The system sound can never be wrong.

As an ordinary player, I live extremely uselessly, if I don’t seize this opportunity.

In the future, there may be a chance to stand up.

Think about it this way.

Thanos immediately clicked to confirm.

After that, without any hesitation, he aimed at Thanos and knelt down, “disciple, see Master!”

He learned from NPC and gave a big gift of 3 kneeling and 9 knocking.

“Get up, this King will pass on to you now.”

Ding, congratulations on becoming a Disciple of Thanos!

Ding, Thanos has passed you a secret technique: Everlasting Icebound.

After these 2 voices.

A white air current surged like a sea wave into his body.

Ice Attribute turns into seeds, which take root and sprout in Di Kui dantian.

At this moment, Di Kui can feel that he has ice Attribute Power.

Open the special skills panel, and after seeing the above description, Di Kui is even more pupil shrink, and his heart beats sharply.

“Master Lord is here, please be worshipped by the discipline.”

Di Kui kowtow again, kowtow again and again, admiring the light, and writing on his face.

“Since you are this King disciple, this King naturally can’t lose you, there are still 2 good fortunes to give you!”

After speaking, Thanos took out a piece of armor and a weapon, and handed it to Di Kui.

Di Kui opened his backpack and looked at the attributes of the 2 pieces of equipment. His teeth trembled in shock. He didn’t come back to his senses for a long time.


Di Kui bowed down in front of Thanos, hugged Thanos’s thigh, and cried bitterly.


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