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The shock and excitement can no longer describe the emotion of the inspector at this moment.

She stood still, her lips trembled.

The body trembled slightly.

In such a scene, I saw other people’s eyes with confusion.

“What is she doing? Is she scared?”

“It seems yes, is there anything that will scare an inspector?”

“Is it possible that, the purity of this guy is 1%?”

“It’s very possible! He didn’t move at all, just made a look.”

Such discussions kept ringing.

The doorman of Immortal Pavillion, his face looked ugly when he heard these words.

Looking at the center of the viewing platform, Tai Suo and Joel stared at this scene in a daze, with a look of confusion.

Everyone’s eyes are on the inspector.

I saw it.

She stepped forward, 3 steps and 2 steps, and ran to the host.

Then, attached to the host’s ear, whispered.

When the host heard it, the complexion greatly changed.

She showed a cautious face, waved her hand, and personally led a group of inspectors to Su Ziyang.

Such a scene made everyone even more puzzled.

After a while, more than a dozen inspectors completed the inspection.

On the display screen in front of Su Ziyang.


This number lights up.

It looks very plain, but not plain.

This number strongly stimulates everyone’s eyeballs.

this moment.

Tai Suo Great Emperor is stupid.

Joel was stunned.

The participants were surprised.

Dumbstruck onlookers.

Different faces are written with similar expressions.

That kind of dumbness, that kind of silly, words can’t describe.

After a while.

“pa ……”

Applause thunder.

Screams, shouts kept ringing.

Everyone shouted the name of Thanos.

Shocking imposing manner, breaking the sky.

That kind of enthusiastic expression filled the faces of the overwhelming majority.

“Ancestor Master, domineering!”

“Ancestor Master, you have a breakthrough! This technique of purity is unprecedented, and there is no one in the future. No one can match it!”

“Big Brother Wu Chen and Prince Tai Long can’t compare with Lord Thanos at all!”

“My God! 100% purity, this is really unprecedented. Even the Great Emperor Xiluo is said to only reach 99.9%.”

Screaming, simply couldn’t stop.

Watch the center of the station.

Tai Suo Great Emperor’s mouth twitched slightly and his face was ugly.

A wave of anxiety rushed to my heart.

“He was the biggest surprise, and he must never pass the second test!”

Tai Suo Great Emperor muttered to himself.

After that, he winked at the person behind him, and this person immediately retreated.

Joel looked at Su Ziyang, his face changed again and again, finally, he calmed down again, unable to see what he was thinking.

After a long time, the whole scene gradually became quiet.

The host stood on the stage, looked at the crowd, and started talking.

“Maybe some will doubt it, maybe some will not believe it!”

“Like everyone, I have such doubts.”

“So, let the ten testing instruments be tested one by one and found the same results.”

“So, he is true strength! He is the most powerful refining genius in history. In the field of purification, he is even stronger than the Great Emperor Xiluo!”

The host said each sentence, expressing his inner excitement.

Her words completely moved everyone’s emotions.

The whole scene was enthusiastic and agitated again, and could not be calm for a long time.

Su Ziyang stood on the spot, looking at everyone’s appearance, secretly thought not good.

Beautiful Tree In The Forest, the wind must be broken.

This will surely make some interested people hate themselves.

I blame myself, I just focused all my thoughts on Dantian.

As a result, all ten materials were purified in a hurry.

If I knew it, 9 kinds would be fine.

do not care.

Su Ziyang glanced at Tai Suo, a flash of cold killing intent.

If anyone dares to prevent himself from entering the forbidden area, no matter what his status is, no matter how strong he is.

I must not spare him!

at worst, kill him by himself connecting to heaven penetrating the earth!

Su Ziyang glanced at Dantian and thought to himself.

After the scene calmed down.

The host continued to twist her graceful figure and walked to the front of the stage.

“The following 20 people enter the second game! Thanos, Tai Long, Wu Chen…”

“Extend your hands to catch Jin, congratulate them with warm applause!”

After this sound.

“pa ……”

The applause was thunderous and prolonged.

“Next, let me announce…”

Before the host had finished speaking, a man ran up and whispered in the ear of the host.

After hearing these words, the host frowned, and finally, nodded.

“Okay, let me announce the rules of the second game!”

“The second game is for refining, this one is to show your true strength.”

“The first six, go to the next one!”

“For true fairness, all players cannot use their own materials, but Xiluo Empire provides them uniformly.”

With this sound, below discuss spiritedly.

“What? The Empire provides materials? How did this rule change?”

“When is it not allowed to use your own materials in the Refining Contest?”

Everyone’s face is full of doubts.

The host did not explain, and continued to speak.

“Because each material is different, the purity is also not the same. For the sake of fairness, the distribution of materials and the drawing of lots are conducted!”

“Every player must complete the refining tool within one hour!”

“If the refining is not successful, just eliminate it!”

When the host finished speaking, the whole scene exploded again.

“What? Complete the refining in one hour? This is cracking a joke, right?”

“This is absolutely impossible! Purification, for ordinary Refiners, one hour is not enough, even if they are geniuses, it will take half an hour!”

“The refining device, in addition to purification, must be fused and opened!”

For these voices, the host did not explain at all.

She directly clicked on the screen to start the draw.

20 players, each corresponding to a different smooth.

Soon, someone came forward and delivered the materials to Su Ziyang.

Looking at the material in front of him, Su Ziyang was dumb.

Pig iron ore, copper ore…

These materials are all 1st Rank materials and can only be refined into whiteboard weapons.

Looking at Wu Chen again, he is still dumbfounded at the moment.

Grade 3 material?

A pile of Grade 3 materials can only produce blue equipment. Wanting to win in front of so many people is basically impossible.

Others are quite normal, and they are basically 5th Rank materials.

The materials placed in front of Tai Long are all 6th Rank materials.

Moreover, these materials have been purified.

Tai Suo glanced at Su Ziyang secretly and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

“What do I think you do?”

“Non-self clansman, want to enter the forbidden area, 2 words: dreaming!”

Tai Suo murmured, showing a smug expression.


At this moment, an exclamation sounded.

Everyone looked up, and when they saw a scene on the screen, they couldn’t help but widen their eyes with a look of disbelief.

“How could this be?”

“This is too much.”

“This is not fair, absolutely unfair!”

On the audience stage, one piece burst immediately.

Tai Suo seemed to have discovered something wrong, and looked up towards the big screen, his forehead was black and his face was angry.


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