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Xiluo Divine Hammer becomes ten meters tall, standing proudly in the sky.

Above the Divine Hammer, the lightning glow shone, jumping up and down, making a scalp sound.


Su Ziyang waved his right hand, and Xiluo Divine Hammer fell to the ground like a meteorite.


This sound, like the roar of the Milky Way, spread faintly, echoing between Heaven and Earth.

The four-colored lightning awn, like a waterfall, pours down and hits the ground.


There was a loud noise, and the ground trembled.

The ground dust evaporates like water vapor and disappeared.

Unable to ancient rune emerges underground, resisting the lightning glow.

2 powers, cross and confront each other, you come and me, each one does not give way.

Finally, the lightning glow dissipated.

“Get up!”


Su Ziyang uses 10 divine ability again to control the Xiluo Divine Hammer to go down.

Xiluo Divine Hammer carried an endless lightning glow and hit the ground again, obliterating many ancient runes.

In this way, Su Ziyang hammered down.


With every hammer, there will be a loud noise.

Where the forces clash, a shock wave hits all around.

The ground dust was cracked again and evaporated.

Such a horrible scene made the scalp numb and sweaty.

Everyone showed a dumbfounded look.

Even those old monsters who are ready to fight are secretly wiped out the cold sweat at this moment.

Hong Gui is even more so.

He stared at the two clashing forces blankly, revealing the joy of avoided a catastrophe.

This is just the power of Divine Item’s ordinary blow! If Xiluo Divine Hammer full strength attack, how terrible would it be?

Think about it, it makes the scalp numb.

This is too terrifying.

I still want to get Divine Hammer. Why is this not courting death?

The more I live, the more I go back. Even if I courting death, I still have to hurt so many clansman.

Nearly, he became a sinner.

Fortunately, the Great Emperor didn’t care and gave himself a chance to redeem his sins.

“Hmph, don’t dare you be a monster, if the old man fought his life, he wouldn’t let you do harm to all beings!”

Hong Gui murmured, his face getting more and more serious.

Two forces are still clashing.


A loud noise.

The ancient formation mark below finally couldn’t stand it anymore in this brief moment, and broke into pieces.

The lightning glow kept going down.


The ground exploded, revealing a huge hole.

The mushroom cloud formed by dust rose to the sky and enveloped everyone at once.


very quiet.

Dead silence.

At this moment, no one made a sound. They quietly looked at the dust, holding their breaths and concentrating.

“Dong! Dong …”

The sound of the heart beating straight into the ears.

When the dust is gone.


A sharp sound cut through the sky.

In the smoke and dust, a few dazzling red glow, cut the dust, leaked out.

The terrifying, scarlet rays of light, coupled with the sharp high-frequency friction sound, could not help but tremble all over the body when hearing the human ears.

Endless fear spread throughout the body.

As the voice became more intense, many people covered their ears, revealing a look of pain.

The dust gradually disappeared.

A blood-red giant hand reaching 100 meters is struggling frantically.

On the Blood Hand, dozens of Lord level bosses surround it all around, using various methods to prevent it from escaping.


Every time Blood Hand struggled, it would make an unbearable sound.

At the same time, every time it struggles, it also makes these old monsters look ugly.

“Damn, this…what kind of monster.”

“This is the method of Demon Race. How long has this Blood Hand stayed in the ancient city, and it has grown to 100 meters high.”

“If this goes on, there will always be a moment for it to break free, what should I do?”

The old monsters madly extracted the power from their bodies, and their faces were bitter.

Their eyes were fixed on Su Ziyang.

Hope he can figure out a way.

However, Su Ziyang is staring down at the moment, showing a grave expression.

He turned a blind eye to Blood Hand.

“This time, I’m afraid I have to use Divine Hammer’s trick.”

Su Ziyang looked at more than 10 and 100000000 million energy on the system attribute panel, and then looked at the divine ability on Xiluo Divine Hammer.

Clenched the teeth and used up more than 10 and 100000000 million energy, just filling up the divine ability of Xiluo Divine Hammer.

this moment.

The divine ability of Xiluo Divine Hammer has reached 10000 points and can be used to roar.

Now, the immediate crisis can be resolved.

Su Ziyang swept away, looking at all the old monsters who were struggling, loudly shouted: “Spare no effort to this King, don’t hide it, if it breaks free, it will be a disaster for the entire Apocalypse.”

This shock made the old monsters who were fighting against Blood Hand immediately sober.

“Must hold on!”

Thai chess frantically squeezed out the power in his skinny body, his trembling appearance, as if he would fall at any time.

“No… I can’t fall down, I must do it!”

Hong Gui’s eyes were pale, her thin body trembled crazily.

His teeth were shaking up and down, and his mouth made angry roar from time to time.

It looks like an electric shock.

Such scenes are constantly being staged on the battlefield.

Every boss is madly extracting power from his body to deal with the Blood Hand who is constantly struggling and roaring.

“This King is going to kill the instigator behind the scenes, you will stop it for me, 10000000 don’t let him escape, understand?” Su Ziyang roared.

“Yes, Great Emperor!”

All the old monsters shouted together.

It is related to the safety of the apocalypse, how dare these old monsters slack off.

For each and everyone, they all use housekeeping methods and control them on Blood Hand.

Blood Hand, who was struggling frantically, gradually lost his strength, and finally stopped struggling completely.

However, no one dared to relax and continue to resort to various means.

the other side.

Su Ziyang used Divine Eyes and swept across the ground.

“Gui Lang, you are here, why hide it.”

After speaking, Su Ziyang body flashed and appeared underground in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his fist, punched out, and used Breaking Mountains and Rivers.


The ground burst and the dust was flying.

A silhouette was blasted out.

This person is Gui Lang.

“Boy, you want to die?”

Gui Lang looked at Su Ziyang coldly, with a trace of fear on his face.

“hehe ……”

Su Ziyang smiled coldly, his wings flashed, and instantly appeared in front of Gui Lang.

Without any politeness, constantly waving the dagger in his hand, fiercely stuck Gui Lang on him.


one after another The sound of the sword piercing the flesh and blood sounded.

Gui Lang’s blood volume dropped rapidly.

In less than a moment, the drop has bottomed out.


The last knife was pierced on Gui Lang again.

Gui Lang’s health is empty.

His body fell to the ground with a “bang”.

His body split, turned into a pool of blood, lying quietly on the ground.

“Died so easily?”

Su Ziyang frowned, always feeling something was wrong.


Su Ziyang’s scalp exploded, secretly thought badly, “Fucked!”

This sound just finished.

“hehe ……”

A sound of scalp exploding sounded behind him.


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