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After one day.

Su Ziyang was ahead and moved forward slowly.

The Spirit Dragon ants formed a circle and followed him closely.

After Su Ziyang killed more than 200,000 gray lizards, no gray lizards appeared again.

Let yourself make a loud noise, all around is also very quiet.

all around, only the surging gray mist.

The quieter, the more dangerous it represents, and we must not take it lightly.

Su Ziyang frowned suddenly.

His face was extremely cautious.

He took out the Xiluo Divine Hammer, used 10 divine ability, ready to attack at any time.

The Spirit Dragon ants around him are also on high alert, making a defensive posture.



The gray mist surged, and a sound of breaking through the air came.

Su Ziyang complexion changed, danced Xiluo Divine Hammer, and blasted forward.

However, the hammer fell through.

Behind him, suddenly a red and black pliers blasted.


With a sound of explosion, Su Ziyang “thump thump thump” backed up a few steps, shaking Divine Hammer in his hand slightly.

In the place where Su Ziyang had just stayed, there was a monster waving its paws.

It is dark red, covered with thick dark red scale armor, a snake-headed scorpion body, and 6 claws, each of which is cold light.

At this moment, he kept moving his body and rushed towards Su Ziyang.

The Spirit Dragon ant was shocked by it and flew in 4 places, unable to get close.


Behind it, its tail was raised high, and it fell straight from high in the sky, shaking the ground and dusting the sky.

Some Spirit Dragon ants who didn’t come to escape were photographed into meatloaf and died too hard to die.

“deng deng ……”

Su Ziyang reacted quickly, and when its tail fell, he avoided.

Nevertheless, the terrifying air wave also shook his body back.

“So strong?”

Su Ziyang murmured, his eyes were full of shock.

This guy is not as strong as the ancestor, but his fleshy body is by no means weaker than the ancestor.

In this world where magic cannot be used, the fleshy body is king.

Its fleshy body is much stronger than itself.

Moreover, this guy, extremely cunning, could use feints.

The intelligence is so strong, it’s really hard to deal with.

This is troublesome.

Su Ziyang’s face showed a cautious look.

He used Divine Hammer again, and hit the scorpion with a hammer.

When Scorpion Snake saw this scene, his eyes showed a touch of disdain.

With a light flash, he avoided.

“Hehe, you are fooled!”

Su Ziyang coldly smiled, Divine Hammer in his hand, unprecedented, changed direction, and blasted towards the scorpion dodge.

Scorpion snake complexion slightly changed, and soon calmed down again.

With a light twist, he dodges again.

Su Ziyang failed again.



2 2 More than 10000 Spirit Dragon ants, piled into a giant ape, raised their hands, and grabbed the scorpion snake.

In the scene behind him, the scorpion is greatly changed by the complexion.

Make a haste and run away frantically.

It’s just that, where is too late.

The giant ape twisted its neck and pressed it to the ground with a violent hammer.

“bang! bang! Bang… ”

With every punch, the ground trembled and the dust rose to the sky.


The scorpion snake complexion greatly changed, using its tail, fiercely stuck in the body of the giant ape.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t tie it. After a tie, you send it to the west.

I saw that the tail of the scorpion snake couldn’t get back after it got into the body of the giant ape.

Immediately afterwards, the sky ate the Spirit Dragon ants, gnawing frantically on its tail.


Screams rang out.

After a few breaths, the scorpion snake’s tail broke.

Finally, the whole body was wrapped in Spirit Dragon ants.

They gnaw off the skin of the scorpion snake, penetrate into the body, and gnaw frantically.

The scorpion snake was on the ground, rolling frantically.

Gradually, it calmed down.

Finally, motionless.

Its body bulges from time to time.

One by one devours Spirit Dragon ants and emerges from its body.

It became only a layer of skin standing on the ground, above the skin, what was left was the unwilling appearance before its death.

After eating this scorpion snake, all Spirit Dragon ants swarmed around him.

It seems that he is full and ready to go back to sleep.

Su Ziyang opened the Evil King’s cup and let them get in.

More than 200 10000 Spirit Dragon ants entered the cup box, and after feeding the queen, they fell asleep.

After the queen swallowed these energy, her body changed rapidly.

It seems to be evolving again!


Su Ziyang carried the Evil King’s cup on his back.

Looking down, Su Ziyang couldn’t help but stunned.

I saw that there was a fist sized spar on the scorpion scalp.

That kind of energy rays of light is extremely tempting, and it strongly attracts Su Ziyang’s eyes.

“It didn’t even disappear?”

Su Ziyang was taken aback, walked forward and picked it up.


The gray spar, turned into one after another energy, penetrated from the palm of his hand and poured into the meridian all over.

One after another is cool, but with a touch of warmth, surging over 4 limbs and 100 skeletons.

At this moment, the indescribable comfort flooded all over the body.

Su Ziyang can clearly sense that his fleshy body is rapidly becoming stronger.

This feeling of becoming stronger is simply too comfortable.

After a long time, this feeling disappeared.

In Su Ziyang’s hands, the gray spar was completely disappeared.

“My current fleshy body is at least comparable to the 8th Rank Martial Lord of tempering fleshy body!”

“With the fleshy body alone, I can poke an 8th Rank Martial Lord to death with one finger!”

“This is the real good fortune, isn’t it? I knew that, so I should come in early.”

Su Ziyang muttered, thinking secretly.

It took a long time before he calmed down.

“This is really a good place for my tempering fleshy body, this place must not be wasted!”

“carry on!”

Su Ziyang corner of the mouth raise, holding Divine Hammer in hand, and rushing forward.


He stepped forward, and every sound made the ground tremble.


Soon, the gray mist surged.

Two 2-clawed scorpion snakes one after the other rushed towards Su Ziyang.

“It’s just right!”

Su Ziyang corner of the mouth raise.

Now that the fleshy body becomes stronger, the speed naturally becomes much faster.

He threw himself forward like lightning.

Raised his fist, aimed at the claw of a 6-clawed scorpion snake, and blasted it over.


A loud noise.

6 The clawed scorpion snake moves backward 2 steps.

Su Ziyang’s body is also deng deng straight back.


Before Su Ziyang could stand still, another 6-clawed scorpion snake rushed over.

The fleshy body is so strong that it directly pierced the air and burst into a harsh roar.


Su Ziyang’s face was scared, and his body backed away frantically.

Seeing this scene, the 6-clawed scorpion snake was originally a tentative attack, and its speed instantly increased.

Seeing, its claws were about to attack Su Ziyang, tearing his body into two pieces.

At this time.

“ka-cha ……”

It sounded.

6 The claws of the clawed scorpion snake directly hit the Xiluo Divine Hammer.

Its claws split into powder instantly.


6 The clawed scorpion snake screamed again and again, and its body rolled frantically.

However, it hasn’t waited for it to react.


At this moment, Su Ziyang smiled coldly and jumped over again.


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