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“That’s fine, this King can promise you!” Su Ziyang said.

“Thanks Senior!”

Nami again and again cup one fist in the other hand, her expression grateful.

“Senior, can you give her to me?”

Nami looked at Xiaodie, her eyes full of desire.

“She? Impossible! How can this King’s plaything be given to you!”

“And they, don’t even think about it. This is the source of energy for this King to cultivate dragon ants.”

After speaking, Su Ziyang waved his right hand and several black whirlpools enveloped everyone at once.

Including Xiaodie, everyone disappeared in an instant.

Nami sighed then said, “Senior, then you go to Sword Soul City with me now?”

“Yes!” Su Ziyang nodded.

Nami waved her right hand and a talisman was lit by her.

Then, a teleportation vortex appeared in front of everyone.

“Senior, please.”

Nami gestured to please.

Su Ziyang is not welcome, and stepped into it.


The rays of light flashed, Su Ziyang disappeared instantly.

The corner of Nami’s mouth raised a sneer, and she stepped into it.

Immediately afterwards, everyone else, each and everyone entered the teleportation whirlpool, disappeared.

The scenery changed.

What you see in front of you is a continuous stretch of West buildings.

In the sky, the shuttle track is like a spider web all over the sky, flowing everywhere.


From time to time, a flying shuttle hurried past, too fast for people to react.

On the ground, pedestrians hurried, no one cared about Su Ziyang at all.


Nami appeared, right hand moves, a flying shuttle, immediately floated beside her.

“Senior, please!”

Nami came to Su Ziyang and bowed slightly to him.

“it is good.”

Su Ziyang is also welcome, strode into the shuttle, Nami follow closely from behind.


The shuttle is fast, flying quickly in the city of Sword Soul.

Soon, Feisuo came to an extremely huge palace.

This palace, built in the sky, looks like gold and jade in glorious splendor, full of domineering.

2 people just landed.


Two ten-winged angels immediately flew forward and blocked the way.

When they saw Nami, they quickly saluted.

“See Lord.”


After speaking, Nami wanted to take Su Ziyang into it.

However, two angels blocked the way and prevented her from moving forward.

“Lord, outsiders are prohibited from entering the imperial palace!”

“impudent !”

Nami screamed, and the two ten-winged angels trembled.

“This is an expert invited by this King, how can I call it an outsider, even if the Great Emperor sees it, he will treat each other with courtesy, can you understand?” Nami loudly said.


2 People stepped back honestly and cleared the way.

“Senior, please!”

Nami took Su Ziyang and left quickly.

When two ten-winged angels saw this scene, they secretly wiped out their cold sweat.

“Even Nami Lord must be so respectful, who is he?”

“I’m afraid the strength is not simple, it’s not good, George Lord is in danger, let’s hurry up and report it!”

“Well, you go report it, I will stay here.”

“it is good.”

One of the ten-winged angels is preparing to fly into the sky.

At this moment, a ten eight-winged angel sprang out, and with a light wave of his right hand, the two of them were blasted into powder and disappeared without a trace.

Su Ziyang could see everything behind him clearly.

It seems that Sword Soul City is not at all peaceful.

2 people pinch, also brazen enough.

No wonder Xiaodie can strengthen of oneself and kill 50000 people, so that’s how it is.

In this way, it would be much easier.

Su Ziyang quietly followed behind Nami, with a smile on her lips.

Nami walked in front, showing respect to Su Ziyang on the surface, but secretly sneered from time to time.

“Are the old monsters now such idiots? Two temptations at random and they were fooled?”

“Do you naively think that this King can open Sword Continent’s Lord Spiritual Space?”

“It’s funny.”

Nami murmured, feeling comfortable.

Soon, you will get there.

By then, hehe…

“Senior, this room is the entrance to the spiritual passage, please!” Nami said.

“it is good!”

Su Ziyang strode into it without hesitation.

Nami followed closely, and she waved her right hand.


It sounded.

Then, a teleportation vortex appeared in front of her.

Inside the whirlpool, wisps of treasure light gush out, and one glance at it makes a person’s mind rippled, and there is a feeling of wanting to dive into it immediately.

“Senior, this is the spiritual treasure house, please go in!”

“How many treasures you can get depends on your luck!” Nami said.

“it is good.”

Su Ziyang took a big step and entered.

The rays of light flashed, Su Ziyang disappeared instantly.

When it reappears, it has come to an empty space.

Here, the chaos seems endless.

In front of Su Ziyang, nearly 100 crystals of divine ability were placed.

The seductive luster made his eyes straighten.

Without any hesitation, Su Ziyang rushed forward and picked up the crystals of divine ability on the ground.

However, he found that these God crystals, as if growing on the ground, couldn’t shake them at all.

It seems that there is a certain rule preventing oneself from seizing these crystals of divine ability.


Su Ziyang sighed then said and stood up.

Look again.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t sweep, you will be surprised if you sweep.

Not far from him, there was a source of energy that revealed blue glow.

“The power of the source world?”

Su Ziyang’s heart was pounding, and he was extremely excited.

The power of the source world has always been only heard, and now, it is really seen.

This thing, but the power of the pure source world, one piece, equivalent to 10000 100000000 system energy, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

Whether it is used for cultivation or charging the system, it is an excellent thing.

Presumably, the members of the Dragon Ancestor who have met before, they have obtained this kind of source world ability, and they have made their strength advanced by leaps and bounds.

“This must be obtained.”

Su Ziyang murmured, stepping forward, using various methods.

Drag, pull, pull, pull…

However, it is useless.

This source world power seems to be stronger than the crystal of divine ability.

After half an hour.

Su Ziyang stood there, showing an expression without any means.

“Senior, how?”

At this time, Nami’s voice came.

Looking back, she saw that Nami appeared behind Su Ziyang somehow, looking at him with a faint smile.

“It shouldn’t be. These things seem to have taken root and cannot be torn off.”

“If this is the Spiritual Space of Sword Continent’s Lord, no one else is here. It shouldn’t be to use fine divine power to restrain these.”

“Is it possible that, this is your Spiritual Space!” Su Ziyang said.

“haha ……”

Nami laughed heartily, clapped her hands, “pa…”

“Senior, it looks like you are not an idiot, you can find out that this is not the Spiritual Space of Sword Continent’s Lord?”

“But, don’t you think it’s a bit late now?” Nami said with a smile.

“You…you deliberately lied to this King, what do you want to do?”

Su Ziyang pretended to be scared, and stepped back 2 steps, “Don’t you want to deal with George? Without this King, you can deal with him?”

“haha ……”

“Of course I need you, it is the Spirit Dragon ant on your body that I can deal with George, right?” Nami said.

“You are not afraid that I will release Spirit Dragon ants to deal with you.” Su Ziyang said.

“Then release it!”

In the next second, Su Ziyang is not greatly changed by the complexion.


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