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“You stand here!”

After speaking, Su Ziyang flew straight down, and then took out his hoe.

Dozens of players watched this scene with all their faces confused.

“Master, what is it for? Is it to dig summon crystals?”

“No way? Can a hoe dig summon crystals? Master can really crack a joke!”

“Don’t look down on Master, he is a godlike character!”

The discussion sounded constantly.

In the confusion expressions of everyone, Su Ziyang neither fast nor slow, dig down.


A loud noise.

Heaven and Earth trembled.

The whole ground, with Su Ziyang as the center, dusted up.

It seems that the desert has turned into a sea of ​​sand, agitated like a tsunami, rushing upward.

In the scene of covering the sky and obscuring the sun, I saw everyone’s eyes that my scalp was numb and my back was cold.

“bang! Bang…”

The explosion roared, endlessly, and rang out.

Every sound seems to shake splitting the heavens and earth.

The entire ground was covered with dust, making it impossible to see inside.

The explosion spread to a radius of 100 kilometers.

The shock wave of terror rushed to 4 directions one after another, bringing all the people inside to high altitude and sending them away 100 kilometers away.


Suddenly, among the dust, the five-color rays of light rose into the sky.

White, green, blue, purple, gold!

Especially the kind of golden, that strongly stimulates everyone’s eyes in the sky.

“God… my God, 5th Rank summon Jing, I’m rich! I’m rich!”

“It is said that there are enough 5th Rank summon crystals to connect to the immortal level 2 dimensional world, and even summon Immortal directly!”

“Such strong rays of light, the number is at least 10000!”

Such exclamations kept ringing.

Everyone is looking at the dust covering the four sides, with undisguised envy on their faces.

After a long time, all around gradually stopped.

Su Ziyang silhouette, slowly soaring, came to Xiaodie.

“Big brother Han Xing, how is it?” Xiaodie asked.

“Not many, only 210000.”

After that, Su Ziyang waved his right hand, and more than 210000 summon crystals, surrounded by all directions, appeared in front of Su Ziyang.

The colorful rays of light strongly stimulate everyone’s eyes.

The impulse to take it for himself filled his body.

There are more than 2 10000 summon crystals, of which the 5th Rank summon crystal reaches at least 200.

“Wow, it’s so beautiful, this is Summon Jing?”

Xiaodie took a summon crystal and looked at it carefully.

“Do you like it?” Su Ziyang asked.

“Like it.” Xiaodie nodded.

“Then all these summon crystals will be given to you, how about?” Su Ziyang asked.


Xiaodie’s face was bright, as if looking at a pile of gems.

“Of course.” Su Ziyang nodded.

Just when he was about to gather the summon crystal.


A sound came from afar.

Immediately afterwards, count 100 long rainbow thread and arrived quickly.

In the blink of an eye, these 100 long rainbow threads surrounded Su Ziyang and the others.

Everyone has an undisguised light of greed.

The head is a man full of beard.

“It turns out that it is you untouchables, obediently surrender, and avoid the suffering of flesh and blood!” beard indifferently said.

This is the case.

There are many players behind Su Ziyang, all of them complexion slightly changed.

“Master, be careful, they are the Bounty Hunter of Western Desert. They specialize in capturing players and send them to the all black, no daylight Taichu mine.” Zhang Dinghe introduced in a low voice.


Su Ziyang slightly nodded, turning around to give everyone a satisfied smile.

He put Xiaodie in his arms and didn’t care about the beard at all.

Su Ziyang didn’t speak, so naturally others would not speak.

This makes beard slap the cotton like a slap, without any reaction.

Embarrassing, extremely embarrassing!

The anger rushed up from the soles of his feet and instantly enveloped his chest.

“You guys don’t even reply to what Lord said, it seems to be itchy!”

“When I catch you, I will sell you to the Taichu mine. By that time, you will definitely be stunned every day and the ground will not work!”

After speaking, beard waved, “Go!”

This was just finished.

“haha ……”

A burst of laughter resounded through Heaven and Earth.

Hearing this laughter, the people who were going to rush forward stopped one after another and stood in place, the complexity slightly changed.

Beard is no exception, his gaze swept 4, and he watched all around vigilantly.


Nearly 1000 long rainbow thread, came quickly.

Seeing this scene, the beard complexion greatly changed, and with a wave of his hand, he immediately retracted and stood with him.

The 2 people quickly formed a confrontation appearance.

“Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Xiong Li! You guys came so fast!”

The person in the lead was Du Yanlong, grinning, showing his mouth full of pointed yellow teeth, which made people look at him and couldn’t help but fear.

“Du Yanlong, what are you doing? First come first, understand?”

Beard took a step forward, raised his voice, and looked at Du Yanlong coldly.

“haha ……”

Du Yanlong looked up to the sky and laughed, as if he heard the best joke.

“I want to talk to you about first come, first come?”

“Xiong Li, this King advises you to go away immediately, if not, don’t blame me, you are welcome!”

This is the case.


Heaven and Earth tremble.

Countless grotesquely shaped insects are flying all over the sky.

Each one carries the breath of Lord level, and looks extremely terrifying.

Especially Du Yanlong’s Summoned Beast, a golden giant ape, with an ancestral breath, rolling out.


golden giant ape, patted his chest, roared again and again, showing his majestic physique.

See this scene.

There are a few 100 people on beard’s side, and their faces have changed again and again.

The unwilling color is written all over the face.

“This…this is the Summoned Beast, it’s over, it’s over.”

“Ancestral breath, so terrifying! This is dead!”

“Why such bad luck, even Du Yanlong is here.”

Behind Su Ziyang, dozens of players showed a bitter expression.

The head was downcast and his eyes were blank.


“haha ……”

One after another The hearty laughter shattered the sky.

The ten silhouettes stand in the air.

These ten people are ten fat bald heads with baby faces, looking like giant babies each and everyone.

Behind the ten people stood a bull-shaped monster ten meters tall.

With a sharp unicorn, the cold light flashes, as if it can pierce the sky.

Seeing these ten one-horned bulls, the golden giant ape was so scared that he shuddered, and immediately hid behind Du Yanlong.

Similar to the golden giant ape, there are Du Yanlong and beard.

Everyone’s face was full of fear, their bodies trembled, and they stood uneasy.

“Wu Family Ten Monsters, this is troublesome, we live or die!”

“Hey, it looks like I’m going to be caught mining at the Taichu mine.”

“This life is over.”

Behind Su Ziyang, the players face extremely ugly, hiding behind Su Ziyang, shiver coldly.

Ten fat bald guys swept their gazes, just staring at the summon crystals in front of Su Ziyang, greedy and refined, without any cover.


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