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“What? You were beaten like this by a pariah?”

A middle-aged fat man pointed at a group of bald fat men, slap the table and stand up, and glared.

This middle-aged fat man was celebrated by the Martial Grandmaster, the owner of Wu Family.

That mighty and domineering look is full of fear in the eyes of the fat bald for ten years.

“Patriarch, this… it doesn’t matter to us, that kid is too tough.” said a fat bald weakly.

“Where can a pariah be stronger?”

“People who dare to bully my Wu Family, there are not many in this Western Desert!”

“Where are they now?” Martial Grandmaster furiously shouted.

“Patriarch, he… they flew to Xuanmo City.”

“Xuanmo City?”

Martial Grandmaster celebrated with a trace of fear on his face.

“Hmph, go to Xuanmo City, right? When this King arrives, he will definitely capture you!”

After speaking, Martial Grandmaster celebrated the body flashed and appeared in the sky instantly.

“Look, Wu Family Patriarch is out!”

At the moment Martial Grandmaster celebrated, someone immediately uttered an exclamation.

In the sky, the aboriginals counted 10000, their eyes swept across Martial Grandmaster Qing’s body, both eyes were full of brilliance.

“Wu Family Patriarch, what is this going to do? Could it be that his ten sons have been bullied again.”

“It looks like it is, this Martial Grandmaster celebrates, just like this!”

“I don’t know who is so bold and dare to offend Wu Family, this is dead!”

“Putting it that way, is there another good show?”

Everyone discussed with each other, their eyes fixed on Martial Grandmaster Qing, for fear that he would run away.

For these eyes, Martial Grandmaster Qing completely ignored them.

When he came to the sky, he waved his right hand.


The air vibrated, and a transparent vortex appeared in front of him.


The ox roar that split the heavens and earth sounded.

A one-horned bull like a giant mountain drilled out of the transparent ripples, terrifying aura, hiding the sky and covering the earth, spreading to four sides.

Dark black skin, exuding metallic luster, looks indestructible.

The crowd stared at this scene blankly, with shock in their eyes.

“Oh my God, the one-horned bull of Wu Family has such a terrifying aura, I’m afraid it has already arrived at Immortal Realm!”

“Then need to say, at least 1st Rank Martial Immortal! It really scares the baby!”

“If I had such a terrifying Summoned Beast, then I wouldn’t be so miserable.”

Such a voice kept ringing.

They watched Martial Grandmaster Qing riding away on the one-horned bull, and summoned out of the Summoned Beast one after another, followed behind the one-horn bull, and left quickly.

Densely packed, covering half of the sky.

On the ground, many people saw this scene and flew into the sky one after another. After a few questions, they immediately joined the group of people eating melons.

“What? Two youngsters are coming from Sword Continent? They dare to fight the Wu Family Ten Monsters? Isn’t this courting death?”

“Haha, there is a good show. This kind of brainless young man dares to be so arrogant if he doesn’t understand this mainland rule.”

“Little young man, you think too much, I think that person is definitely two powerful bosses. Once they shot, they beat more than 2 people!” said a Du Yanlong.

“You see that young man so much? Du Yanlong, how did you know?”

Hearing this, Du Yanlong was embarrassed and laughed.

“I was one of those who was beaten!” Du Yanlong said.

Everyone looked at Du Yanlong and seemed to recognize him.

“You are Bounty Hunter-desperate one-eyed!”

“You… why are you here? Are you telling the truth?”

“of course!”

“If you put it this way, it is not certain who wins and loses. Now, there is a good show to watch.”

The discussion sounded constantly.

Everyone looked ahead, and quickly followed along.

After Martial Grandmaster celebrated, more and more people followed.

In less than a few hours, there are as many as several millions.

The look of hiding the sky and covering the earth made people feel shocked.

For all this behind him, Martial Grandmaster Qing completely ignored.

He rode a bull and ran forward quickly.

Bull is a Summoned Beast who is not good at flying, and his speed is average.

Everyone can steadily follow behind him without falling behind.

2 days later.


An exclamation sounded.

I saw that a few thousand meters away, the outline of a city seemed to be stuck.

That city happens to be Xuanmo City.

Above the city, there are two figures standing, it is Su Ziyang and Xiaodie.

In front of the two people, there were dozens of silhouettes standing, and everyone was glaring and preparing to launch an attack.

And in the city all around the sky is filled with several millions of people.

The densely packed look made everyone stunned for a while.

“Fortunately, caught up, hurry up, let’s go to the theater!”

“Haha, these two young people are already being surrounded. This is so cool.”

“Fuck, City Lord-Zhou Qinglong actually left the customs. It is said that he has already Grade 3 Martial Immortal. He wants to deal with two young men?”

Wu Qingzong stared at the scene of the sky, riding a bull, froze in place.

I saw that Su Ziyang and Xiaodie were already surrounded by dozens of silhouettes.

Among them, there is the City Lord of Xuanmo City-Zhou Qinglong.

With him, he didn’t even have the opportunity to participate.

“Hmph, watching you two die, that’s also a happy thing!”

“Dare to bully my son, this is the price!”

The corners of Wu Qingzong’s mouth raised, with a playful smile on his face, his eyes fixed on Su Ziyang 2.

I saw Su Ziyang and Xiaodie snuggled together, calmly watching the people around them.

“Two, come to my Xuanmo City, break my big formation, hurt my clansman, what is the so-called?” Zhou Qinglong said.

“Long-winded, this King has already said, give 1000 7th Rank summon crystals, and then release all God’s people, forget it!”

Su Ziyang’s voice echoed leisurely in the city with a radius of 100 kilometers.

This sound was transmitted to the ears of the player who was tied by the five flowers, and his face was moved.

“Who is he? Is he a god? Come to save us, the heaven have eyes, the heaven have eyes!”

“I know, he… he is Han Xing Great Emperor, and the most talented genius in Jade Continent Apocalypse Mainland!”

“What? It’s him! The Great Emperor is here, please be respected by me!”

A group of players, regardless of the chain addition, knelt down in the direction of Su Ziyang, repeatedly kowtow.

The expression of gratitude is beyond words.

This sentence spread to the ears of the aboriginal people, and anger came from it.

Many people pointed at Su Ziyang and shouted angrily.

“Damn untouchables, dare to come to Xuanmo City so arrogant, you should kill!”

“City Lord, why bother with such a pariah, just kill it!”

Such a voice kept ringing.

Xiaodie’s anger rose upon hearing these words.

She stepped forward, her gaze swept away, her cold expression enveloped Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

The terrifying pressure, rolling from her body, seemed to tear everything.

At this moment, with Xiaodie as the center, within a radius of 1000 li, as long as the strength does not reach 5 Wu Immortal Realm, all of them are physically chilled and fear spreading.

“Well…really strong coercion, she…who is she?”

“My body can’t move, too terrifying.”

Everyone looked at Xiaodie, their faces full of jealousy.

“One bite and one bitch, you think you are naturally noble?”

“When we are really bullied?”

After speaking, Xiaodie moved.


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