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Thanks to the efforts of the ancestors of Golden Peng, the Summoned Beast competition was finally ready an hour later.

Because the Han Xing Great Emperor event was brewing, the people who followed this Summoned Beast competition were unprecedentedly strong.

The whole beast soul city is all around the great hall, which is full of traffic and vast crowd.

There are so many people, it’s almost like his face is on my back, I squeeze you fierce.

Bidou great hall is a building resembling a gymnasium.

However, it is much larger than the gymnasium. It can be said that it is 100 times the size, enough to supply 1000000 spectators.

Fortunately, the audience are all cultivators, so the sight is so far away, even if there are 1000000 people, it will not affect their watching.

Today, in the great hall, there is already a vast crowd.

The excitement and discussion boiled like a pot of porridge.

“You said, this Summoned Beast competition, who will win the championship?”

“Aren’t you nonsense? With ancestor Jinyou, other people, how can there be a chance?”

“That’s right, I heard that for several thousand years, the ancestor Jinyou won the championship every time, and was defeated by the ancestor Golden Peng again and again.”

“Hey, it’s really unacceptable. Why doesn’t a new genius appear.”

“Where is Han Xing Great Emperor?”

“He? I can only hehe. In addition to his great strength, Summoning Spell is completely a rookie. I can’t even make it through the first round.”

“That’s right, I really don’t know which of the Han Xing Great Emperor’s tendons has cramped, and he has to follow the rules of the Golden Peng ancestors. Isn’t it boring?”

The voice kept on, and simply didn’t mean to stop.

In the center.

The ancestor Golden Peng has led a group of old monsters to sit on it.

At the corner of his mouth, there was a seemingly smile.

“Han Xing Great Emperor, really didn’t expect, you know it’s a pit, you want to jump? I don’t know where you are confident?”

“Enter Hongjun Dao Field, you can’t help it!”

The ancestor Golden Peng smiled and shook his head, his face full of meaning.

As long as Han Xing Great Emperor died, he could sit firmly in the position of the Lord of Pengzhou.

The ancestor Golden Peng closed his eyes and waited quietly.

After a while.

The host walked to the stage, picked up the PA array, and started talking.

“Please be quiet.”

This sound overwhelmed everyone’s voice.

The discussion gradually ceased.

All eyes are on the host.

After a period of opening remarks.

“Next, some contestants are invited to appear.”

After this sound.

Each and everyone, men and women, raised their heads high, came quickly, and stood full of the entire platform.

Among these people, there are many bosses.

Jinyou is among them.

“Huh, where’s Han Xing Great Emperor?”

“No way, let the pigeons?”

“Damn, I just came to see the Han Xing Great Emperor making a fool of myself, causing me to buy such an expensive ticket and losing my money!”

“Han Xing Great Emperor, really knows himself? I know if I can, retreat?”

Such a voice kept ringing.

The crowd onlookers were basically NPCs, and few people knew that Su Ziyang was the summon master.

Many people shook their heads and sighed with bitter expressions on their faces.

It’s so refreshing to see an awesome character making a fool of yourself.

didn’t expect that the awesome character didn’t come.

The ancestor of Golden Peng was slightly startled, and then the corners of his mouth rose, showing his face full of triumph, “Han Xing Great Emperor, actually let go of the pigeons and admire it! Next, even if you come, I’m afraid I won’t have the face to win the Great Emperor. Is it a bit?”

The host stood on the stage and waited quietly.

After a while.

When he saw Han Xing hadn’t arrived, he announced.

“Next, the rules of the game are as follows…”

The words are not lost.


The air shook.

Two figures appeared in midair instantly.

Formation ban is invalid for these two figures!

The moment these two people appeared, they immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

“Han Xing Great Emperor! Han Xing Great Emperor is coming! He didn’t release the pigeons!”

“Han Xing Great Emperor, Handsome, I stand by you, come on!”

The sound of exclamation kept ringing.

The warm voice became more and more intense.

“Damn, the forbidden air formation is not effective against Han Xing Great Emperor, awesome!”

“Han Xing Great Emperor, you are my god! My knees are about to kneel down.”

For these exclaims, Su Ziyang just smiled and waved.

After landing, he showed a sorry smile, “Sorry, I’m too busy with things, I’m late!”

Xiaodie lowered his head when he heard this, his face blushing.

“Han Xing Great Emperor, it’s good if you come!”

The host came up and enthusiastically held Su Ziyang’s hand to express his gratitude.

Su Ziyang is like a star.

As soon as he arrived, the whole scene exploded immediately.

This is the star effect.

“Since the Han Xing Great Emperor is here, let’s start now.”

“Let me announce the rules of the game first!”

Before the host finished speaking, Su Ziyang interrupted: “Wait.”

“Great Emperor, what are you doing?” the host asked.

“The rules of the game have to be changed. It’s too much trouble to compare this way, or else, you all person, just deal with me!”

This is the case.


very quiet.

All around a dead silence.

Space freezes, Time Freeze.

Everyone’s expressions are similar in surprise, staring at Su Ziyang in a daze.

The shock, the surprise, the unbelief, words can’t describe.

One person challenges 10000 people, and among them, there are many fairy-level bosses.

Han Xing Great Emperor, what does he want to do?

This Space-Time Stop lasted for several breaths.

After a while.

“Fuck, awesome! Han Xing Great Emperor really scared a group of cows to death when he spoke!”

“Awesome. For thousands of years, anyone who has dared to speak like this, except for the Han Xing Great Emperor, I’m afraid I can’t find the second person.”

“Han Xing Great Emperor, you are a role model for our generation, and your invincible imposing manner alone is beyond your reach.”

The exclamation sounded constantly.

On the competition stage, the top 10000 participating members all stood in place, full of anger.

But no one dared to stand up and criticize Su Ziyang.

This is the typical daring to be angry but not to speak.

The host stood in place, and it took a long time to come back to his senses.

He looked at the ancestor Golden Peng on the viewing platform, revealing a questioning expression.

At this moment, the ancestor of Golden Peng was also stunned and shocked.

Even oneself, dare not say such big words.

Han Xing Great Emperor, really newborn calves do not fear tigers.


The ancestor Golden Peng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Su Ziyang, with a smug smile on his mouth, “Han Xing Great Emperor, if you want to do this, then no wonder the old man.”

The ancestor of Golden Peng was slightly nodded upon receiving the eyes of the host.

With the approval of the Golden Peng ancestors, the host breathed a sigh of relief.

He took the megaphone and started talking.

His words immediately suppressed the all around discussion.

The scene is quiet again.

“Since Han Xing Great Emperor insists on doing this, I can’t wait to push it away.”

“Then, please be prepared against both sides.”

With 2 words from the host, everyone on the competition stage immediately started to move.

Su Ziyang stands alone on one side, and the other 10000 players stand on one side.


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