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Enlighten Dao City, hunt in the door.

Zhu Hai ran quickly and walked to an attic.

On his face, full of worry.

Soon, he came to the door and started knocking.


“Come in!”


The door opened, and Zhu Hai quickly walked in, looking inside, a man with an angry Martial Commander, he was the Eldest Senior Brother who hunted the door, Feng Jiang.

Zhu Hai looked at Fengjiang with a sad face and said, “Eldest Senior Brother, how about it?”

“No news.” Feng Jiang said, shaking his head slightly.

“What? No news yet?”

“It’s over, our hunting door is over.” Zhu Hai muttered to himself, sighing constantly.

“Second Junior Brother, a hairless brat, makes you scared like this, as for?” Feng Jiang said.

“Eldest Senior Brother, he is not a hairless brat, but he has a Talent who is not weaker than you!”

“Control the God level avenue, and you can also merge the God level avenue with the Epic level avenue without exploding. This Talent, the entire city of enlightenment, who can do it except you?” Zhu Hai said.

“It is indeed a monster, but it has only been more than half a month, is it possible that, how many avenues can he realize? As for the urgency?” Feng Jiang said.


Zhu Hai was taken aback.

How many avenues do you feel?

More than half a month?

In this world, no one can do it!

Even if Eldest Senior Brother has the current achievements, it took nearly 1000 years.

Moreover, Eldest Senior Brother is the super genius of Enlightenment City, no one can beat him.

“Eldest Senior Brother, you are right, the longer time passes, the more upset I am!” Zhu Hai said.

“Don’t worry, as long as that kid appears, I will definitely let him come back and forth!” Feng Jiang said.

“Eldest Senior Brother !”

At this moment, a man rushed over.

“Say.” Feng Jiang said.

“Eldest Senior Brother, five days ago, a man ran to the Enlightenment Formation. He just entered the city gate and ran out again.”

“So I counted 100 dog noses and chased them out, but in the past 5 days, none of them came back. They must have died.” The man said.

Hearing this, Feng Jiang was slightly frowned.

Putting it that way, that person must have never entered Dao Comprehension Pagoda.

“Is he the kid in your mouth?” Feng Jiang said.

“Eldest Senior Brother, it’s very possible,” Zhu Hai said.

Feng Jiang was nodded, looking at the man, “How many newcomers have entered Enlightenment City during this period?”

“There are no statistics. The number is about a dozen people.” The man said.

“The order continues, as long as newcomers enter Dao Comprehension Pagoda through my hunting gate, it will be free!” Feng Jiang said.

“Yes, Eldest Senior Brother!”

After speaking, the man quickly retreated.

“Eldest Senior Brother, do you want it?” Zhu Hai’s eyes flashed lightly.

“Yes, he must be walking right into a trap.” Feng Jiang said.

“High, really high.” Zhu Hai gave a thumbs up to show his admiration.

2 people smiled similarly, and everything was silent.

For these, Su Ziyang did not know.

At this moment, he has come to Enlightenment City and is wandering.

Because I don’t have the mark of Dao Comprehension Pagoda on my body, wherever I go, I always focus on the focal point of ten thousands.

Many “dog noses” glare like a tiger watching his prey on themselves, ready to take action at any time.

But since this is the city of enlightenment, I dare not act blatantly.

Su Ziyang completely ignored these and continued to wander around.

Because he realized the great path of change, his appearance has completely changed, and no one else can recognize it.

Even if Zhu Hai stood in front of him, he certainly couldn’t recognize himself.

“List report, Hunter Gate has issued a new list report!”

At this time, an exclamation sounded.

Soon, many people gathered around.

Su Ziyang is no exception, naturally followed along and started to look at it.

“What? The newcomer enters the Dao Comprehension Pagoda through the hunting gate and does not accept anything? There is such a good thing!”

“Hey, if I am a newcomer, I really want to erase my mark!”

“Is there any way to erase the mark?”

Many people showed bitter expressions and fixed their eyes on Su Ziyang.

The color of envy, exhibit one’s feelings in one’s speech.

For these, Su Ziyang completely ignored.

“Free access to Dao Comprehension Pagoda? Hehe, this is obviously aimed at me!”

“Zhu Hai, presumably this is the trick you came up with? It’s a far cry from you if you want to deal with me!”

Su Ziyang muttered to himself and left quickly.

In the Western District, he bought a house for dozens of Dao Rhyme. It doesn’t seem to be expensive. For an ordinary person, it is extremely expensive.

Some people can’t afford a set for a lifetime.

There are only two ways to obtain Dao Rhyme, one is to kill others and explode from others.

Second, that is to kill the Dao Beast and obtain it from the Dao Beast.

Either way, it’s a life-threatening fight, nine deaths and still alive.

“It’s time to get a good night’s sleep.”

Su Ziyang stretched and strode into the room.

After that, he lay directly on the bed and started to fall asleep.


The snoring sound was thunderous, and the windows hummed.

Time is a little past.

I do not know how long it has been.

Su Ziyang woke up leisurely.

“So comfortable!”

Stretched, yawned, and raised his head, his expression stagnated.

I saw that there were two more figures beside his bed.

These two people, one is Zhu Hai, the other is Fengjiang.

Zhu Hai, Su Ziyang has seen it naturally.

As for Feng Jiang, although he hadn’t seen it before, as the number one genius of Enlightenment City, his portrait was hung in many places, so he naturally recognized it.

“Zhu Hai, Feng Jiang, you…you…”

Su Ziyang was startled, his face changed slightly.

“haha ……”

Zhu Hai Yangtian laughed, like crazy.

It looks like it has been suppressed for a few hundred years and is only released now.

After a long time, he calmed down.

He pointed to Su Ziyang, showing a look of appetite for him.

“Boy, don’t think you have changed your appearance, I don’t recognize you!”

“Today, inescapable net is ready. If you use 10000 to 1000, you will definitely not escape!”

Having said that, Zhu Hai laughed again.

Beside Zhu Hai, Feng Jiang just looked at Su Ziyang without saying a word.

The 2 line of sight was very calm, but extremely sharp, as if to see Su Ziyang through.

“Boy, I really can’t see it. In just over a dozen, you have realized the same way again.”

“What you are using now must be the Avenue of Change, right?”

The corners of Zhu Hai’s mouth rose, proudly, without any disguise.

“Hehe, do you just eat me like this?”

Su Ziyang corner of the mouth raise, indifferently said.

He neither fast nor slow stood up and just got up.


It sounded.

It was like Mount Tai pressing the top, causing him to stagger and almost fell to the ground.

“The array of Gravity Avenue and Suction Avenue!”

Su Ziyang complexion greatly changed, secretly thought bad.

“haha ……”

Zhu Hai laughed again.


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