
You can search for “Strengthening System of Online Games:” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Su Ziyang stood on the 980th step, closed his eyes, relaxed, and let him practice God’s Force directly, covering his soul.

After a while.

He opened his eyes.

There was a touch of joy on his face.

“This reached the 980th floor. God’s Force was only slightly stronger. The steps below are basically decorations.”

“My soul is nearly three times stronger again!”


After that, Su Ziyang stepped forward and stepped onto the 981 floor.

No feeling, no mental pressure.

“Weak, too weak.”


After that, Su Ziyang directly took five steps.


The spirit was shocked, and a horrible pressure came.

These fine divine powers seem to crush his spirit and squeeze his soul crazily.

Su Ziyang gritted his teeth and allowed these divine powers to crush his soul crazily.

Under these fine divine power tempering, the soul becomes stronger rapidly.

An hour later, Su Ziyang opened his eyes.

There was a hint of joy on his face.

Soul, strengthened dozens of times again.

This kind of tempering is simply shocking and good for people, beyond words.

In this world, there is such a top grade treasure as the Avenue of Refining Gods.

Posted, really posted.

Su Ziyang murmured, his face full of joy.

After that, he stepped forward again, step by step.

987, no pressure.

988, invalid.

989, the pressure is weak.

990, increased pressure, tempering soul, not enough.


Just like that, Su Ziyang stepped forward step by step.

In the sky, the old man stared at this scene blankly, his face was full of shock.

“This impossible, absolutely impossible, I think at the beginning, I stood on these 990 steps for a year, and then I entered the 991.”

“Why didn’t he stand for a while, then step on it.”

“What? On the 992 steps, he only stood for two seconds?”


The old man suck in a breath of cold air, he looked at Su Ziyang as if he was looking at a monster.

Women, or Chen Ling is more accurate.

She saw Feng Qing’s reaction, but she just smiled slightly and did not respond.

“Uncle Feng, you will be surprised later!”

Chen Ling murmured, and the corners of his mouth raised a smile, if there was a smile.

The two of them continued to stare at Su Ziyang.

I saw that he stood on the 994th step and stopped.

The pressure here has exploded a hundredfold.

Su Ziyang continued to relax his soul and began tempering.

Three hours later, Su Ziyang opened his eyes.

Two divine light beams shot out from his eyes.


Hit on the steps, piercing two holes, and a puff of black smoke appeared.

Feng Qing looked at this scene, dumbfounded and shocked.

“What? The spirit is turned into substance, he… his soul is no longer weaker than me? How is this possible!”

Feng Qing muttered to himself, not willing to believe everything in front of him.

His gaze is fixed on Su Ziyang.

Seeing, Su Ziyang took a step forward and ran up quickly.

After a while.

He stepped a few steps and stood directly on the 1000th step.


The endless mental pressure seems to crush Su Ziyang.

His soul, like a candle in the wind, keeps shaking.

It’s like a boat in a tsunami, which will capsize at any time.

Su Ziyang stood there, even though his soul had gone through the pain of endless tearing and squeezing, he did not say a word.

This process can’t be painful. He stood in place, shaking his body, as if he was going to fall down.

In the end, he persisted.

In the sky.

Feng Qing and Chen Ling watched this scene blankly, and they were too nervous to say a word.

As at this moment, they are suffering that kind of pain.

This is a few days.

On this day, Su Ziyang opened his eyes, his face was full of joy and writing.

He stood on the steps and walked on them easily.

At this moment, the way of refining the gods is like recognizing Master, let him play around.


With a wave of the right hand, the divine might squeezed, and it disappeared completely in an instant.

“The first test was successful. This time, harvest was huge, my soul, I am afraid it is the strongest in the entire world.”

Su Ziyang muttered to himself, his face full of joy.


In the moment he was stunned, a silhouette came quickly and appeared in front of Su Ziyang.

He is Feng Qing.

This old man, Su Ziyang naturally recognizes it as the guide for entering the assessment site.

At the beginning, he was expressionless, without any emotions.

Now, he is smiling, proud of one’s success.

Looking at your own gaze is like looking at a treasure.

“He… didn’t he want to body possession me?”

Su Ziyang was shocked, secretly thought bad.

Presumably, his amazing performance is in the eyes of the other person.

Now, he fell in love with his Talent and wanted to carry out body possession.

What to do?

Su Ziyang put his hands on his chest and took two steps back, “Senior, you…what do you want to do?”

These words awakened Feng Qing directly.

When he saw Su Ziyang’s appearance, his forehead was black.

“Boy, why are you so far away from the old man? Are you afraid that the old man will eat you?” Feng Qing said.

“Senior, you…you don’t want body possession, okay with me?” Su Ziyang said.


Feng Qing’s chest stagnated, and a bunch of black lines appeared on his forehead.

body possession? What are you doing? Will you use that kind of abuse?

“Boy, what are you being an old man? Will you body possession?”

“Besides, your soul is far beyond the old man, and the old man can’t win it even if he wants it.” Feng Qing said.

Hearing this, Su Ziyang relieved.

In that way, I don’t need to fear him.

“Senior, what do you mean by calling me?” Su Ziyang asked.

“Congratulations, you successfully passed the first test. From today on, this road of God Refining will be under your control. Of course, you can also put the road of God Refining in your Spiritual Space!” Feng Qing said.

“Thanks Senior!”

After speaking, Su Ziyang thought.


The road of refining gods began to shake.

Immediately afterwards, shrinking rapidly.

In the end, it became Su Ziyang’s palm.

People on the Avenue of Refining Gods are also imprisoned and unable to leave.

Su Ziyang swept his gaze and saw the gods on the road of refining gods, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He saw Free and Unfettered Young Master, Spirit Dove, and the three bosses following him.

As for the others, they all disappeared, presumably they are dead.

“Hey, Yao Ji was killed by Free and Unfettered Young Master, Interesting!”

“Let you live for a while and see how you perform in the future!”

After speaking, Su Ziyang moved his mind and flew directly into the Spiritual Space.

Immediately afterwards, Su Ziyang found an open space and placed the Avenue of Refining Gods in it.


Formation immediately covered the avenue of refining gods.

No one can enter or come out without his own consent.

“You continue tempering!”

This sentence came directly into the ears of the three bosses who followed him.

After speaking, Su Ziyang’s thoughts moved, and the divine might of the Avenue of Refining Gods was pressed and shrouded again!

However, Su Ziyang’s cancellation of failure is a dead array.

After the failure, you can continue to go up.

After doing this, Su Ziyang retracted his gaze, looking at Feng Qing in front of him, his expression stagnated.

“Senior, why are you looking at me like this?”


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