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A heart-piercing roar broke through the sky.

Chu Jun held Chu Zhi, stood up, walked to the front of the crowd step by step, and gave her body to the Chu Family children.

After that, he stepped forward and walked in the direction of Wu Biao step by step.

It turned out that Chu Jun mentioned Wu Biao at once.

He fell heavily to the ground.


Then, using the foot, fiercely stepped on Wu Biao’s face.

“Although my sister died, you didn’t stop it on purpose!”

“But you have a direct relationship, today, you must die!”

After speaking, Chu Jun stared at Old Ancestor in the sky, and then he stomped Wu Biao heavily.


a mouthful of blood spurted.

Wu Biao tilted his head and fainted.

Slap in the face, fiercely in the face.

Shenmeng Old Ancestor looked at this scene, his face changed again and again.

When Chu Jun was about to stamp his second foot, he quickly stood up.


Shenmeng Old Ancestor stood in front of Chu Jun and stopped.

The Old Ancestor of the god dream appeared, and immediately let all around everyone, dumbfounded.

After a while, the blast continued.

“What? The Old Ancestor of God’s Dream is here? When did it happen? It shocked her old man!”

“Can you not be alarmed? This Wu Biao is her grandson! If she dies here, it will make her heartache for a long time. Besides, the face of Wu Jia will no longer exist.”

“In this way, Chu Jun can only stop.”

“That’s not enough.”

Voice of discussion, simply didn’t mean to stop.

“Shenmeng Old Ancestor, are you pleading?” Chu Jun showed a sneer, indifferently said.


Ancestral God, the old man of Shenmeng, looked stagnant, and swept over the 9th floor, withdrawing his anger.

She raised the corner of her mouth and smiled and said, “Chu Jun, that’s right, Wu Biao is not wrong in the end, he just hit the Illusion Technique, you let him go, you and I join forces, and kill the 9-Layer guy, you What do you think?”


Chu Jun looked at Old Ancestor of the god dream, with a sneer, very obvious.

“God Dream Old Ancestor, others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid of you!”

“With these two sentences, you saved your grandson and let me be your thug? It’s a dream!”

“Your set, I won’t eat it!”

After finishing speaking, Chu Jun kicked again, and fiercely kicked it down.


Wu Biao was stomped awake directly, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

When he saw the scene in front of him, he shouted: “Chu Jun, what do you want to do? Hurry…hurry up and let go of the boss!”

“When my grandma comes, you won’t be able to live!” Wu Biao shouted.

“hehe, your Old Ancestor is right behind you, take a look, will she save you today!”

After speaking, Chu Jun grabbed Wu Biao’s arm, pulling and twisting.


The horrible howling, resounding throughout Heaven and Earth.

Wu Biao’s arm was torn off by Chu Junsheng.

Blood spurted out wildly.

It looks very miserable.

Such a scene strongly stimulated everyone’s eyes.

That kind of unbelief and shock filled everyone’s face.

“What? Chu Jun beheaded his grandson in front of the old Ancestor of the god dream?”

“The Old Ancestor of the God Dream did not move, why is this?”

Everyone murmured, their faces full of unbelief.

Their eyes are all on the Old Ancestor of Shenmeng.

I saw, the Old Ancestor of God Dream stood in place, his face extremely ugly.

“If I act, I can save Xiao Biao, but if I want to kill Chu Jun, I’m afraid it will cost a lot of Soul Power!”

“On 9-Layer, I don’t know what I’m facing, it will be who, if I make a rash move, I’m afraid it’s not good for me!”

“Swallow the person on 9-Layer, turn around and kill the Chu army, it is the best policy!”

“Xiao Biao, I can only sacrifice you for a while, grandma is sorry for you.”

Thinking about this, Old Ancestor secretly made a decision.

After that, she flew up and came to the sky, “Wu Biao is like a livestock, killing Chu Zhi, and I have no objection to him!”

The words came out.

Wu Biao couldn’t help but dig his ears.

The kind of unbelief, that kind of dumbfounded, all over his face.

Is she still the grandma who protects her everywhere?

“Have you heard? You can die, right?”

Chu Jun looked at Wu Biao with a sneer on his face.


“Grandma, save me…”

“Grandson didn’t do it on purpose, absolutely not on purpose!”


The sound stopped abruptly.

Chu Jun stepped down and directly exploded Wu Biao’s head.

After Wu Biao twitched a few times, there was no movement.

Seeing this scene, all the onlookers were shocked.

That kind of dumbfounded, that kind of unbelief, all over his face.

Old Ancestor, the god dream, even couldn’t save his grandson?

How did she get to this level?

For these, Old Ancestor turned a blind eye.

Her eyes are directly on 9-Layer, motionless.

In addition to her, Chu Jun’s gaze is also fixed on 9-Layer.

The fire of revenge is all over his face.

In addition to them, the Patriarchs of other families also fixed their eyes on the Tower of Dreams.


There was a sound.

The outer wall of the 4th floor of the Dream Tower burst apart.

Wait for Illusion Technique to fly away, there is no one in it.



The outer wall of the 5th floor cracked open.

In this way, the Tower of Dreams, layer by layer cracked.

Everyone’s eyes did not change, all staring on the 9th floor.

Now, except for the 9th floor, all the outer walls of the Dream Tower are cracked.

“I’m so excited, I am finally about to see this genius this Lord. I don’t know what he looks like?”

“It must be super handsome. Only handsome people can have such good luck.”

“This is not only good luck, Talent is also outstanding, this and the others, once they grow up, in the future, they will be able to dominate the fantasy continent!”

“Yes, but looking at the attitude of Old Ancestor, I will definitely not let this person leave here!”

Such sounds kept ringing.

9th floor, in this brief moment, became the focus of everyone.


Not letting everyone down, the 9th floor began to crack.

Wait for a few Grade 9 Illusion Techniques to fly away, and what appeared in front of everyone was two figures.

One man and one woman, it is Su Ziyang and Protoss.

The two hold hands, like a couple.

In this scene, the complexion was greatly changed in the eyes of everyone.

“What? Two people? God!”

“The two went to the 9th floor together!”

“She… She is the Old Ancestor disciple — Protoss!”

The sound of explosions kept ringing.

At this moment, Su Ziyang and two of them were hit by the focal point of ten thousands.

Sense of Xingling’s trembling body, Su Ziyang tightened her small hand, smiled and said, “Don’t be afraid, I am here!”

“Well, big brother, I believe in you!”

The Protoss was heavily nodded, his gaze swept around, and finally, he stared at Old Ancestor, the god dream.

Shenmeng Old Ancestor didn’t move, but saw that, below, Chu Jun moved first.


He rushed up from below and stood in front of them.

The angry fire of revenge spouted from his eyes.

“You two, no one will leave today!”


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