
You can search for “Strengthening System of Online Games: Imiaobige (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!


In the sky, a laugh sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a silhouette appeared in the air.

She is the Old Ancestor of God’s Dream.

She roar towards the sky, like crazy.

It looks like I heard the best joke, and I couldn’t recover for a while.

Seeing this scene, I was surprised, apart from Su Ziyang, there were countless onlookers below.

“What? Not dead?”

“No way, didn’t we see the old Ancestor of God’s dream turned into a fan?”

“Are we in an illusion without knowing it at all?”

“How is this possible, the Old Ancestor of God Dream, I didn’t use Illusion Technique at all!”

Such sounds kept ringing.

Everyone’s face is full of shock.

“Not good.”

Su Ziyang secretly thought bad, not even think, so he rushed forward.

In an instant, he came to the Old Ancestor of Shenmeng, raised his fist at the fastest speed, aimed at the Old Ancestor of Shenmeng, and slammed it over.


There was a sound.

Old Ancestor’s body was blasted to powder and disappeared.

However, in the next second, Su Ziyang complexion greatly changed again.

I saw it, not far away.

The old Ancestor’s body slowly emerged from the dream.

“Ignorant children, ignorant children!”


Speaking of this, Old Ancestor laughed again.

She looked crazy and wanted to slap her to death.

“And you guys, I didn’t even notice when I was hit by this King’s Illusion Technique. It’s really sad and really sigh!”

Hearing these few sounds, everyone was dumbfounded.

They looked at Old Ancestor of God Dream, and everyone’s face was full of shock.

Seeing everyone’s dumb expression.

Old Ancestor of the God Dream laughed again.

The expression is like controlling Heaven and Earth, becoming a World Controller, and all beings live and die in her thoughts.

It was a long time before she calmed down.

Almost oversatisfied, and laughed.

She looked at Su Ziyang as if looking at a piece of ultimate treasure.

At this moment, Su Ziyang also looked at the Old Ancestor of Shenmeng and kept shaking his head.

“Impossible, I didn’t see you move, why did you use the Illusion Technique!”

Su Ziyang murmured, his face was full of constant color.

“haha, this is the use of Illusion Technique unique to this King. Invisible, you have already caught the Illusion Technique.”

“Moreover, it won’t make you feel anything. This is the highest level of Illusion Technique! You won’t understand it!”

Shen Meng Old Ancestor said each sentence, and his pride became more and more obvious.

She watched Su Ziyang not speaking, even more unscrupulous.

She walked up to Su Ziyang and looked at him with a smile. “Boy, let’s talk about it, are you giving up the pain, letting you go, let this King Devouring Soul, or suffering endless pain, this King will devour your soul?”

“Break, break for me!”

Su Ziyang shouted loudly, using the Illusion Technique.

However, all around, nothing happens.

The Illusion Technique is useless at all.

Shenmeng Old Ancestor looked at him like an idiot.

“Boy, the patience of this King is limited. I’ll give you two breaths of time to think, otherwise, this King will take action.” Old Ancestor said with a smile.


Su Ziyang’s chest was stagnant, and his head lowered, his expression languishing, as if thinking about countermeasures.

Suddenly, Su Ziyang light flashed and shouted loudly: “It’s now!”

While speaking, Su Ziyang raised his fist and pointed it in front of him.


heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the sky seems to be shattered.

“Just know you want to use this trick.”

Shenmeng Old Ancestor’s mouth raised, and his figure shot on the other side.

However, she just laughed, but her scalp exploded.

I saw, the Protoss did not know when, had come behind her, and blasted past her.


An unwilling cry came to an abrupt end.

The body of the Old Ancestor Old Ancestor of God Dream, every inch of it broke into powder.

Consciousness disappears at the end.

The kind of unwillingness, the kind of unbelief, all over her face that was about to burst.

Finally, when the wind blew, nothing was left.

world, restore calm.

At this moment, everyone looked at the sky blankly, motionless.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the body of Old Ancestor from the dream to appear again.

After a moment.

“Dead? Really dead this time!”

“It’s amazing, it broke the Illusion Technique of Old Ancestor, this strength is really terrifying!”

“Two Grade 9 God level fleshy bodies, really amazing!”

“The pair made in Heaven and arranged by Earth, like Immortal couples, is really enviable.”

Such sounds keep ringing.

After reaching the ears of the Protoss, she couldn’t help but her face was slightly red, and she lowered her head shyly.

From time to time, he raised his head, but looked at Su Ziyang’s gaze.

When she saw Su Ziyang’s gaze swept, she quickly lowered her head, her face filled with happiness.

“big brother Han Xing, your trick is really amazing, you finally killed that old monster!”

The Protoss ran up to Su Ziyang and looked at Su Ziyang with admiration.

“Of course, no matter how strong her Illusion Technique is, her fleshy body is too weak. It only takes a punch to kill!”

“She didn’t expect, I can see through her track!”

Speaking of this, Su Ziyang raised his head high in a triumphant look.

“big brother Han Xing, I have decided, I want to marry you!” Xingling said.

“This…so fast?” Su Ziyang expression was taken aback.

“Why, you are not willing?”

Seeing Xingling’s well-behaved appearance, Su Ziyang waved his hand quickly, “Of course I would, but your sister…”

“Don’t worry, we have already agreed to marry the same person, since you two have already…”

Speaking of this, the Protoss lowered his head, blushing to the root of his ears, and did not dare to go on.

“Good numbness, good numbness!”

“Can’t listen anymore, can’t listen anymore!”

At this time, there was a shouted, shaking the sky.

Everyone looked up and couldn’t help but pupil shrink.

Good fellow, the Old Ancestor of the god dream appeared again, not dead at all.

I saw, the Old Ancestor faint smile looked at Su Ziyang and started talking.

“Surprised? Shocked? Don’t believe it?”

“Why do you guys didn’t expect, this King is not dead, right?”

Speaking of this, the Old Ancestor of Shenmeng laughed triumphantly again.

“Tell you, this King’s Illusion Technique has reached the level of transformation. The two just now are just this King phantom. This is my true body.”

“Come, come hit me, blow me out!”

Shen Meng Old Ancestor said every sentence, extremely arrogant.

It looks like this, where there is a bit of Old Ancestor.

Maybe I was depressed and countless, at this moment, I was released.


Su Ziyang and Protoss are both stagnant expressions, speechless.

“Are you surprised that this King’s death was too real just now?”

“Yes, this King’s dream technique has already been trained in the 5th Rank, and you can’t tell it at all!”

“Okay, stop playing, the game is over!” Old Ancestor said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, God Dream Old Ancestor right hand waved, Heaven and Earth instantly changed color.

In the eyes of everyone, it is complexion greatly changed.


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