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“You, it turned out to be you!”

Yaolian’s face was full of anger.

Apart from anything else, summon can also find its own magic weapon.

A multicolored lotus flower stood in front of Yaolian.


A loud noise.

Two magic weapons, return to their respective hands.

“You… why are you going to shoot me?” Yaolian asked.

Zi Shang didn’t speak, and only the magic weapon in his hands was the answer to her.


The two magic weapons collided together again, making a loud bang.

“You…” Yaolian took back the magic weapon and looked at Zi Shang bitterly.


Suddenly, there was a sound behind him.

Look back.

However, I saw a magic weapon that blasted over.

At this moment, Yaolian’s scalp exploded, and she quickly used the movement technique to avoid it.


Despite evading in time, Yaolian was still hit by a magic weapon.

On the right leg, a large piece of meat was blasted into powder.

She retreated deng deng, and fell directly to the ground, her mouth covered with blood.

She looked at Zi Shang, her face full of confusion, “Why are you killing me?”


Zi Shang smiled slightly, his face is full of killing intents, “I can live by killing you.”

Zishang pointed at the sky with his finger.

Yaolian looked up, but saw all around, calm and impermanent.

I am still in the cave where I am.

There is nothing at all.

“You… must have been hit by an illusion! The sky has nothing!” Yaolian said.

“hehe, you were the one who got the illusion!”


After finishing speaking, Zi Shang rushed over again, and the two magic weapons rushed forward, and in an instant, they blasted on Yao Lian.

“bang! bang!”

Two loud noises, two blood holes burst out of Yaolian’s body again, with a miserable look that is beyond words.

Even the heart has disappeared.

Now, I am afraid that Ronaldo Immortal will not be able to save her.

Seeing this scene, Zi Shang let out a long sigh of relief.

Hearing the counting of the colorful angels in the sky, he walked towards Yaolian step by step.

“Push…” Yaolian spurt a mouthful of blood, his face is full of unwillingness.


Zi Shang smiled slightly, stood in front of Yaolian, took out a sword, aimed at her, and pierced it.


There was a sound.

A dagger shaped like a lotus flower petal, pierced in the back of Zi Shang’s head, and pierced through the eyebrows.

His head was instantly cracked.


The body fell into a daze, and after a few convulsions, there was no movement.


Yao Lian couldn’t help showing an apologetic face when she saw this scene.

After that, she took out a medicine pill and swallowed it in one bite.


In her chest, a rudimentary heart quickly formed.

At this time.


Heaven and Earth trembled.

The space is like a lens, broken inch by inch.

Two figures, standing across the sky, quietly looking at Yaolian.

These two people are not others, but Su Ziyang and Su Lina.


Seeing these two people, Yaolian couldn’t help but feel stagnant, and his face was full of look of dreading.

Her gaze fixed on Su Lina, shaking her head continuously.

“Angel Saint Race, or Imperial Family, is this… how is this possible?”

“My bloodline within the body is actually suppressed, and I can’t produce the slightest resistance?”

Yao Lian murmured, shaking her head in her eyes.

She looked at Su Lina, her eyes motionless.

“You…who are you?” Yaolian asked.

“It doesn’t matter who I am, the important thing is that you are going to die!” Su Lina looked at Yaolian as if looking at a dead person.

Later, she looked towards Su Ziyang, and when she saw nodded, she moved.


The Spirit Sovereign Seal in her hand, the lightning glow flashes rapidly.

The aura of destruction, like lightning, poured down from the sky.

“Great Dao of Destruction…this…this is the breath of Great Dao of Destruction!”

“It’s over… it’s over, I’m going to die under God level Avenue!”

“It must be the soul flew away and scattered!”

“no! ”

Yao Lian let out an unwilling roar.

She kept struggling, calling on the power of Divine Spark, trying to escape from here.


The pressure of the sky made her in a quagmire, making it difficult to move.

She could only watch the lightning glow fall, and she could do nothing.


There was a blast.

Lightning glow blasted Yaolian’s body in an instant.

Her body burst into powder at once.

If he didn’t even scream, he died on the spot.

One move, kill the half-step god!

This is Su Lina’s strength.

“Owner, five people have been killed, this is your Divine Item!”

After speaking, Su Lina handed the Spirit Sovereign Seal to Su Ziyang.

Her face is deathly pale and obviously consumes a lot of money.

“Go, you go to recover, by the way, condense Divine Spark, and strive to condense as soon as possible!”

“By the way, the source power of Spiritual Space, you can use it at will.” Su Ziyang said.

Hearing this, Su Lina’s face was full of brilliance.

She knelt down, respectfully, “many thanks Owner!”

“Get up and kneel as little as possible in the future!”

After speaking, Su Ziyang waved his right hand, and a teleportation vortex appeared in front of Su Lina.

“Yes, Owner!”

The body flashed, Su Lina instantly disappeared in place.

Su Ziyang stood still, his eyes swept away.

The line of sight seems to be able to see everything through.

“Come out, Great Priest, this King knows you are here!”

The voice is long and reverberating.

After a while, the air was distorted.

Immediately afterwards, a colorful angel appeared in front of Su Ziyang.

She is no one else, but Divine Race Great Priest.

Her Divine Spark is infinitely close to Perfection, and only one opportunity is needed to become a true god.

“Little Brat, can’t tell, you can actually see this Lord, Interesting!”

“However, even if the Celestial Emperor comes today, I can’t save you!”

Great Priest looked at Su Ziyang with a smile on his face.

It looks like she is in control, so people want to hit her.

“Help me?”

Su Ziyang corner of the mouth raise, shook his finger gently, “You didn’t intend to kill me at all, so how can you save me?”

The Great Priest expression froze, with a trace of unbelief on his face.

“You can see the mind of this King, how did you discover it?” Great Priest asked.

“hehe, you use Avatar to occupy the Protoss and deliberately confuse me. It takes so much time and effort. You only have one purpose, and that is to hold me!”

“As for why you are holding me back, I don’t actually call out two answers. First: I’m afraid that I can’t be killed, so you can answer your goal by delaying!”

“Second, that is that you can kill me without killing me. That is to treat this King as prey and want to consume the energy of this King!”

“In other words, there are two possibilities!”

“If I guessed correctly, Xiaodie must be in your hands. Now, your angel king, is eating her energy, right?”

Su Ziyang showed two extremely sharp gazes, staring closely at the Great Priest.

Hearing this, the Great Priest expression stalled, and then a corner of the mouth raise.


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