
You can search for “Strengthening System of Online Games:” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

After half a day.

In Yuanling City, there is a scene of gunpowder, broken walls and ruins.

The center of Yuanling City.

hundreds of thousands clansman are held together.

They hugged each other, their bodies shiver coldly.

Among them, the long-eared woman who met Su Ziyang.

“Meet the Great Emperor!”

several millions respectfully worshipped and screamed in unison.

The neat sound made Heaven and Earth hum and tremble.

The profound imposing manner makes people shudder.

The long-eared woman stood there blankly, unable to believe it.

“How can these humans be willing to acknowledge allegiance?”

The long-eared woman stared at the stalwart silhouette of the sky blankly, unable to calm down for a while.

I saw Su Ziyang standing high in the sky, looking down on the earth.

“Flat!” Su Ziyang shouted.

“Thanks Great Emperor!”

Everyone got up and stood respectfully.

“How do you feel?” Su Ziyang asked.

“Great Emperor, it’s not an addiction, I only got 3000 Merit Points!”

“Yes, Great Emperor, take us to attack other cities!”

“Great Emperor, since the source world has invaded our world, then we will take them away!”

Such sounds kept ringing.

Each face is filled with blood.

“Huh, a bunch of demos, with me, it’s your turn there!”

Free and Unfettered Young Master coldly smiled, cup one fist in the other hand, with contempt in his eyes.

He looked at the hundreds of thousands Merit Points on the counter, secretly nodded.

“In that case, this King will do you all!”

“This southwestern city, attack with this King!” Su Ziyang said.


Everyone on the ground raised their fists, clasped and thumped toward the sky.

Excitement and excitement are written on everyone’s face.

“Great Emperor, how do these people deal with?”

At this moment, someone asked.

Hearing this, Su Ziyang waved his hand, and the scene immediately calmed down.

Sweeping his eyes, he stared directly at the members of Yuan Spirit Race.

This sweep immediately caused them to bow their heads, not daring to look into Su Ziyang’s eyes.

“Er wait, although it is the source spirit clansman, but among you, many of you have harmed the same kind!”

“Since this clan has captured the Origin Spirit City, here is a chance for you to redeem your merits. As long as you help clansman and those who truly repent, you can avoid death, can you understand?”

These words blasted into everyone’s hearts like thunder.

Everyone turned pale in an instant.

They bowed to the ground, bowed their heads at Su Ziyang and saluted.

“Follow the instructions of the Great Emperor!”

“Okay, get up!”

After speaking, Su Ziyang waved his right hand.


The rays of light scattered all over the sky, like stars, flying into everyone’s eyebrows.

“From today, you all have this King mark!”

“Everything you do will be perceived by this King. If you dare to defy this King’s order, you will be flew away and scattered, and you will never be overborn!”

Hearing these sounds, the complexion slightly changed from Spirit Race.

Those who had been cautious in their hearts were all taken back.

“Well, you all go away!”

“Yes, Great Emperor!”

The source Spirit Race crowd, from the four gates of the source spirit city, came out quickly and soon disappeared.

“Others, wait, join this King and attack the orcs!”

“Target city, northeast, 10,000 kilometers away-Shanyuan City!”

“Everyone has it, let’s go!”

This sounds.


The horn sounded, and the army of millions, like a torrent, rushed towards the northeast.

“Han Xing!”

Su Ziyang was preparing to move. At this time, the Free and Unfettered Young Master ran forward and blocked his way.

“Something?” Su Ziyang corner of the mouth raise.

“480,000 Merit Points, help me exchange the number of Dao Comprehension Pagoda entries!” Free and Unfettered Young Master said.


After some operations, Su Ziyang returned the recorder to the Free and Unfettered Young Master, “A total of 5 opportunities!”

“What? Only five times? Don’t you only need 10,000 Merit Points at a time?” Free and Unfettered Young Master was taken aback.

Hearing this, Su Ziyang slightly smiled.

With a wave of the right hand, the merit redemption rules are presented in front of the Free and Unfettered Young Master.

“For the first ten Merit Points redemptions, only 10,000 Merit Points are needed each time!”

“From 11 to 20 Merit Points redemptions, 100,000 Merit Points will be charged each time!”

“From 21 to 50 Merit Points redemption, 1 million Merit Points will be charged each time!”


Free and Unfettered Young Master glanced around, and finally saw below, there is a line of remarks: The number of exchanges between Lianshen Avenue and Dao Comprehension Pagoda is shared!

Seeing this line of remarks, Free and Unfettered Young Master has black forehead, and his face is very ugly.

Be pitted!

I blame myself, I started to move without seeing everything.


“This King has rounded up for you and helped you redeem more. Do you have anything else to say?” Su Ziyang said.


Free and Unfettered Young Master’s chest was stagnant, and he sighed helplessly.

“Hmph, then this time, I will definitely get millions of Merit Points!”

After that, the Free and Unfettered Young Master followed the large group and left quickly.

Su Ziyang corner of the mouth raise, neither fast nor slow, also followed behind the large group.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is five days.

After constantly rushing forward, the large army always stood outside Shanyuan City.


The army has just arrived, and what is waiting for them is a big formation of sleepy sky.

Everyone was in a fog, and they couldn’t even see 5 meters ahead.

Sifang, there is no one silhouette.

Everyone stared blankly at all around and couldn’t believe it.

“Not good, trapped, we are in a trap!”

“With the Great Emperor, this trap is nothing at all!”


Everyone reacted differently, some were panic, some were calm, and some were attacking Formation indiscriminately.

Su Ziyang stood in Formation and couldn’t help but raise his mouth.

“Little Formation, want to trap us too?”

At random, he moved his mind to connect the evil king’s cup.

In the Evil King’s cup, there are tens of millions of Spirit Dragon ants, each of which has reached the realm of a half-step god, which is extremely terrifying.


With a movement of mind, the hundreds of thousands only eat Spirit Dragon ants are released.

They began to gnaw Formation energy.

After a moment.


There was a sound.

Formation broke apart.

The army of several millions is revealed again.

All their gazes were on Su Ziyang.

I worship the light, flickering.

“jié jié ……”

At this moment, a laugh came from the sky.

Everyone looked back, unable to help pupil shrink, their faces were full of shock.

“Divine power halo, they are all gods!”

“God! There are hundreds of gods, horses!”

“What should I do? Over, over!”

The army that had soared into the sky in an imposing manner, instantly resembled an eggplant smashed by frost-wilted.

They looked at these several gods standing in the sky, and everyone had panic written on their faces.

Many people trembled slightly, and then back again and again.

Even if it is Free and Unfettered Young Master, his face has changed and changed.

“Who is the principal, stand up for this King!”

A white clothed man holding a long sword, with the sword dao under his finger, the power of sword dao, rolling and leaping forward.

Anyone who was touched was complexion greatly changed, and their bodies kept receding.

“God… my god, he… he is at least 2nd Rank Low God, too… too terrifying!”

“What should I do? We have no real gods, who can deal with them?”


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