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Su Ziyang’s face showed a hint of confusion, “Did you admit it wrong?”

“Owner, I will not admit it! Only the Owner can wake me up!”

“Owner, the former Owner asked to wait for you here!”

“My name is Xiaoshi, from today, I will be your servant!”

After speaking, without saying anything, Shito concluded a Heavenly Way Contract and sent it to Su Ziyang.

Seeing this Heavenly Way Contract, Su Ziyang expression is slightly stagnant.

God King Level Other servants?

Su Ziyang’s face is full of unbelief.

After calming down, Su Ziyang immediately pressed his fingerprints.


There is a spiritual connection between it and the stone man.

Can sound transmission through the mind.

“Owner, starting from today, you speed me up to the world!” said the stone man.

“Don’t worry!”

Su Ziyang waved his hand, looked at the stone man, and asked: “Xiao Shi, what is your former Owner’s name? Why do you recognize me as the Owner?”

“Owner, I also ordered according to the former Owner. As for the name of Owner, I don’t know!”

“Owner, tell you a secret, the former Owner is very mysterious and powerful!” said the stone man.

Hearing this, Su Ziyang slightly frowned.

Presumably the former Owner of the Stone Man must be the one who gave him the Innate Spirit Treasure!

The ancestral dream of my own heart must have been given by that guy.

Why doesn’t he want to let people know who he is?

Why help yourself?

What is his purpose?

Su Ziyang’s face showed a trace of anxiety.

However, thinking about this now is a headache.

The most important thing is to save the quest first and let the Protoss quickly condense Divine Spark.

Thinking about this, Su Ziyang looked at the stone man, “Do you know where the heart of the source world is?”

“The Heart of the Source World?”

The Stone Man frowned, showing a thoughtful look.

Then he scratched his head and pointed to the west, “Owner, I seem to remember being in the west!”

“Then, take this King over! Destroy the heart of the source world!” Su Ziyang said.

“Yes, Owner!”

“However, Xiaoshi does not have the power to destroy the Heart of the Source Realm. Only Owner can do it!” said the stone man.

“Aren’t you the Divine King? I’m the 5th Rank Low God!” Su Ziyang said.

“Owner, destroy this thing, not by strength, but by soul! The stronger the soul, the easier it is not to be controlled by the heart of the source world, and thus go to the center and destroy it!” said the stone man.

“Control? The Heart of Source Realm is conscious?” Su Ziyang expression was surprised.

“This is not because the heart of the source world is infected. People who are close to it are easily tempted and fall into the abyss!” said the stone man.

Hearing this, Su Ziyang’s face was full of suspicion, and a wave of anxiety surged into his heart.

Heart of Origin, which even mysterious person can’t destroy, can you do it yourself?

Forget it, the heart of the source world must be destroyed!

Thinking about this, Su Ziyang walked forward step by step under the leadership of the stone man.

The stone man has a huge body, and only his legs are several hundred thousand meters high.

Like two Propping Up The Heavens Pillar-like, standing in the sky.

One step, a few hundred kilometers, don’t really need too terrifying.

“deng deng……”

The stone man is not slow, step by step, the ground hums and trembles.

Su Ziyang looks forward, his face is full of doubts.

Just ahead, tens of thousands of kilometers away, a red cloud covers the sky and the earth, and it is impossible to see what is inside.

The scarlet-red lightning glow swayed among the red clouds, and every time it burst, there was a tingling sound.

In the dullness, it adds a bit of pressure.

“That’s it?” Su Ziyang asked.

“Owner, there is the seal of the heart of the source world!”

“The seal has passed time and has been wiped out. Looking at this posture, I am afraid that the Heart of the Source Realm has recovered at least 50% of its strength!” said the stone man.

“How strong is the Heart of Origin Realm?” Su Ziyang asked.

“The actual strength is not strong. Its powerful is soul control. In its coverage, it has countless rare beasts!”

“These rare beasts can penetrate barriers, go to another world, collect souls, and thus strengthen the heart of the source world!” said the stone man.

Hearing this, Su Ziyang frowned and his face was puzzled.

is it possible that, the rare beast of Dragon God World, is it released?

As soon as this idea took shape, the stone exploded.

“What? A monster went to Dragon God World?” Stone asked.


Su Ziyang recounted the situation of Dragon God World.

“Owner, you must stop it as soon as possible! When it comes back from the lower realm monster, the soul energy sent will be extremely large, I am afraid that when the time comes, you will be the Owner…”

Speaking of which, the Stone Man can’t continue.

“Okay, take me over!”

“Yes, Owner!”

The Stone Man stepped forward and hurried to the red cloud.

It seemed to be far away, but in fact it didn’t have several points of clock, and it reached Hongyun.

“Owner, I can’t go in, otherwise, I will be controlled by it, and I will shoot you!”

“Everything, please Owner!” Shishi said.


Su Ziyang did not dare to be idle.

For this kind of peerless evil, never dare to let it grow.

If it reaches the point of being uncontrollable, it will not only be a disaster for Dragon God World, but it will also be an extremely terrifying disaster for the entire Three Thousand Small World.

Even, the Three Thousand Worlds will cause destroying heaven extinguishing earth.


Su Ziyang’s body was instantly swallowed by a red cloud.

“Little Brat, come on, I have been waiting for you for a long time!”

“My son, I am your mother, come to my arms!”

“big brother Han Xing, come on, let’s have a Dual Cultivation!”

“Big brother, I want to marry you with elder sister!”

Such sounds filled Su Ziyang’s mind constantly.


Su Ziyang is just coldly smiled, allowing these sounds to hit his head, completely ignoring.

For those who have reached the peak of the avenue of refining gods, this little control is ineffective.

Su Ziyang stepped forward and rushed in.

After half a moment.


A beast roar.

A stone rare beast resembling a lion drilled out of the red mist, aimed at Su Ziyang’s neck, and bit it.


There was a sound, the stone rare beast teeth cracked, and a mournful cry was heard.

Bite Su Ziyang on the neck, but did not cause any harm.

Want to escape, but found that Su Ziyang’s tail was caught.

Turning around and turning back, he pounced on Su Ziyang.


It was Su Ziyang who was waiting for it with a punch in its head.


Its head broke apart in an instant.

Immediately, there is its body.


A group of pure Soul Power slowly dances.

Gushing into the red mist, quickly merge with it.

“hmph ……”

Su Ziyang was coldly snorted, right hand grabbed this group of Soul Power, he grabbed it.

Then, take the Avenue of Fusion, and be with your soul fusion.

“My soul can be strengthened!”

Su Ziyang opened his eyes suddenly, and two bright glow burst out.


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