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“What? Great Emperor, are you going to the angelic holy world?”

Su Lina was taken aback, her face was full of surprise.

“What?” Su Ziyang looked confused.

“Great Emperor, the angelic holy world is no better than Dragon God World, there are more gods there, even Supreme God!” Su Lina said.

“It’s just a Supreme God, I can’t beat a finger!”

The Protoss stood up, his face was full of contempt.

Hearing this, Su Lina looked at the Protoss, surprised look, writing all over her face.

“Great Emperor, you?” Su Lina wanted to speak, but was stopped by Su Ziyang.

“Don’t worry! Don’t say a Supreme God, even if Divine King comes, it’s not our opponent.” Su Ziyang said.

Seeing Su Ziyang is not like joking. Su Lina was shocked for a long time and never came back to his senses.

How long did it take for the Great Emperor to grow to this level?

I have just reached High God now, which is far behind the Great Emperor.

“That line, Great Emperor, I am willing to lead the way!”

Su Lina is nodded, with a hint of worry on her face, “Great Emperor, how do we get there?”

“You don’t have to worry about this. Please answer me a few questions first. I think it is necessary. Then go ahead. Otherwise, it will be a waste of time!” Su Ziyang said.

“Great Emperor, you ask!”

“Angel Sacred World, what is dangerous, where even Supreme God dare not enter?” Su Ziyang asked.

“The Great Emperor, there really is, it’s called Hunlun Ghost Domain. The place is extremely dangerous. It is said that even the Divine King enters, there is no life!”

“In Legendary, there are two Divine Kings who didn’t believe in evil, entered them, and as a result, they never came out!”

“The angelic holy realm, even without this Divine King, World Source Strength, was plundered by the other world, thus failing to complete the fifth world.” Su Lina said.

Hearing this, Su Ziyang’s eyes are bright light glittering uncertain.

“Putting it that way, your angelic holy world, was also famous before?” Su Ziyang said.


Before Su Lina could speak, Protoss stepped forward and said first: “Our Holy Spirit Heaven Realm is so strong. It is said that 100,000 years ago, there were two Divine Kings who went to other worlds and took World Source. , Only now has the achievements.”

“putting it that way, Holy Spirit Heaven Realm has captured the origin of the angelic holy realm?” Su Ziyang was taken aback for a moment.

“It should be like this!”

The three women are nodded at the same time.

“What is World Source?” Su Ziyang asked.

The words came out.

The three girls looked at Su Ziyang like a monster.

The expression is like looking at a turtle in a mountain.

“Why look at me like this? Just say if you know it!” Su Ziyang clasped his hands on his back, pretending to be angry.

“Big brother Han Xing, what World Source is, I can’t tell you specifically.”

“If I evolve, you will understand!”

After speaking, Xiaodie waved his right hand.

The rays of light spilt into the sky, followed by rapid changes.

A ray of chaos and gray, if there is an air current that seems to be nothing, flying in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Su Ziyang secretly nodded.

“Isn’t it Dao of Primordial Chaos madness? What is World Source? Really!”

“It looks like you don’t understand anything!”

Su Ziyang shook his head for a while.

Immediately afterwards, with a wave of the right hand, a puff of Dao of Primordial Chaos gas appeared in his hand immediately.

Slowly drifted up, and instantly attracted the eyes of the three women.

“What? World Source?”

“Big brother Han Xing, you are so amazing, there is World Source!”

“Great Emperor, what you are holding is really World Source!”

The three murmured to themselves, and they didn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

Looking at Su Ziyang’s eyes, full of admiration.

“big brother Han Xing, where did this World Source come from?” Xiaodie said.

“This is called Dao of Primordial Chaos Qi, don’t call it wrong! This thing is obtained from the source spirit dojo.”

“Presumably, this is the World Source in your mouth. Without these things, this source world will probably decline soon.” Su Ziyang said.

“big brother Han Xing, didn’t you leave a bit?” Xingling asked.

“No, Spirit Race, the source of this world, has all entered my Spiritual Space!”

“I took the Dao of Primordial Chaos breath away and used it to transform my Spiritual Space! Let the Spiritual Space tidy and stronger!” Su Ziyang said.

“Well, big brother Han Xing, I support you!”

Xiaodie and Xingling, hugging Su Ziyang’s arm, said together.

“Well, in that case, we will accept the Dao of Primordial Chaos from the Three Thousand Small World! Create an extremely huge world!”

“All creatures live in the world we created. Is this good?” Su Ziyang said.

“Very good, big brother Han Xing, I look forward to it!”

“I don’t know how the Imperial Father will react after living in such a world!”

The faces of the two women are full of hope.

“Okay, Su Lina, you go back to Spiritual Space cultivation first, and I will call you again if something happens!” Su Ziyang said.


Su Lina, nodded, strode into the teleportation vortex.

When Su Lina disappeared, Su Ziyang’s gaze swept around, and the entire Origin Realm entered his eyes.

“Although you are rare beasts, you are now sober and not controlled by Evil Eye!”

“Then, let you also live in my Spiritual Space to hone others!”

Thinking so, Su Ziyang waved his right hand.


At this moment, no matter where you are, no matter what kind of animal it is.

Their bodies fly upside down uncontrollably.

Finally, all were submerged in Su Ziyang Spiritual Space.

Su Ziyang created a planet to let these creatures live on it.


The earthquake trembled, and the ground was slowly rising.

Plants, fungi and other creatures also enter Su Ziyang’s Spiritual Space.

Shortly afterwards, the source world mainland was completely barren.

“The creatures in the water can’t be let go!”

Su Ziyang muttered to himself, secretly nodded.

When preparing for the action, Xiaodie stepped forward and said, “big brother Han Xing, to take away the creatures a little bit like this, it is better to turn this World into a planet and place it in the Spiritual Space!”


Su Ziyang was taken aback. This idea was good, but his own strength alone was basically impossible.

“big brother Han Xing, let’s help you together, yin and yang will work together, and you will succeed!” Xiaodie said.

“Yes, big brother Han Xing, let’s get together, don’t do everything alone, so tired!” Xingling said.


Su Zi nodded.

The three began to move.


Under the control of the three people, the vast expanse of the world slowly lifted and curled up.

Finally, start a huge planet.

The planet is big enough to be a hundred times the size of Su Ziyang’s main planet. It shook him in place, and it didn’t calm down for a long time.

“Go in!”

shouting loudly, the planet enters the Spiritual Space and starts to spin around the sun.

The three of them stood in the Spiritual Space, their eyes bright and uncertain.

“big brother Han Xing, what is the name of this planet?”

Su Ziyang slightly frowned, said: “Since it is the Origin Realm, it is called Origin Spirit Star!”

“What about the two planets!”

“This one is called Han Xing, and that one is called Lingxing!”


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