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After arriving at the Special Operations Division's camp, Su Han and Hades were placed in a suite.

Huo Yan still had to report before he could come over.

"Hades, you have been traveling around the world for many years. Do you know what Huo Yan just said?"

Hades nodded and said,"I know a little. I have also killed the Apostles of God, oh, the first generation of new humans. Every country has its own name for this group of people."

"Damn, you're really good, you're really awesome, are you bragging?"

Hades spread his hands and said,"Why would I lie to you? My friend."

Su Han leaned back on the sofa and murmured,"Actually, a lot of times, I feel it's a bit unrealistic. Playing games can make you stronger, it seems like a brainwashing method of pyramid schemes."

Hades asked,"What is pyramid schemes?"

Su Han almost forgot that this guy was a foreigner, and said,"Pyramid schemes are a very evil organization. They are good at controlling people's psychology, making them believe in things that don't exist and become fanatical about them."

Hades nodded, not quite understanding, and said,"It's similar to using faith to control believers, right?"

"That's about right."

Hades interrupted him, and Su Han lost interest in talking about his inner thoughts.

Hades seemed to be very interested in this place. He stood by the window and looked outside.

"What have you been looking at?"

Hades said without even turning his head,"The defense here is very strong, but there are still loopholes. I have found at least five ways to sneak in. My friend, you have to understand your current situation. Even if you stay at home, you are not safe."

Su Han looked at Hades with increasing curiosity and said,"You guy, it seems that you are not as simple as you look. What else do you know?"

Hades stopped watching this time and sat down on the sofa.

"Don't worry, my friend. At least I have no hostility towards you now, right?"

Su Han smiled and said,"Yes, I just realized now, maybe you deliberately fell into my hands."

"Although it's not entirely true, I don't deny it, hahaha!"

As the two chatted, Huo Yan opened the door and walked in.

"Su Han, I just received news that this competition has been cancelled, but it has been replaced by another method."

""Huh? What method?"

Huo Yan's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and he said,"Simulation exercise!"

Hades chuckled and said,"A battle between the old generation and the new generation of new humans? This is very interesting."

After hearing what Hades said, Huo Yan's eyes turned to help."

Hades did not agree or refuse, and set his eyes on Su Han.

Su Han was stunned and said,"Why, didn't you say that you killed that Apostle of God? It's just right for me to see if you are bragging or not."

"Since you said so, I must prove it. However, it is very wrong for you to doubt your friend."

""Tsk, let me show you how powerful I am."

There was no conversation that night. The three of them did not log into the game tonight.

They still had some sense. This simulation exercise was not a game. They needed enough sleep to ensure their physical strength.

The next day, just after dawn, Su Han was pulled out of the bed by Hades.

Until breakfast, Su Han looked listless.

He usually had to sleep until nine or ten o'clock. Although he went to bed early, he was more or less uncomfortable to get up at six o'clock.

Huo Yan was organizing his own team, and Hades also got a set of equipment. This guy was originally a killer, and his momentum was very sharp.

Clothes make the man, and now with such a set of equipment, he can go directly to the movie to be the male lead.

Su Han yawned. He had nothing except a combat uniform.

Gun? He knew how to use it, but he just couldn't aim.

If it was really a one-on-one duel, Huo Yan really had no confidence.

He didn't tell Su Han many things, but it didn't mean that he didn't know them himself.

The first generation of new humans are the ones who have the most direct contact with The"mysterious crystal core" belonged to the elite forces of various countries who first entered the ruins after they were discovered.

Under the radiation of a group of mysterious powers, they have strength that is several times stronger than that of ordinary people, and they are simply not something that ordinary people can defeat.

However, the change in the rules now makes this battle full of uncertainty. There are too many elements that can be used in the simulation exercise. Terrain, tactics, etc. can all affect the power crushing.

Su Han's existence itself is full of uncertainty. Although this guy said before that his assimilation ability is very low, judging from his subsequent performances, he obviously has reservations.

But Huo Yan didn't know that this simulation exercise, in the final analysis, was actually aimed at Su Han.

It was just that some high-level people wanted to see what kind of strength Su Han has now, and whether he is still hiding something.

They can't hand over all the huge resources to a person who can't be confirmed. They can't afford this kind of gamble. If they lose, they will ruin the entire planet.

"Su Han, it's time for us to go."

Hades pulled Su Han's clothes.

""Hmm... Hmm? Go? Where to?"

Hades was confused. Was this guy daydreaming just now?

"Didn't Mr. Huo just say that we two can act on our own without being commanded?"

"Oh, so that's it. By the way, why didn't he tell me the rules? How do you win? Do you need to be careful when you attack?"

Hades was speechless again and said,"I just said that there are two conditions for victory. You just need to complete one of them. The first is to find the opponent's flag, and the other is to eliminate them all. As for the rest, there are no rules. Just don't kill anyone."

"Oh, really? Then let's go."

Su Han yawned again, and it was obvious that Hades didn't hear a few words.

Hades was now doubting his own judgment. He was wondering if he had found the wrong person.

The terrain for the exercise was inside a mountain. The entire mountain, including a circle of areas at the foot of the mountain, belonged to the exercise range. The outermost area had been marked and there were people guarding here to prevent anyone from violating the rules.

This mountain was also quite interesting. It was almost half bare and the other half full of vitality. I don't know what the climate and temperature were like to create such a strange landscape._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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