This diamond-level game cabin not only makes it more comfortable for players to lie inside, but the biggest advantage is that there is no need to queue up and players have the right to log in first.

You should know that this"God of Glory" is open to all players in the world. Ordinary games can only be carried by partitions, but this one has only one zone to accommodate all players.

Of course, there will be some delays in loading when logging in.

With the right to log in first, when the game is first released and everyone is logging in frantically, players can take on tasks and grab monsters first to seize the initiative.

Su Han confirmed the information on the other end of the phone and hung up.

"Now we are just waiting for the game pod to be delivered!"

The release date of this game is the day after tomorrow, which is also the first day of Su Han's summer vacation. Long before that, the classmates in the school were already full of eager expectations for this game and were discussing it every day.

However, there are also many people who cannot meet the conditions and can only listen in enviously. After all, the expensive price of this game pod makes some people discouraged. Of course, they will not give up. Many people are ready to work hard to save money. They want to enter"God of Glory" at all costs. Just the fact that the game ability can be synchronized with the reality is enough to try it even if they have to sell their pots and irons.

Even the United Nations officials have made statements that this game will bring a new era.

Therefore, even governments and the military will invest a lot of manpower and material resources here to participate in this game.

At this time, Su Han came to school. Because the holiday was going to be the day after tomorrow, and the exams were completed, the classmates in the classroom were chattering about something, with excitement on their faces.

"Hey, I finally scraped together enough money to buy a gaming pod yesterday"

"Really? You're awesome. Oh, I don't have enough money yet. I need to save some money."

"Come on, call me when you are online, I will take you there!"

"Oh? That's great, you said it, I'll depend on you then!"

"……"Such conversations can be heard everywhere.

Su Han just smiled faintly and sat there leisurely listening to the discussions of his classmates.

"Su Han, what are your plans for this summer vacation? Do you want to work with me?"

At this time, a slightly fat boy came over, patted his shoulder and said with a smile.

He is one of Su Han's good friends in this world - Lin Dong. His family is also very ordinary. He has not yet collected enough money to buy a game cabin. He usually works with Su Han.

"Um, sorry, I plan to play"God of Glory" this summer.》"Su Han said with a smile

"What? You bought a game cabin? That's great, kid! I have to work harder, you have to level up well, and you have to guide me when the time comes!"

Hearing Su Han's words, Lin Dong was stunned at first. Although he was surprised, he didn't have any disbelief or jealousy. He was just relieved and blessed.

""Tsk, there are more and more people who love to brag these days!" At this time, a sarcastic voice came from the side.

The two looked sideways and saw that it was Wang Bo, the rich second generation in their class.

This person usually relied on his family's wealth to always form cliques and factions. He had several lackeys and looked down on people from poor families.

Su Han and Lin Dong were naturally one of the poor people he hated.

"Wang Bo, what the hell are you talking about? Who is bragging? Can't Su Han buy a game cabin?"

At this time, Su Han didn't say anything, and Wang Bo was the first to roar in dissatisfaction.

Wang Bo looked down on these poor classmates, so naturally they didn't like him either.

"An ordinary game cabin costs 99,999 yuan, and he? Even if he works as a temporary worker for a year, he can't afford it, right?"Wang Bo continued to look down on him.

"That's right, you're just bragging and you don't have to worry about the wind blowing off your tongue." At this time, Liu Liang, one of Wang Bo's lackeys, also started to make a noise.

Then he looked at Wang Bo with a flattering face and said,"Mr. Wang, I heard that you bought a platinum-level gaming cabin this time, which costs more than one million. That's awesome!"

Hearing this, Wang Bo looked very pleased. He glanced proudly at the classmates who came over because of the quarrel and said,"It's okay, it's just a small amount of money. I can earn it back in the game, so I'll just consider it an early investment."

"Tsk tsk, look at it, only you, Young Master Wang, can be so casual, it's millions. And you think so far ahead, you have the concept of investment at such a young age, you will definitely be able to move to a higher level in the future after inheriting your uncle's business."

"Haha, it's just so-so! Hahaha!"

Just at this moment, the head teacher Liu Qiong walked in.

"Classmates, summer vacation will start the day after tomorrow, and the public beta of"God of Glory" will also be launched the day after tomorrow. I know that many students in the class will enter this game, so please come to the stage to register to avoid delaying the start of school. In the game world, sometimes you can't just say it and it will come out."

Hearing this, the students who have already purchased the game cabin went up to register with a proud look on their faces. To own a"God of Glory" game cabin is definitely a symbol of status for them as students.

Su Han naturally went up as well, but in his heart he was thinking that this world is very interesting. Even the school and the government support the release of"God of Glory" this time. The United Nations even stated that as long as you play this game, you can take leave at any time when you are at school or work.

Naturally, governments and schools of various countries have given absolute support, and everyone feels that a new era may be coming.

At this time, it was Su Han's turn to register. He took out the game cabin confirmation letter sent by Huayu Company and handed it over.

"Diamond, diamond-level limited edition?"Liu Qiong looked at the confirmation letter in her hand, her eyes suddenly widened, and she screamed in disbelief.

The students in the audience also looked over with doubtful eyes.

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