In a magnificent private club in Country M

"Captain, we took a big detour. The Su Han in the game is the real name of the player. I thought it meant something at first, but it was too late. Now Huo Yan from China has taken him away and protected him."

"Real name?" Hearing this, James was also stunned.

Most people who play games use nicknames, and I have never seen anyone use their real name, so their starting point is wrong. They first searched other games to see if there were such nicknames, and then found out that Huo Yan had already reached an agreement with Su Han.

"Humph! It's too late, the game is just beginning, let's wait and see for a while."


At the same time, many forces reported this information. They all knew that Su Han in this game, also called Su Han in reality, had no background before.

But now it is different. He has China as his backer, so the forces that wanted to win him over and take action before have to change their original intentions.

Originally, when they could not win him over, some extreme forces were ready to take the initiative and nip all hidden dangers in the bud.

However, Su Han is now protected by China, which is different. If they take action again, it would be equivalent to declaring war on China directly, and the situation would be serious. It is not time yet.

Therefore, all the orders to kill were withdrawn, and they took a bystander attitude for the time being. If Su Han really causes them confusion in future games, then they may have to take action at that time.

At present, they have sent many people to try to contact Su Han to see if they can persuade him to defect and win him over.


A private bar, a seductive woman sitting at the bar, her fingers tracing her gorgeous red lips

"Little guy, you can't run away!"

""Boss, he just got a level 10 notice. I just checked and the highest ranking has reached level 14. Is it necessary to pay too much attention to him?"

A man on the side said flatteringly, and when he looked at the charming woman, a trace of heat appeared in his eyes.

""Idiot, what do you know?" The seductive woman glanced at the man coldly and scolded him.

This woman was only 20 years old, but she was already the queen of the Asian underground organization - Leng Ruolan, with extraordinary abilities, an angelic face and a devilish figure.

But those who knew her only dared to watch from afar and not dare to act rashly, because she was so vicious.

Others' scramble for Su Han was different from her. She knew some secrets that even the top leaders of the United Nations did not know.

Because her organization had developed a relic unknown to the outside world, she got some key information there.

And she knew that Su Han was the key, so she had to get him!


Su Han didn't know all this, and he didn't have time to understand it. Now he just wanted to upgrade and strengthen his strength.

A0018 Novice Village, as soon as he logged into the game, he directly hid his game nickname.

In this way, unless the other party added him as a friend, or he attacked the other party, or completed some game progress and was notified, his nickname would be displayed.

He looked at the leaderboard and found that his level 11 advantage was gone overnight. His name could not be found in the top 500.

"These people are really fighting hard!" Su Han chuckled. The highest ranking person on the list is actually level 14.

"3 levels difference?"He muttered to himself, closed the leaderboard, and went out of the village to level up.

The reason why he was invited by Huo Yan was that he had such value, otherwise he would not be able to enjoy the current treatment.

Of course, he could choose to be unknown, leave the game and stop upgrading, then he would be forgotten by everyone.

But would he do that? Obviously not.

So before he grows up, he must demonstrate his own value.

Not long after, he came to an area south of the Novice Village, which was marked as the Death Beast Forest on the map, and had the same name as the first dungeon that would be opened at level 20.

No, the entrance to this dungeon is deep in this beast forest.

And here, from the outside to the inside, there are monsters of levels 10-20.

Standing at the entrance of the beast forest, he just took a quick glance and rushed in directly.

As soon as he entered the forest, he saw players in groups of three or two already fighting monsters on the periphery.

Looking around, although there are many monsters here, there are also many players.

So, He bypassed this place and went deeper again. He stopped only when he saw the level 11 monsters appear.

Although the highest level on the list has reached level 14, there are also many players at levels 12 and 13.

But that refers to the entire server. There are not so many novices in A0018 where Su Han is.

Here we have to talk about another interesting part of this game.

The game's novice villages are divided into tens of thousands, but each is an independent individual, and there is no passage between novice villages.

And everything in each novice village is the same, including the level 20 dungeon that will be opened. There is also one in each novice village, which is equivalent to a world with different dimensions.

However, the whole server shouting and the whole server announcement can communicate with each other, and the data is also synchronized. According to the game, only after the level 20 dungeon is cleared, the next level map - the City of Glory will be opened!

At that time, all the players in the novice village can gather there, and that is the real beginning.

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