【Server-wide notice: Wild BOSS——Kara has been refreshed. All players are requested to go to the Kara Valley to siege it! All novice villages are refreshed simultaneously. Once one of the BOSS is killed, the Wild BOSS first kill event will end, and the first kill player will obtain the only rare skill!】


At the moment when Kara refreshed, a notice was posted in the whole server, and it was posted five times in a row.

This attracted the attention of players who were originally at a very low level and did not want to get involved in this mess.

It is a unique rare skill! And it is synchronized in the whole area.

They all know that there is more than one Novice Village. They originally thought that each Novice Village would refresh a BOSS, so there would always be something after killing it, right?

Therefore, when Kara was refreshed, no one acted rashly.

A Novice Village has hundreds of millions of players. Whoever goes up first does not mean that they will get the benefits.

The killing of this BOSS depends on who has the last hatred value and who has the critical blow.

So everyone stayed where they were, looking around, waiting to be the fisherman.

But once the notice was posted, they had no time to wait. If people from other Novice Villages killed it first, then the BOSS on their side would be ruined.

In an instant, all the players in all the Novice Villages picked up their weapons and rushed towards this wild BOSS.


Level: Level 20 Wild BOSS

HP: 70,000

Attack: 350

Skills: Fear, Focused Fire, Thousands of Arrows, Eternal Barrier.

Description: Kara is an archery expert and brutal by nature. Be careful when he opens the Eternal Barrier!

This information made all the players who rushed up curse in their hearts.

The HP of ordinary level 20 monsters is only about 2,500.

This BOSS has more than doubled by more than 25 times. The higher the HP, the higher his defense. Their personal attacks are just tickling him.

Even many non-main combat professions will show MISS when they use most of their skills.

And Kara's attack has reached 350. You should know that the players here have basically not reached level 20.

Even if they reach level 20, the normal attribute without free points is only 40. Up to level 20, ordinary players have only obtained 75 free points in total. The main combat player with full strength, full agility, and full spirit can only have a maximum of 115 points, which is not even half of the attack of this BOSS.

Once the full attack attribute is added, then the 40 points of physical strength will only have 400 health points, and the BOSS will be killed in two ordinary attacks.

What's more, this BOSS has skills!

But it's no wonder that the whole server announcement called on all players to encircle and suppress it together. If a team can easily kill it, it would be too easy.

After seeing these data, all guilds made arrangements in an orderly manner.

"All warriors should stand at the front to attract the BOSS's attack!

The Redeemer should stand at the farthest distance they can heal and watch them recover.

Don't worry about other professions, they will run their bodies when they die.

The Ranger should pay attention to guerrilla warfare in all directions, control the hatred, and don't OT.

The magic system should stand at the farthest distance to attack, and the warriors should output as much as possible after taunting, and be careful not to OT during the non-taunting period.


A series of instructions were issued on the guild channels. All guild players lined up according to the instructions and advanced towards BOSS Cara.

However, there was no such arrangement for individual players and small teams. They just stood by and watched.

Their mentality was different from that of the guilds. They came here to see the world and try to find some bargains.

Even if they didn't get anything, they could brag to their friends that they had participated in the battle to siege the BOSS.

Moreover, if they died in the siege of the BOSS, they would not have to accept the death penalty, which made them feel relieved.

According to the game settings, as long as it was a large-scale event announced by the whole server, there would be no death penalty for being killed.

Otherwise, it is estimated that most people would not dare to appear here.

Just kidding, 350 attacks, just a few touches and they would die. Who can afford 10% experience in an instant?

""Boom boom boom!" In an instant, players from all the novice villages launched a concentrated attack on the BOSS!

Although most of them missed, the BOSS's health began to slowly decline due to the large number of people.

This also gave all the players hope. If so many people attacked and all missed, how could they play?

But they also discovered a problem, that is, as long as they slowed down their attack frequency, the BOSS's health seemed to slowly recover again.

"This BOSS self-recovers very quickly, don't let go, hit it hard!"At this time, all the guilds issued this order.

If not, wouldn't it be a waste of time to fight for so long? It's not enough for him to recover blood!

After all, they haven't reached level 20 yet and haven't learned the later skills. Otherwise, those skills that cause damage and reduce the self-recovery effect can play a big role.

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