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Zhui Ming brought the Undead Suit and four sets of Golden Holy Beast Suit to the Blacksmith Shop in the War Fortress

""Lord City Lord, you are here."

As expected of a high-level merchant NPC, look at how enthusiastic he is.

"Well, can you help me see if this can be repaired?"

The old blacksmith took the undead suit and looked at it, and said:"Lord City Lord, this thing can be repaired, but it does require the essence of a gold-level suit."

Hearing this, Zhui Ming took out all four gold suits.

"Do you think these are enough? Oh, yes, there is also this on me."

The Undead Suit can absorb the essence of other equipment and gain additional attributes of other suits.

In this way, [Eternal Barrier] is likely to be transferred to it, which is the best for Zhui Ming.

As his level increases, it is not a problem to always wear a set of silver equipment. Now that there is a chance, of course I have to try it.

""Okay, okay!"

When the old blacksmith saw the four gold suits, his eyes lit up. If he didn't know that NPCs wouldn't lie, Zhui Ming would have wondered if the old man was planning to take one away for himself.

"Lord City Lord, we need some ores to repair our equipment. If we want to devour the essence, we need a fierce fire. The firewood I have here is too ordinary and cannot light such a high-temperature fire."

"How do you make such a high-temperature fire?"

Zhui Ming asked.

The old blacksmith thought for a while and said,"I heard that there is a kind of Phoenix wood in the endless forest. That kind of wood is often used by phoenixes to build nests. This way, when you are reborn from the fire, you can get enough heat."

"OK, I got it. Then don't worry about it, I'll get that phoenix wood back first."

After walking out of the blacksmith shop, he checked the time. It was already midnight after this world boss battle. Liang Xi and Qian Feng Yinxue had already logged off and gone to sleep.

He had originally planned to throw his equipment here to repair, and then log off, but who knew he would need to look for the phoenix wood.

But he was indeed a little sleepy now, and there was no news about the reward he had been waiting for. After checking, he was told that it was still being counted, so he chose to log off and rest.

The next morning, Su Han woke up to a knock on the door. He opened the door and found his father standing at the door.

"Dad, what's the matter? I'm still sleepy."

"You rascal, it's almost noon and you still haven't gotten up. Your mother said she went shopping with your Aunt Sun, and she hasn't come back yet, and she doesn't answer the phone. Do you want to go look for her?"

Aunt Sun is Lin Dong's mother. Now their family also lives in Panlongyuan. The old neighbors are gone, so the relationship between the two families has become closer.

Although Su Zhiming has been honest and decent all his life, he is not a fool. He knows that they are now protected by someone in secret, so his wife Liu Ping should not be in any danger.

It's just that he can't contact anyone, so he can't help but feel a little worried.

Upon hearing about this, Su Han naturally didn't dare to clean his teeth and wash his face. He put on a piece of clothes and went out.

He looked left and right, and then walked in one direction.

An old man was sitting in the front garden reading a newspaper, with a birdcage next to him.

His crossed legs were swaying, and he didn't look unusual.

Su Han sat down next to him and said,"Where are my mother and Aunt Sun now?"

The old man glanced at Su Han and said,"They are currently shopping in the commercial street three kilometers away. There is nothing unusual."

"Okay, thank you."

Although Su Han doesn't go out, he knows better than anyone how many overt and covert protective forces there are at his doorstep.

"Mr. Su, wait a moment!"

Su Han was about to leave when he was stopped by the old man.

The old man pressed his ears, as if listening to something, and then hurriedly said:"Mr. Su, there was an explosion in the commercial street. The specific cause is unknown, but our people have approached the two ladies and are ready to deal with danger at any time."

Su Han raised his eyebrows and said,"Do you have a car? Take me there."

The old man seemed to ask for instructions, and after getting permission, he took Su Han towards the parking lot.

This commercial street is the most lively place in the city, and the population density is naturally needless to say.

On the way, Su Han got the latest intelligence.

The explosion was not an accident, but someone did it deliberately. As for whether the target was Liu Ping and Aunt Sun, it remains to be verified. As soon as the car stopped, Su Han heard the old man say:"Mr. Su, one of our people died. It seems that they really came prepared."

Su Han nodded, opened the car door and jumped out.

The old man also got out of the car in a hurry, but when he looked over again, he could no longer find Su Han's figure


There was another violent explosion, and Aunt Sun screamed like many other women.

Although Liu Ping was also very scared, she still hugged Aunt Sun tightly.

She was two years older than Aunt Sun, and Aunt Sun always called her Sister Liu, and they gradually developed a friendship like best friends.

A man in a baseball cap slowly approached the two of them and whispered,"Madams, I have been ordered to protect you. Please follow me quickly. We need to move to a safe place immediately!"

Aunt Sun had no idea what was going on. She was usually carefree. She never asked the specific reason for being able to live in Panlongyuan.

But Liu Ping knew everything, so she pulled Aunt Sun and the young man to a sparsely populated area.

When Su Han arrived, he did not see the two of them. Instead, a very ordinary-looking man with glasses came over and said,"Mr. Su, the two ladies are taking shelter inside, follow me."

This is not an assassination at all, it's a complete terrorist attack. I don't know how many people running around outside have been killed by bullets. There are many people in the shelter, but Su Han confirmed again and again that his mother's Aunt Sun is not here.

""Where are the people? Didn't they say they were here?"

Faced with Su Han's questioning, the man with the glasses was also very panicked.

He hurriedly asked the people who had taken refuge.

"What? They left with a man? Which direction?

The old woman pointed in a direction and said,"That way!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the man with glasses turned around and saw Su Han rushing over.

As he ran over there, he reported the incident to his superiors.

"How is it possible? Could it be that someone has sneaked in among us?"

The person in charge looked worried. If this is true, it would be bad!

Su Han opened a door and saw two young girls trembling in fear.

"Don't be afraid, tell me, did you see two aunties in their forties and a young man passing by?"

One of the girls said,"Yes, I saw them, they walked out from here. I also saw that the man seemed to hit one of the aunties."

In an instant, Su Han's pupils contracted, and a strong murderous intent swept over him, making the two girls' breathing almost stagnant.

"No matter who you are! You will die a miserable death today!"_

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