Because of the relationship that devoured 10,000 goblins before!

Jiang Cheng's attributes at this moment can no longer be judged by ordinary occupations!

It can be very dangerous for magicians to be approached by other classes!

This is common knowledge that all players know!

But today!

This common sense will be completely broken by him!

"Bastard, eat me a blow!"

Right now!

A level 5 warrior who rushed to the front of the crowd directly slashed the novice giant sword in his hand on Jiang Cheng's body!


A conspicuous number bursts out!

Since the attack cannot be broken!

He didn't even hit 1 point of forced damage!


The level 5 little warrior suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

I'm an attacking warrior with all my strength!

A giant sword slashed at a goblin can deliver double-digit explosive damage!

Why can't you even hit 1 damage value when you cut on this mage now?

What the hell is going on here?

"Is this the only thing you Amaterasu Guild warriors can do?"

Jiang Cheng flicked the opponent's novice greatsword with his finger!

Then he raised his staff and smashed it unceremoniously on the warrior's face!


A staggering damage value!

The level 5 little warrior was violently killed on the spot and fell directly to the ground!

A fighter who goes all out to add points, with high damage but weak survivability!

And Jiang Cheng's physical damage at this moment has exceeded 130 points!

Plus the temporary properties haven't disappeared yet!

An ordinary attack is enough to kill the other party!


See this scene!

The players around who came to watch the battle couldn't help but gasp!

"Buy Ga~ What the hell is this Xia Guo mage? Why can his staff smash a warrior to death at once?

"Is this the legendary melee mage?"

"No wonder someone just said that the mage who goes all out is the most powerful!"

"No, if he is going all out, then what happened to his magic skills just now?"

"Stupid, skills are skills, attributes are attributes, completely different, okay?"

"Lying groove~ What you said makes sense!"


At this moment, all players were stunned by Jiang Cheng's physical damage!

A mage can actually smash a warrior to death with a staff in the face!

And only smashed it!

This is going against the sky!


At this time, the rest of the Amaterasu Guild also rushed over!

The picture of Jiang Cheng smashing that soldier to death with his face just now, they naturally saw it!

But what does it matter!

They have believed in the spirit of bushido since they were young!

Don't say it's just a game!

Even if they are on the real battlefield, they will not be afraid of life and death!

"Courage is commendable!"

Jiang Cheng smiled faintly!

To be honest, the spirit of bushido in Sakura Country is indeed a good sustenance of faith!

At least on the battlefield!

This kind of faith sustenance is enough to bring them unprecedented courage and a fierce spirit of not fearing death!

No blowing, no black!

Compare with the bushido spirit of Sakura Country players!

The feminine spirit of Xia Guo players is much inferior!


Because of the influence of exotic cultures!

The image of the Zhengzheng iron man left by the ancestors of the Xia Kingdom is now long gone!

Instead, it's the kind of silly wall sissy who has to shout cool when eating a peach!

Simply pathetic!


Under the offensive of Jiangcheng to destroy the decay!

The remaining Amaterasu Guild players were quickly cleared back to the resurrection point!

Because it is a legitimate defense!

Jiang Cheng was not punished by any killing!


Jiang Cheng began to pick up the things that those people dropped!

Mostly potions and copper coins!

Not a single piece of equipment!

But Jiang Cheng is not surprised!

It's only the first day of the game!

These guys have no equipment to explode on, and it's normal!

Just finished clearing the battlefield!

Purple Rose rushed over with the people of Lingyan Pavilion.

Seeing Jiang Cheng standing alone at the entrance of the village, Purple Rose immediately said worriedly: "I just received the news, I heard that the people of the Amaterasu Guild are coming here to block you, for your safety, I advise you to hurry back to the novice village to avoid it, and when this storm passes, it will not be late to go out of the novice village to level up!"

Jiang Cheng shrugged and said, "It's okay, it's just an Amaterasu Guild, I haven't put it in my eyes yet!"

After that, Jiang Cheng turned around and returned to Zefa Town directly!

The matter of the Amaterasu Guild has been dealt with!

Next, he was ready to do the main quest

to leave the novice area: "This guy... Do you want to be so cold? Purple

Rose was so angry by Jiang Cheng's attitude that she stomped her foot!

Be kind enough to persuade each other!

As a result, the other party not only did not appreciate it, but also put on a stinky face for himself!

Who is this for!

It's really kind as a donkey liver lung!

"Sister, is that the scattered player you just told me about selling you equipment is him?"

At this time, a female archer with an ID named [Mias] suddenly came to Purple Rose and asked!

This female archer wears a bronze shining light scale armor, which is completely different from the other archers' novice clothes!

Looks very handsome!

"That's right, it's him!"

Purple Rose nodded and said, "I originally wanted to introduce him to you, but now it seems that there is no chance!"

Mimosa blinked, looking at the back of Jiang Cheng leaving at this time, she suddenly thought of something: "Huh? This person looks so familiar, especially his back, it always feels as if he has seen it somewhere!

Purple Rose turned her head and asked, "How?" Do you know him?

Mimosa shook her head and said, "I don't know, I just see that he is quite familiar, but I just forgot where I saw it!" "

Sister Rose..." As

the two were talking, a female player from Lingyan Pavilion suddenly ran over!

I saw her gasping for breath, and said with a shocked face: "I was inquiring from other people just now, Kameda Sanro has already come here to block that long song just now!"

"What? That guy Kameda has already brought people here? Purple

Rose's face changed suddenly!

She had just brushed goblins over there in the dark forest!

Although after hearing that Jiang Cheng was blocked at the gate of the Novice Village by Kameda Sanro, he immediately brought people over!

But in the end, the return was a step late.


What happened at the gate of the newbie village just now, she didn't know about it!

"Yes, I heard that person say that Changge just burst out with amazing combat power, and one person killed all the more than two hundred people brought by Kameda Sanro!" The female player continued, her eyes full of shock!

Purple Rose frowned, "Is your news accurate?"

"It's true, I just bought a battle video from that person, Sister Rose, you can see it yourself!"

With that, the female player sent a video link to Purple Rose!

What is played in the video is the scene where Jiang Cheng is blocked by the Amaterasu Guild and then counter-kills!

After watching this video, Purple Rose froze!

"I didn't expect that guy... It turned out to be so strong! "

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