
"There is a sum of money on your bound bank card, the amount is 5.2 million, remitter: Eagle Claw Country (Lady Liberty)!"

Through the online prompt of the bank card, Jiang Cheng soon received the ransom sent by the Statue of Liberty!

5.2 million in total!

"I've already called you the money, can we go now?"

The Statue of Liberty clenched her fists, and when she looked at Jiang Cheng, her stubborn eyes were even more unwilling and angry.

It was as if Jiang Cheng had just strengthened her.

But no wonder she's so angry.

After all, she originally wanted to take the dropped items of the boss of that world for herself!

Not only did it not work out!

He was also robbed of a large amount of money by Jiang Cheng!

This kind of thing is a great shame in itself.

Good thing she just split everyone else!

Otherwise, if she let those people know that she was stolen of money, then her face would be even more disgraced!

", before I change my mind!"

Jiang Cheng stopped and signaled the Statue of Liberty to hurry up.

The Lady of Liberty glared at Jiang Cheng fiercely, and was ready to turn and leave.

But as soon as the front foot stepped out, it was immediately retracted.

"That... Can I add you a friend?

Lady Liberty squeezed a stiff smile on her face and said, "If you want to sell those dropped items in the future, you can contact me directly, and I will definitely buy them at the highest price in the market, how about it?" "

This Xia Guo Mage player now has a lot of good things in his hands, and many of them cannot be used by mages!

It's only a matter of time before it comes out and sells.

And if she can add a friend to the other party.

In case the other party is short of money and wants to sell those things.

Maybe you'll be in touch with yourself!

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of adding friends of players in the Eagle Claw Country, if I want to add, I will only add players of the Summer Country!"

However, Jiang Cheng refused her request again.

Lady Liberty frowned, and asked, "Why?" Isn't friendship borderless? And why are you clinging to the national camp between us?

"Friendship has no borders, but people do, and I ask you, what would you do if our two camps went to war?"

Jiang Cheng looked directly at the Statue of Liberty and asked word by word.

Lady Liberty was slightly stunned!

She didn't answer this question, just took a deep look at Jiang Cheng, and then turned and left!

"Friendship knows no borders? Hehe~ In the war between camps and camps, friendship is the least valuable thing, and it is ridiculous to say that there are no borders!

Looking at the back of the Statue of Liberty leaving, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but laugh.

The Eagle Claw Nation is notoriously treacherous among the nations of the world!

Talking to them about friendship is to hide with the tiger and dance with the wolf!

Sooner or later it will be planted on this!

Retracting his gaze, Jiang Cheng turned to look at the BOSS corpse at his feet again.

[Sarufar Undead Warrior Commander (deceased)]

This corpse is brought back to Aurelius to get a hidden reward.

Jiang Cheng did not waste it and directly collected it into the package.

Then, he quickly walked to the entrance of the tomb where Sarufar had climbed out earlier.

This tomb is unfathomable, and there is a faint low roar like a dragon and tiger underneath, which is not simple to see!

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be a poisonous miasma under this cemetery, and almost all the players who entered this cemetery in their previous lives were poisoned below, if the undead urn is really below, then it will be difficult to get it!"

Looking at the deep hell-like grave under his feet, Jiang Cheng suddenly groaned.

Among the dropped items in Sarufar just now, he didn't see the quest item [Undead God Urn] he needed!

Therefore, he felt that that thing was probably under this cemetery.

Just based on what he knew about this tomb in his previous life!

Underground this cemetery is a poisonous miasma, but any player who jumps will be eroded by the poison!

It only takes 10 seconds to be poisoned directly!

It doesn't matter how much blood you have!

Because the poison of those poisonous miasma is deducted according to the percentage!

"By the way, I just deprived a body of the undead from Sarufar, I don't know if I can deal with those poisonous miasma below!"

Jiang Cheng suddenly remembered the 7-star passive skill he had just plundered from Sarufar!

So I quickly opened the skill list and took a look!

[Skill: Body of the Undead (passive and no skill level)

] [Grade:★★★★★★★] [

Skill effect 1 (Undead Nirvana): The body enters the state of Nirvana, during Nirvana, you cannot move, can not be attacked, and the body will emit the light of Nirvana, attracting the surrounding undead creatures, if there are undead creatures touching your body, it will be instantly swallowed and absorbed by you, every time you devour 1 undead creature, after Nirvana, It will instantly restore 10% of the current qi and blood, the nirvana state can last for 10 seconds, the cooldown time: 60 minutes, no consumption! 【

Skill Effect 2 (Dead Body Enhancement): For every 1% decrease in health, the double resistance is increased by 1%, and when the qi and blood value is reduced to less than 20%, the double increase effect can be obtained, and all real damage, shadow damage, toxin damage and bleeding damage are immunized! 【

Skill Effect 3 (Forgotten Will): Immune to negative effects such as seduction, fear, and hypnosis. 【

Skill Effect 4 (Fear of Light, Ignorable): 200% damage will be taken when hit by the Divine Class, but since you are not a real undead creature, this effect can be ignored directly! It

has to be said.

The passive ability of this [Body of the Dead] is simply outrageously powerful!

Although the first [Undead Nirvana] is the main recovery skill, the 10-second invincible state, if used in some special circumstances, is definitely better than using it as a recovery skill.

Although the second [Dead Body Enhancement] seems to be an ordinary passive that can improve its own resistance, when the qi and blood value is reduced to 20%, it is terrifying.

Double the double antibody's boosting effect and immunity to all real injuries, dark wounds, poisonous injuries and continuous bleeding, which is simply another invincible passivity!

There is also a third passive ability [Forgotten Will], which must not be explained!

Direct immunity to a large number of negative effects!

You know at a glance that the thief is awesome!

As for the fourth passive effect [Fear of Light]!

Although it is a negative passivity, it has no impact on Jiang Cheng at all!

Because his race belongs to humans, not undead!

So this racial defect cannot be applied to him!

"If you remove this race defect, this passive skill is at least 8 stars or more!"

Jiang Cheng was very satisfied with this [Body of the Dead]!

In particular, the passive second ability [Dead Body Enhancement] directly solved his urgent need!

Because after the immunotoxin injury, he can go under the cemetery to find out.

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