As one of the main cities of the elven world.

The area of [Xin Aisali] can be said to be even larger than [Holy Light City].

And more importantly.

It is a magnificent stone city suspended above a huge borehole.

The faint blue light emitted from the borehole reflects the entire city.

This makes the whole city seem to be full of mystery.

Jiang Cheng followed a floating ladder to the outside of Shicheng.


at this moment.

Two elven guards who were on duty at the city gate suddenly came over and stopped him.

Both elven guards are level 40 heavy warriors.

Wearing a one-handed long sword on his waist and carrying a silver steel shield on his back, he looked domineering with the silver-clad plate armor.

"A remnant of the Calamity Legion dares to come to our Xin Aisali?"

One of the elf guards looked at Jiang Cheng in an unkind tone and said.

As he spoke, he also pulled out his long sword, his eyes full of vigilance.

And the other elf guard also took off the steel shield behind him at this moment, and straddled it between himself and Jiang Cheng, looking like a great enemy.

"Don't misunderstand, I am a magician from the human world, and I came here to send a batch of Holy Light Weapons at the behest of Archbishop Aurelius of the Holy Light Church!"

Jiang Cheng had long known that the guards of Elf City would not let him in easily, so he quickly said the excuse he had thought of before.


He was also muttering in his heart.

After entering the city, be sure to buy some supplies first.

Otherwise, it would be too swaggering in Elf City with this [Body of the Dead] all the time.

It's good to meet some nice talking elves.

But in case you meet a few grumpy elves!

If you don't get it right, you will shoot him directly!

"You are less deceptive, the human world and the elf world have been sealed by dark magic qi for several years, and the entrances to the two realms have long been unusable, how can you be a magician from the human world?"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, cunning remnant of the natural disaster, I'll send you to meet your master..." The

two elven guards in front of him didn't seem to believe Jiang Cheng's words.

Especially the elf guard who drew his sword just now directly chose to do it.

This made Jiang Cheng feel very helpless.



With a sound of gold and iron.

I saw that the elf guard slashed at Jiang Cheng with a long sword.

Not only did it not hurt Jiang Cheng in the slightest.

Instead, he shook the palm of his sword holding the sword so painfully.

It felt like chopping a stone with a sword.

"Such a strong defense, this guy must be an undead, otherwise how could a human magician have this kind of defense?"

"It's not good, there is an undead invasion, hurry up and call people..." Seeing

that the steel sword could not move Jiang Cheng, the elf guard was stunned for a moment, and then directly took out the horn and blew it.

"Hmm—" Instantly


A deafening trumpet sounded throughout the Elven Capital.

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless.

He just wanted to enter a city!

The result was not expected.

He actually met these two impudent elves at the gate of the city.

And even more outrageous.

These two impudent elves even shamelessly shook people.

Damn it!

Don't you have a 90 luck bonus on yourself?

Is that all?

Looking at the two trumpet-shaking elf guards, Jiang Cheng really wanted to go up directly and scrape their ears.

But this kind of thing, he can only think about it in his heart at present.

Can't really do it.

Because he came to Elven City to have important things to do.

I don't want to make a fuss for these two coercive elves to guard.

The support of the elves is fast.

Almost at the moment when the horn fell.

One by one, giant moths shining with silver light flew down from mid-air.

The number of these giant moths is almost a few thousand.

They are falling from the sky!

The momentum is quite spectacular!

And on the backs of those giant moths.

There are also elves with beautiful faces and perfect body proportions!


This is a flying army affiliated with elves.

And those giant moths should be their flying mounts!

Giant moths fluttered their wings and landed around Jiangcheng.

Directly surrounded him.

But Jiang Cheng didn't care about this.

Because he didn't intend to run away in the first place!

The elves jumped off their mounts.

At this time.

An elf general wearing a golden armor cloak appeared in front of Jiang Cheng's eyes!

[Elven General Thranduil of Sin Essaly City (Shooting Archer · LV69)]

This elven general's perception is obviously much sharper than that of the two elven guards.

After he saw Jiang Cheng, he did not directly order to move.

Instead, he looked at Jiang Cheng with a frown, and immediately asked, "Who are you?" Why do you have both human and undead auras on you?

"I'm a human magician, but just now on the way to the Valley of Thorns, I got into a fight with a group of ghouls and was a little injured, I guess I was infected by the ghoul's corpse poison!"

Jiang Cheng ate all over the sky with one move, and threw all the pots to the ghouls.

But Thranduil didn't eat him: "Why should I believe your words?

"That... I have on me the identity of the Church of Light.

Jiang Cheng hesitated, and randomly took out a radiant badge directly from the package.

This badge is a token of the Church of Light and can only be owned by players who join the Church.

Of course.

The Mage Union, the Great Wall Corps and other forces also have their own badges.

This thing is useless, it is just a symbol of the status of power.

"It's really the emblem of

the church..." Seeing the emblem of the church in Jiang Cheng's hand, Elf General Thrandilon was stunned for a moment.

The church badge has the effect of the Holy Light Protection, and if the other party is an undead, they must not have this kind of badge.

Other words.

The guy in front of him, who was full of undead breath, was really a human being.

"Thranduil... Don't freak out my distinguished guest.

Just as Thranduil was examining Jiang Cheng, a voice full of majesty suddenly came from behind the crowd.

"Lord Queen..."

Thranduil was slightly startled!


Those elven warriors who were originally standing behind Thranduil.

He also immediately straightened his body and quickly gave way in the crowd.

Jiang Cheng looked along the road that had been carved out of the crowd.

Immediately, he saw a tall female elf with white skin as snow walking towards him.

This female elf has two smart pointed ears, and her long silver-white hair falls down her shoulders like a river of stars, which looks very natural.


Her pupils were different from those of other elves.

The pupil color of the other elves is azure blue, and the shimmering light inside it flows, as if there is a sea of stars flowing in the pupils!

But this woman is different.

Her pupils not only had an azure luster, but also a trace of golden lines flickered inside.

Blue pupils and golden holes, like the blazing sun of the blue sky, are beautiful and incomprehensible.

Of course.

It would be better if she didn't have that man walking side by side with her!

As for the man.

Who else can walk with the Elf Queen besides the Elf King!

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