Chapter 98

“Sister, if I don’t catch up, I will go far?”

Qin Feng stimulated Lena’s trauma with the method of agitation.

When she heard the title “sister”, Lena suddenly went violently, turning her thunder attribute to the extreme, several times faster.




Three thunders came again.

But this time, Qin Feng clearly felt that Lena was moving, and the three thunders contained a force of real damage.

Moreover, being hit is likely to be dizzy-.

But how could Qin Feng be so stupid?

I saw that he had reacted long ago, judging Lena’s attack path, controlling the undead bone dragon, and dodge the three lightning bolts thrown by Lena in a row.

“Dingdong~You have dodged multiple attacks in one second, unlocked the title of [Sky Riding Master (Dodge Specialization)], and rewarded [Cloud Acceleration Potion (God Level)]*1!”

“Ding Dong ~ You have triggered [Ten Thousand Times Reward], reward [Cloud Acceleration Potion (God Level)]*10000!”

“World Announcement: The player [Sura] successfully obtained [Sky Riding Master (Dodge Specialization)]. As the first player to obtain the title, he will receive a special reward of +1 riding point.”

“Ding Dong~ You triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] and got 10,000 ride points!”

“Riding points? Isn’t Shura in the north? Why is he fighting in air combat?”

“Is the main theme of the north is air combat? This is over. I don’t even have a flying mount. Other people, Shura, have already started air combat…”

And Luoshen was the most surprised by this announcement.

At this time, she just got a rare flying mount [Power Balloon (Limited Time 24 Days)], and she is about to try the power of this flying mount.

When she thought that maybe she could use this flying mount to unlock some talents, Qin Feng unlocked this title.

“Dodge Specialization?” Luoshen was so surprised that he couldn’t close his mouth from ear to ear: “In other words, I can get these titles following his rhythm, right?”

Thinking of this, Luoshen also experimented non-stop.

Sure enough, her idea was correct.

When she found an aerial elite unit and dodged several consecutive attacks in a short period of time, she also received this title.

However, she is not rewarded with additional riding points.

at the same time.

“World Announcement: Player [Sura] successfully obtained [Sky Riding Master (Counter-Strike Specialization)]. As the first player to obtain the title, he will receive a special reward of +1 riding point.

“Ding Dong~ You triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] and got 10,000 ride points!”

“World Announcement: Player [Sura] successfully obtained [Sky Riding Master (Hidden Specialization)]. As the first player to obtain the title, he will receive a special reward of +1 riding point.”(Read more @

“Ding Dong~ You triggered the [Ten Thousand Times Reward] and got 10,000 ride points!”

Luoshen’s front foot had just finished experimenting with the channels for obtaining this title. Qin Feng unexpectedly got another four or five specialization titles?

“That means that all the specializations of this title have been taken by him again?” Luoshen rubbed his temples, feeling complicated.

As a high-end player, she is also considered the best among the players.

For what reason, even she has to touch Qin Feng across the river. What Qin Feng does she does, just like a primary school student, learning words from the teacher.

“No, I have to hurry up to follow the progress, I should be the second batch of players to reach the northern fortress besides him…” Luoshen murmured non-stop.

In the sky of the northern fortress.

Lena, who keeps chasing Qin Feng, is going crazy.

For some reason, at the moment when she was about to catch up with Qin Feng, he suddenly moved forward at full speed, using all his flying speed, and leaving her a quarter away.

After catching up again, Qin Feng drank a strange potion, and his flight speed increased by 70% again!

You know, she is an 80-level and extremely fast agility boss.

Even if she can’t catch up, I’m afraid [Thunder Griffon], known for its speed, will never see Qin Feng’s back in a hundred years!

But now, Qin Feng has completely disappeared.

Because of his speed, Lena could only see him from behind five minutes ago, like a small black spot.

Now, it has disappeared without a trace!


Lena waved the warhammer in desperation and slammed it to the ground.

She just wanted to understand that Qin Feng was waiting for him deliberately at the beginning, deliberately slowing down.

·· ·····Find flowers·········

It is possible that she is also testing her speed limit.

Now, her information has been taken away by Qin Feng, and the [Alchemy Lab] has also been blown up, and even the reins have fallen into his hands…

Seeing the [Thunder Griffon] flying all over the sky, Lena felt nauseated and gritted her teeth viciously.

“Damn human race, I’ve written you down, if I let me catch you, I will torture you day and night until I break your legs!”

Like running? Like to tease her?

Lina had a sullen face and stepped on the thunder light to return to the direction of the orc base camp.

And Qin Feng was also at this time, appearing from the dark, feeling a little regretful and sighed: “Originally I wanted to let her use the death curse seal once, so that I can see if I can steal it…”

… 0

If Lena knew that he still had this idea, he would be shocked, right?

The town north fortress.

When Qin Feng returned to Yuna, Yuna was sitting in the hall and felt the endless danger.

Yuna’s perception is far beyond ordinary generals, especially this danger contains the power of thunder and lightning, which reminds her of that woman.


Spinning out without hesitation, when she came to the city wall, Yuna saw the endless griffins in the sky, and there were about 20,000.

And the soldiers beside her showed fear after seeing her.

“Not good! General Yuna, there is an enemy attack!”

“What is it?” Yuna frowned, always feeling that something was wrong.

Sure enough, after a while, she saw Qin Feng riding an undead bone dragon in the Griffin team.

The domineering and unrestrained face flew towards her.

“Qin Feng?” Yuna said in surprise: “Could it be that he completed the task so quickly… and also brought back these griffins?”

“General Yuna, you have come to pick me up with your hard work.”

Spinning in front of Yuna, Qin Feng had a confident smile on his mouth, looking at Yuna’s slim figure.

I have to say that Lena and Yuna look similar, but Lena’s temperament is more perverse and pitiful.

“Qin Feng, your mission…”

Yuna stopped talking, but Qin Feng directly showed Yuna the spoils taken from the [Alchemy Lab].

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