The heart of the Scavenger Fox Forest was dark and quiet.

Ren You walked leisurely through the forest and walked straight to a dead tree according to the route he took yesterday.

He looked up.

Sure enough, a scavenger fox king was squatting on the dead tree, opening its narrow mouth towards him, revealing its sharp fangs.

Its body was the size of an adult calf, and its fur was a deep dark gray, like the incarnation of the shadows in the forest. If one's eyesight was not good, it would be difficult to spot it.

"I'm in a hurry, so I'll kill him so I can go to the next destination."

Ren You didn't hesitate, holding a short knife, and rushed forward directly.

Yesterday, when he only had four pieces of equipment, he dared to kill the level 6 BOSS, let alone the level 4 BOSS in front of him.

What's more, he killed the opponent once before logging off yesterday.

At this time, the scavenger fox king let out a low roar, showing its sharp fangs, and rushed towards Ren You.

-20, -20, 20... a series of damage symbols floated above the Fox King's head.

【Kill level 4 bronze boss!】

【Experience points +150!】

【Level: 6 (274/700)]

In less than a minute, this level 4 BOSS was at Ren You's feet, and three white balls of light appeared on its body.

Three more level 4 equipment.

Ren You took a quick glance and put them directly into his backpack.

Don't be fooled by the fact that he picked up so many equipments...

But you have to know that he killed a BOSS, and the BOSS will definitely drop equipment and has a small chance of dropping skill books and equipment of the same grade.

Now, if players want to defeat the BOSS, they need to form a team and carefully formulate tactics to succeed.

Players like him who can easily kill the BOSS alone are extremely rare.


Next, Ren You left the Level 4 Monster Gathering Area and went to the Level 3 and Level 2 Monster Gathering Areas.

His plan today was to kill all the Level 2-9 BOSSes in the Black Wind Forest.

There was no other way. After the death of a BOSS in a monster gathering area, it would take 5 hours to refresh.

Compared with fighting with countless monsters, this way of taking the head directly and quickly accumulating high experience undoubtedly made Ren You feel more refreshed.

Then, he stepped into the territory of the Level 3 monster and killed the BOSS easily.

But, the non-African possessed...

The BOSS still dropped three ordinary Level 3 equipment.

However, when Ren You went deep into the core area of the Level 2 Monster Gathering Area, he found that his plan could not be realized perfectly.

Because there were already more than 40 players there, it was just right to kill the Level 2 BOSS in that place.

The player who led this team is probably not short of money in reality. He directly recruited dozens of players in the village at a price of 1,000 yuan per person and grinded the Level 2 BOSS to death.

""Wow, hahaha! A skill book! It's actually a mage skill book!"

The rich player who led the team shouted excitedly, his face flushed with excitement.

He was a mage player, and this skill book was like adding wings to a tiger for him!

The other players around saw this scene and showed envy, and they all came forward to compliment him:

"Good luck, boss!"

"Yes, this is a skill book for a mage, a mainstream profession, and it can be sold for at least one hundred thousand yuan!"

"Wow! So the boss hired dozens of us and made double the money!"

This group of people had no choice but to flatter.

After all, when the rich player spent 1,000 yuan to recruit them, he had already made it clear that all the equipment and props dropped by the BOSS would belong to him.

As for the dividends, it depends on the boss's mood.

"Don't worry, brothers!"Everyone who sees it will get a share. I'm happy today!"

The rich player waved his hand and said generously:

"I'm happy today, and everyone who sees me will get a share! In addition to the 1,000 yuan just now, I will give out another 1,000 yuan in dividends! 1,000 yuan per person!"

Hearing this, the players around cheered immediately.

"Thanks, boss!"

"The boss is generous!"

"I wish the boss to get skill books every day and be a groom every night!"

They were originally a group of gold-earning players. They just wanted to try this BOSS-killing activity, but they didn't expect to not only get a thousand yuan"salary", but also get another thousand yuan in red envelopes. This is faster than picking up money!

As for killing ordinary monsters to get equipment?

……Fuck that shitty drop rate!

Most of the players were so dizzy that they didn't even see a single piece of equipment!

The rich players paid in one by one to get a share of the profits. Finally, he walked up to Ren You who was watching the show.

He looked up at Ren You and felt that he looked a little unfamiliar, but after all, these recruited thugs were all unfamiliar to him, so he didn't care:

"Bro, tell me your card number."


Ren You looked at him strangely and tried:


""Okay, the money has been transferred! Thank you for your hard work!"

After the payment, the rich player raised his hand and patted Ren You on the shoulder to show encouragement.

When he was about to turn around, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"No, we were all dressed in rags, how could this guy……"

The rich player was stunned for a moment.

His eyes fell on Ren You again, and this time he looked more carefully.

Ren You was wearing exquisite equipment, and almost all the equipment on his body was fully equipped, even with secondary weapons!

Unlike this group of people, the game has been open for two days, and everyone is still wearing the gray clothes that come with the system.

Now it is tattered, no different from a beggar.

""Dude, have you just participated in the BOSS battle?"

The rich player stared at Ren You, with a hint of doubt in his tone.

Hearing this, Ren You shook his head helplessly at first, and then said something incoherent:

"Your image of a local tyrant has really not changed at all from the beginning to the end!"

Yes, he knew the player in front of him!

His real name was Liu Fu, and the name of the game was: Fu Kneeling in the Sky.

In his previous life, the gods descended on Blue Star, and Liu Fu was a team leader under Ren You.

However, Ren You did not expect that after he was reborn, the first person he met in the game was not Dezi, but his subordinates in his previous life.

At this time, Liu Fu was stunned for a moment. He did not expect the person in front of him to talk to him like this.

He frowned, looked up and down at Ren You, and asked in confusion:

"you know me?"

"I don't know him."

Ren You shook his head and denied it.

But then he took out a magic wand from his backpack and threw it at Liu Fu:

"The thousand dollars you just gave me is the money to buy this weapon. I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first."

As soon as the words fell,

Ren You turned around and left without staying for too long.

For now, the other party could not bring any value to him, and he did not want to interrupt the other party’s free development. Moreover

, as long as they were in this game, the two would have intersections sooner or later.


Looking at Ren You's back as he left, Liu Fu's eyes flashed with doubt.

But when he looked down and saw the staff in his hand, his eyes suddenly lit up with gold.

"Holy shit! Is this a level 3 staff?!"


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