Outside the old site of Guixu, on the cliff platform,

Mr. Fang Cheng still stood there quietly, his eyes deep, as if he was thinking about something.

Suddenly, a layer of dreamlike space ripples appeared in the void outside the platform, breaking the silence around him.

Mr. Fang's eyes were stern, and two powerful hammers flashed between his hands in an instant, staring at the space ripples vigilantly.

Then, a silver-white light circle flashed in the ripples, and a figure suddenly appeared.


Seeing this figure, a trace of surprise flashed in Mr. Fang's eyes, and his originally tense nerves relaxed a little.

How could it be him?

Didn't he just enter the Guixu Ruins?

How did he come out from here?

Mr. Fang looked a little puzzled.

However, just as he was puzzled, a surprised voice came from above:

""Shit! Wrong position!"

Ren You's figure suddenly appeared in midair, but he lost his balance and fell straight to the cliff.

His original goal was to appear in the center of the platform, but he didn't expect that the accuracy of the space jump was more difficult to control than he imagined, so he appeared directly outside the platform!

Below the cliff, it was at least a thousand feet deep, not to say ten thousand feet deep.

With his current attributes, he might not die if he fell down, but... it would be very embarrassing!

"Hiss! This space jump is something special, it can actually directly penetrate the barrier of"Guixu Ruins"!"

Ren You was filled with astonishment and admiration as he fell.

You know.

When he entered the ruins of Guixu, he could clearly feel that there was a barrier at the entrance of the cave.

Different from the common entrances of dungeons, this barrier seemed to contain a deeper and ancient power, like an insurmountable barrier.

However, to his surprise... the ability of space jump was so powerful that it could directly penetrate this seemingly impeccable barrier.

He began to re-examine the description of the so-called"jump to any corner of the domain at will".

It seems that this is not an exaggeration!

Although he had some doubts about this before.

But now, he deeply feels that the characteristics of this space jump, even if it is only a fragmentary version, has exceeded his imagination.

At this moment, Ren You's mind moved, and four daggers seemed to receive an order, flying out from behind him, steadily supporting his falling body.

His body suddenly paused while falling, and then began to rise slowly.

A few seconds later.

Ren You stood steadily on the cliff platform

"Phew! Fortunately, there is a backup plan.……"

Ren You breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he had never expected that the first attempt at space jump would result in such a large error. The position he originally planned to jump to was more than 20 meters away!

Ren You walked forward and greeted Mr. Fang Cheng enthusiastically:

"Mr. Fang."

Hearing this, Mr. Fang looked at him deeply and sighed:

"Your aura...is a little more complicated.……"

He didn't know how Ren You had done it just now, this was beyond his cognition!

Due to the communication barriers between the two, and the fact that Ren You couldn't directly reveal the secret of the Eye of Time and Space, the conversation between them became a little complicated.

After the two chatted for a while, Ren You chose to say goodbye.

His goal for this trip to the Guixu Ruins has been achieved!

At the same time, he also understood one thing: try not to use space jumps in places where there are people.

Because every time it is used, ripples that tear the space will be generated, just like what Grandpa Fang must have noticed just now...

Of course, there is a solution to this problem, which is to start the space jump again when time and space are stagnant.

In this way, unnecessary troubles and misunderstandings can be avoided.


At this moment, Ren You ran along the way he came, heading out of the Giant Beast Mountain Range.

At the same time, he was thinking about something in his mind.

If Feature 1, Space-Time Stagnation, can be used in reality, then Feature 2, Space Jump, should also be able to be used in reality.

However, with the lesson just now, he felt that it was still necessary to be proficient in using it in the game.

After all, in reality, he did not have such an extraordinary physique as in the game.

While galloping, Ren You decided to try a short-distance space jump first.

He stopped, his eyes fixed on the top of a towering tree not far away, his eyes shining with silver light like stars.

——Time and space stopped!

The world froze at this moment, and the roar of the giant beast mountain range was drowned in silence.

Then, the silver in Ren You's eyes gradually turned into silver-white.

——Space jump!

A silver-white light gate flashed in front of him in an instant, and Ren You stepped into it without hesitation, and his figure disappeared.

The next moment, his figure appeared on the towering tree, standing firmly on a thick branch.

""Huh, the position this time... is still a little off."

Ren You stared at the branches under his feet, frowning slightly, thinking.

His original goal was the top of the tree, but he landed on the treetop a few meters away...

But this also made him realize that in the state of time and space stagnation, he can control the landing point of the space jump more accurately.

This is undoubtedly good news for him.

Ren You jumped down from the treetop lightly and landed steadily on the ground.

He decided to take this opportunity to practice short-distance space jumps repeatedly in the Giant Beast Mountains.

To be honest, the feature of"space jump" does require more practice and familiarity than"time and space stagnation".

Time and space stagnation is like instant magic, while space jump requires fine control and time to hone.

However, considering that feature 2 is an incomplete version, it is normal to spend some time to get familiar with it.

With continuous and hard practice, Ren You's mastery of short-distance space jumps has become more and more sophisticated, the accuracy of the landing point is gradually improving, and the error range is getting smaller and smaller.

But... it's not enough!

Such a super ability is hard to come by for others, so Ren You naturally wants to master it thoroughly... even if it is an incomplete version!


In order to get familiar with the short-distance movement of space jump, Ren You spent four days in the game.

Except for eating and going to the toilet, he had to log off for a while. He spent all the game time he had saved before.

He drank box after box of intermediate mana potion!

Finally... after four days, Ren You completely mastered the space jump.

He could make the landing point after each jump exactly as he thought it would be!

During this period, Lan Yue and De Zi came several times, both to deliver medicine.

There was no other way.

Although each use of space jump only required 120 mana points, it could not withstand his frequent use.

At this time.

Ren You ran quickly in the jungle, his figure flickering.

The space ripples kept rippling.

Wherever he looked, he landed accurately at the predetermined position every time he appeared.

He shuttled between the trees, and each space jump was like teleportation, silent and unnoticeable.

This was the result of his four days of hard training!

Ren You's control over short-distance space jumps has reached the level of perfection.

Although it is only a short-distance jump exercise, once you are familiar with the sense of space, long-distance jumps will be a piece of cake!

"Try long distance……"

Ren You took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed with silver-white light again.

A space light gate appeared in front of him.

With a thought, he instantly sensed the dagger he had stored in the Guixu Ruins.

Then, Ren You took a step towards the light gate.

The next second, his figure appeared inside the Guixu Ruins.

"Phew, halfway to success!"

Looking at the familiar stone cave and the golden grade spell dagger lying quietly on the ground not far away,

Ren You showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Next is to return to the original position……"

Under the stagnation of time and space, the cooling time of space jump can flow.

After 60 seconds.

Mana -120!

A silver-white light gate appeared in front of Ren You again.

He constructed the location picture of the space jump practice before in his mind, and then stepped into the light gate.

The next second, the figure disappeared on the spot.

In the Giant Beast Mountain Range, under a towering tree.

Ren You's figure stepped out of the void and landed steadily on the ground.


Looking at the surrounding environment, Ren You showed a bright smile on his face.

Before, he placed the dagger in the Guixu Land as a trigger, so it was naturally not difficult to jump there.

The difficulty was to jump back again!

Now he is back here again, and the position is almost the same!

""Very good!"

Ren You was in a good mood.

The four days of training had not been in vain!

His current location was at least 27 or 28 kilometers away from the old site of Guixu, but he was still able to successfully perform a space jump.

This meant that... as long as there were enough spatial images in his mind, he could almost instantly appear in any corner of this realm!

Of course, the prerequisite was to know the specific environment of the target location, or to have left a"primer" there."

"If the space jump is limited to the boundary, then in the game world, it must not only refer to a city area.……"

Ren You muttered to himself.

The difficulty needs to be upgraded little by little.……

"Next target point, Zhoucheng, Jingtie Stone Forest!"

After determining the target ,

Ren You took a deep breath.

His mind immediately recalled the scene when tens of thousands of people attacked the main city BOSS. At that time, he was on a slope.

Under the slope, densely packed players and monsters were intertwined, and the sound of fighting was deafening.

He could clearly remember every boulder, every crack in the stone forest, and even the smell of blood in the air.

Mana value -120!

A silver-white light gate appeared in front of Ren You again.

He stepped into it without hesitation.

The space rippled.

The next moment.

He appeared on the slope where Jingtie Stone Forest used to be.

From the Goose City area to the Zhoucheng area... no need to use the teleportation array!

It consumed the mana of a bottle of intermediate mana potion worth 3 silver coins, saving 10 copper coins of teleportation array tolls.

Of course.

This account cannot be calculated like this.……


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