As far as Ren You knows.

In the previous life, one of the players who accidentally joined the Guixu camp once said that there was a Guixu camp NPC deep in the Giant Beast Mountains.

However, this NPC could not communicate with the player normally, and 90% of the content of each sentence was muted by the system...

Seeing this, the player climaxed on the spot!

In his eyes, this NPC was too mysterious...

However, players like mystery!

He thought he had triggered a hidden job task...

So, in the next seven days, he turned into the most diligent little follower, circling around this NPC every day, serving tea and water, asking about his well-being, just to be able to brush more presence in front of this mysterious person.

As a result, the gears of fate did not turn as he expected.

In the end, he did not trigger any hidden tasks, but inexplicably became a member of the Guixu camp.

This sudden change instantly made him a thorn in the eyes and flesh of the main city NPC and other players. He was hunted down every day!

In the following years, when the average level of everyone exceeded 100, these players in the Guixu camp were still struggling at level 10.

And now.

Ren You also embarked on a journey to find this mysterious NPC


In the Goose City area of the game, there are several levels of monster spawning areas.

The lowest is level 10-15, and the current highest is level 30.

Of course, it does not mean that players cannot go to monster spawning areas beyond level 30, but the penalty for death in areas beyond level 30 is higher.

Die once.

Experience drops by 80%, and three pieces of backpack and wearable equipment are randomly dropped.

The resurrection time is 72 hours!

During this period, the trading house, regional channel, and friend bar are all unavailable.

And in the Giant Beast Mountain that Ren You is going to, the average level of monsters is as high as level 55!

He will pass through several monster gathering places along the way.


The closer you are to the Giant Beast Mountain Range, the higher the level of the monsters!

Three hours later.

Ren You used Shadow Trace and Time Stop alternately along the way, and his mana was finally emptied.

Looking at the rolling mountains in front of him, which were like the backbone of an ancient giant beast, he took a deep breath.

This is his destination - the Giant Beast Mountain Range!

The average level of the monsters is 55-60!

This area is no different from a forbidden area for players at this stage.

"I am still some distance away from the Guixu NPC location."

"Mo Xing is also in the Guixu camp. Maybe he doesn't need to spend so much time dealing with the Guixu NPC. He can just reveal his identity when he meets him, which should save him the time of brushing up his favorability later."

Ren You thought so in his heart.

Then, he found a secret place and drank mana potion while waiting for his mana to recover.

In a high-level area like the Giant Beast Mountain Range, he felt that he should be more cautious. Not long after, his mana was fully recovered.

Ren You activated the Shadow Trace skill, his figure disappeared into the shadows, and he carefully sneaked into the Giant Beast Mountain Range.

High-level monsters have strong perception, and Shadow Trace does not work in many cases.

Generally, the moment the monster discovers him, he activates the time stop and quickly distances himself from it...

Along the way,

Ren You saw many strange monsters that players at this stage would never see.

Some are huge, like a hill; some are as agile as lightning, shuttling through the woods; others exude a dangerous aura, and are obviously the overlords of this area.

But under the effect of the time stop... these monsters are impossible to... No one noticed his presence.

Half an hour later.

Ren You finally reached the depths of the mountains.

Here, there is a mysterious cave surrounded by ancient trees. The entrance of the cave is blocked by an invisible barrier, and ordinary people cannot enter at all.

But Ren You knew that this was the place he was looking for.

He took a deep breath and slowly walked to the entrance of the cave.

At this moment, something strange happened!

An invisible force suddenly erupted from the cave!

Immediately, the surrounding area within a radius of several kilometers began to vibrate!

Some monsters were disturbed by the sudden vibration, and they poked their heads out of their hiding places, looking around curiously.

Ren You took a step back, his eyes fixed on the cave in front of him.

At the entrance of the cave, a figure slowly emerged.

It was an old man wearing tattered armor and with scars on his face.


【Subsequent information cannot be found! 】


This is the person from the Guixu camp he is looking for!

Ren You's eyes lit up.

However, the old man looked at Ren You with a sharp gaze and spoke slowly:

"On your body……********……"

Sure enough, almost all the important content was muted by the system, leaving only some intermittent fragments.

Ren You narrowed his eyes slightly, walked slowly to the old man, and said:

"Hello, my name is Youren"


However, the old man just glanced at him indifferently.

The silencing was mutual.

He couldn't hear what Ren You was saying at all. He only knew that he was talking, but no sound came out.

Of course, Ren You also knew this.

Therefore, he didn't continue to waste his breath, and directly pulled out the black long sword at his waist, and then raised his hand and wiped it on the blade...

Swallowing Law Blade!

A white light flashed on the black blade in an instant, and then the white rune engraved on the blade flickered slightly, as if breathing.

This is an exclusive skill of the Law Blade profession.

Mo Xing is the guardian of the Guixu camp, and the old man in front of him named Fang Cheng also belongs to the Guixu camp. Naturally, he will understand what Ren You wants to express.


Seeing this scene, the old man's expression changed unpredictably.

He raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of astonishment, staring at Ren You, his voice trembling undisguisedly:

"Ink... inheritance……*****!"


Ren You nodded calmly.

Although most of the words were muted, he was able to guess the other party's general meaning based on the complex emotions revealed on the old man's face and the sporadic words.


A few minutes later, after Ren You's guesswork, the old man finally understood his intention.

Then, the old man stretched out his hand and grabbed in the air.

A light golden ball appeared in his hand, and then he handed it directly to Ren You.

【[Guixu Camp Medal]

Quality: Legend

1. Free access to Guixu Site!

2. Backpack expanded from 30 to 300.

3. Killing value cannot be eliminated!

4. Killing players can gain 100% experience of monsters of the same level!

5. Extremely hostile to the main city camp!

6. Gain favor from the Guixu camp!

7. Resurrection location changed to the original location!

8. The main city camp trading house is unavailable!

9. All channels of the main city camp are unavailable!


"Is this the medal of the Guixu camp?"

Ren You looked at the pale golden ball of light in his hand, his eyes flickered slightly.

He remembered that the player in his previous life spent a lot of time and energy to join the Guixu camp.

And he, just by simply showing the Swallowing Blade, easily got this medal.

But just looking at these 9 pieces of information, it is completely more disadvantageous than beneficial.……

"Except for the friend column, all other functions are closed for me!"

"Huh? Wait! Isn't it said that killing a player can get 10% experience? Why is it 100% experience for me?"

"Could it be because this medal is of legendary quality?"

"Players are just weird in my eyes?!"

"The player's health is definitely not as high as the monster's, so it's much easier to kill than the monster!"

Ren You grinned and held the golden ball of light tightly.

【[Tip]: You are a player in the main city camp!

【[Tip]: If you betray the main city camp and join the Guixu camp, you will no longer be protected by the main city camp and will be regarded as a traitor. Please consider carefully.

【[Hint]: Yes/No to rebel against the main city camp?


Ren You made his choice without hesitation.

Missions can be received in the main city, and the higher the level, the more rewards are.

However, he does not want to be a pig of the God Clan!

【[Prompt]: You have successfully joined the Guixu camp!

As the system prompt sounded, the pale golden light in Ren You's hand merged into his body. At the same time, he felt as if something in his mind was broken.

The previous feeling of being spied on also disappeared.

""Thank you, Senior Fang!"

Ren You smiled and nodded slightly to the old man.

Although the old man didn't say a few words from beginning to end, he could feel that since he used the Swallowing Blade, the other party had shown goodwill to him.

"Now that I have joined Guixu, it is time to go back.……"

Ren You said.

Upon hearing this, the old man stepped forward and said:

"……New Guardian...Old Guardian...Escort……?"

"You...are still weak...this dangerous……"

Although the old man's words were covered by a lot of sound, Ren You still caught a few key words from them, and his heart couldn't help but warm up.

Ren You smiled and shook his head, saying:

"Thank you for your concern, Senior Fang, but please don't send me off."

As he said this, he glanced at his mana bar.

【Mana: 1201/1980 (100)

Enough to leave the Behemoth Mountains

"Senior Fang, I will come to see you next time when I have gained a certain level of strength."

Ren You smiled at the old man, and immediately activated the time stop, rushing towards the outskirts of the mountain range.

He did not stop the time stop until he left the dangerous area of the Giant Beast Mountain Range.

Deep in the mountains.

The old man looked at the disappearing Ren You, his face was stunned at first, and then he looked around.

He suddenly jumped up, his figure stopped in the air, and when he saw Ren You outside the Giant Beast Mountain Range, his eyes widened and he murmured:

"Is he*****hope?"


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