Although there were some surprises, Chu Chuan also expected it.

After all, when Xi Wei first evolved, it was also beyond common sense.

The magic attack power has actually increased from 50 points to 258 points.

And he, as a player.

It is estimated that the effect of evolution will be even more outrageous.

Obviously, the current five choices confirm this speculation.

Looking at the five professions, Chu Chuan thought for a moment.

A decision was then made.

“Evolution direction, [Elemental Ten Thousand Blades]!”

The moment he made his decision.

Time seems to have stagnated.

At this moment, he seemed to be able to see countless elements coming towards him.

He suddenly realized a problem.

He remembers the merging of game and reality in the previous life.

As long as the player completes the first change of level 30, they will receive one of the abilities in the game.

Until the second change at level 60, you can summon the creatures contracted in the game.

It is precisely because of this that many players who have mastered the opportunity have divided the cake of the new world.

And now, Chu Chuan can change jobs at level 5.

The hidden profession is like a cabbage, at his disposal.

What does this mean?

He was countless steps ahead of those players.

Thinking that that group of players is not yet in the game at this time.

Chu Chuan understood.

This time, he may be able to make others not even drink a mouthful of soup.

With the process of evolution.

Chu Chuan found that whether it was in terms of attributes, or his perception of the game, and his ability to control it, he had greatly improved.

It wasn’t until the prompt sounded that he slowly opened his eyes.

At this moment, his perception seemed to be magnified several times.

Clear enough to detect a portion of the magic elements that are free of the air.

Hint: You’ve completed evolution.

Player: [The Chosen One] (Wrong written above, uniformly changed).

Level: LV5

Initial race: Human

Class: Elemental Blade (one turn).

Territory: None

Rank: 1st order

Health: 1000

Mana: 1670

Stamina: 100

Satiety value: 100

Physical Attack Power: 145

Magic Attack: 167

Defense: 126 (increased command of troops defense by 12.6 points).

Strength: 145 (increases the number of troops to attack by 14.5 points).

Intelligence: 167 (increases the command of the unit to 16.7 points).

Agility: 131 (increased command unit movement speed by 13.1%)

【Elemental Blade Exclusive】For every level up, you will get 10 free attribute points.

Backpack items: [Dry food x7] [Bandage x9].

Resources: 10 groups each of timber, iron ore, copper ore, silver ore and crystal ore

Class: [Dark High Elf (Level 14)] [Canglan Tree Man (Level 10)] [Carrion (Level 2)].

Hero: [Dark High Magic Elf Xivi].

Skills: [Combat Skills, Dark Moon Eclipse] [Talent Skills, Elemental Affinity] [Talent Skills, Weapon Mastery] [Talent Skills, Lord Momentum] [Combat Skills, Attribute Conversion] [Combat Skills, Ten Thousand Blades] [Combat Skills, Thunder Fall (To be Unlocked)] [Combat Skills, Ice Sword Blades (To be Unlocked)] ….

The information displayed on the panel made Chu Chuan stunned.

His attributes, the same as Xivi.

It also evolved to match strength and intelligence.

Compared to just entering the game, all of them are 10 attributes.

It’s like the difference between heaven and earth.

However, as a mixed injury profession.

He also has two values: physical attack and magic attack.

At the same time, the bonus to the commander’s class is not much more than the legendary 15th-order Xiwei.

Most importantly, he also acquired three talent skills.

[Elemental Affinity]: It has a special affinity for various elements and improves the effect of elemental skills.

[Weapon Mastery]: You can master a variety of weapons.

[Lord Momentum]: When commanding troops, the bonus to the clan is increased by an additional 20%.

There are also multiple combat skills and command skills.

At present, the unlocked ones are [Attribute Conversion] [Ten Thousand Blades in unison].

Remaining skills.

It is estimated that it will take to wait for the upgrade before you can continue to unlock.

However, it is also completely adequate.

Today, Chuchuan’s comprehensive strength is definitely not weaker than Xiwei.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but sigh secretly.

“Is my hero a legend, or am I a legend?”

“It’s outrageous.”

In the game, the hero is too important.

Consider the issue of the upper limit of the level.

The player’s own strength does not play a key role.

However, Chu Chuan, who has now transformed into a legendary hero in human form, completely subverted this law.

What he wants to do now is the heroic class and the two blossoms of his own strength.


After getting off the line, Chu Chuan washed his face.

Looking in the mirror, his gaze was not on himself.

When he went offline, he found that he had an extra panel in his mind.

Name: Chu Chuan

Age: 21 years

Race: Human

Rank: One turn

Capacity: To be extracted

It was exactly the same as when the previous life turned.

Chu Chuan calmed his breathing.

Then he stopped his consciousness on the three words “to be extracted”.

The next moment, a message flooded into his mind.

Tip: Please select the ability you want to extract, since you have changed to a hidden class, you will get one additional chance to withdraw it, for a total of two opportunities.

Chu Chuan looked at the prompt in his mind.

A serious face.

Ordinary players stay on the first level.

Maybe they won’t think of it for the rest of their lives.

Chu Chuan, who is in the fifth layer, will make any decision.

“I want to extract, [Unlimited Evolution]!”

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