On the World Channel, the player complained a few times.

It becomes not online.

It seems that he should have been cleaned up by the monsters around him.

[Strife] is full of all kinds of crises.

Chu Chuan can come to this point.

It is completely relying on his unparalleled game understanding and the [unlimited evolution] of the opening.

Among them, the experience of rebirth plays the most important role.

Players can start with a designated area.

For example, [Wild Donkey Plain].

However, often the whole area is not large, and the spawn point is completely random.

If you can’t find a suitable and safe terra nullius.

I’m afraid the beginning is hell mode.

As for self-closing off the line.

This happens to the vast majority of players.

However, it still can’t stop the popularity of this game.

It is estimated that soon, a large army of players will enter the game one after another.

Chu Chuan didn’t care too much.

It is only a matter of time before the player enters the game.

He has taken the lead.

Rise and be unstoppable.

And those players, in Chu Chuan’s opinion.

It is [Ultimate Migrant Worker] [Old Tool Man] [Gold Medal Old Chef].

He estimates that the week ahead.

It will be a shame week for countless players to make a meal operation.

If you don’t adapt to a few days, it is difficult to protect yourself.

The gaze was pulled back into the territory.

Chu Chuan found.

After this battle, Ileya, who swept the entire Tier 3 Giant Crocodile Tribe, was also raised to level 20.

The condition of [Unlimited Evolution] is met.

The property has grown a lot.

The characteristics of the fighting race have already emerged.

Once he has evolved for his troops and Ileya.

Conquer the terrain dwarves and open the Great Magic Array.

Stir up the storm, master the resources of the entire game, and sweep the world….

It will start here!

After all classes have evolved.

Chu Chuan’s current strength is already very large.

Through recruitment, he replenished some of the troops.

300 units of werewolves.

300 units of swamp giant crocodile

100 units of Canglan Tree People

30 Dark High Elves.

Among them, werewolves after an evolution.

Two evolutionary directions are unlocked.

They are the 5th rank [Werewolf Killing Soldier] and [Werewolf Swift Scout].

Among them, most of them are werewolves in the direction of killing.

At the same time, the swamp giant crocodile also has two evolutionary directions.

Rank 4 [Swamp Demonized Giant Crocodile] and [Swamp Defense Giant Crocodile].

Since the magic income is not high.

Chu Chuan simply transformed this group of crocodiles into meat shields.

And when the [Canglan Tree Man] was at level 10, he also started the second evolution.

The vast majority of them have evolved into export-oriented classes that favor control.

The 100-unit 12th-order [Canglan Tree Man] is already a terrifying force.

He was pleasantly surprised.

[Canglan Ancient Tree] also gave birth to a tree man with a hero template.

[Canglan Guardian Tree Man].

Has extremely high defensive attributes and healing skills.

Since it is only level 1, it cannot evolve for the time being.

The 30 Dark Elves also ushered in a second evolution.

In addition to the 10 units of auxiliary system Dark Elves.

The remaining 20 dark elves were all evolved by Chu Chuan into [Dark Zhenfa Destruction Elves].

This is the main force of his class to deal terrible damage.

After a wave of skills, it is estimated that the general low-level field will not be able to bear it.

What surprised Chu Chuan the most was the evolution of [Messenger Dark Moon Werewolf Ileya].

After upgrading to level 20, she has evolved.

Properties have also changed dramatically.

[Messenger Silver Moon Werewolf Ileya].

Rank: 13th order

Grade: LV20

Race: Silver Moon Shadow Werewolf (evolved).

Contract Master: [The Chosen One].

Health: 4600

Mana: 3400

Stamina: 42

Satiety value: 38

Physical Attack Power: 512

Magic Attack Power: 324

Defense: 297 (increased command of troops defense by 29.7 points).

Strength: 448 (42.82 points increased by the command of the troops).

Intelligence: 308 (increases the command of the troop to 30.8 points).

Agility: 165 (increases the movement speed of the command unit by 16.5%)

Skills: [Talent Skill, Silver Moon Transformation] [Talent Skill: Dark Affinity] [Combat Skill, Moonlight Shadow Thorn] [Combat Skill, Shadow Chaos] [Combat Skill, Silver Moon Blade Kill] [Combat Skill, Hidden Neck Slash] [Combat Skill, Shadow Pattern Rush] [Combat Skill, Water Moon Wave Slash].

Equipment: [Black Knife Silver Moon] [Exquisite Leather Armor Silver Moon] [Wind Boots Silver Moon].

Status: Minor injury

Introduction: Born as a Silver Moon Werewolf in the Lost Abyss, she seems to be a nobleman in the group, and as a messenger to the [Peak Mountain Range], she has contracted with the lord [Chosen One].

After evolution, Ileya’s attributes have undergone tremendous metamorphosis.

There are three directions of her evolution.

Corresponding to extreme physical attributes, spell blessing attributes, and defensive attributes, respectively.

Chu Chuan, who possessed the swamp lapis gold giant crocodile, naturally could not choose to make Ilea a meat warrior.

It is even less likely that she will specialize in law.

Extreme physics, high burst damage.

is the right path for her.

After she equipped [Black Knife Silver Moon], the physical attack actually exceeded 500 points.

This is at the stage of level 20.


Of course, Chu Chuan and Xi Wei are exceptions.

After 2 evolutions, Xi Wei and Chu Chuan will be upgraded to level 20.

It is expected to be even more terrifying.

Xi Wei’s panel, Chu Chuan had also seen it once before.

After the second evolution, compare the attributes of their second transformation.

It is also not weak in the slightest.

The magic attack power reached 402 points.

While marching.

[Werewolf Swift Scout] also conveyed the message ahead.

At present, the direction of Chuchuan is far from the peak of the [Absolute Peak Mountain Range].

Go to [Mist Hills] on the border with [Dark Mountain].

Depart from [Swamp Giant Crocodile Tribe].

After crossing a piece of ownerless territory and a 3rd order [black-haired dog-headed man] territory.

The [Misty Hills] ahead are faintly visible.

Due to the effect of [expansion and conquest], Chu Chuan easily occupied the ownerless territory.

Even that third-order territory was easily conquered by the joint efforts of Xivi and Ileya.

Along the way, Chu Chuan’s level also increased to level 13.

Ahead, it is the only way to enter the [Misty Hills].

Occupied by a group of Rank 6 [White Iron Dwarves].

The initial level of this group of white iron dwarves is a full 40 levels.

It is enough to prove the danger of [Misty Hills].

See the surrounding landscape.

Chu Chuan observed for several minutes.

Only then slowly stood up.

The prompt just now still echoes in my ears.

Tip: You found scattered gold ore, did you pick it up?

Tip: You have discovered a vein of gold, which belongs to the territory of the [White Iron Dwarfs].

See the fog ahead.

Chu Chuan’s eyes were resolute.

Originally, he wanted to cross this group of level 40 [White Iron Dwarves].

Now it seems.

No thanks.

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