“Don’t hide names.”

The world announcement sounded with a bang at this time.

The brilliant light flashed out made every player stop their hand movements.

World Announcement: Congratulations to the player [The Chosen One], becoming the first player to earn the title, and rewarding the world reputation with 1000 points.

Tip: You have gained 1000 World Reputation points, and your Reputation level has been raised to [Slightly heard].

The role of the prestige hierarchy is more aimed at territorial development.

In [Strife], in addition to conquest, the acquisition of heroes also has the way to recruit within the territory.

Once the territory is built into a first-class main city, it can choose to open to the outside world.

At the same time, the lord also has the conditions to recruit wandering heroes.

The hero rank recruited is also linked to the lord’s prestige.

Once the lord’s prestige rank reaches a certain height.

I’m afraid that the heroes of the legendary rank will come uninvited.

Of course, the difficulty of increasing prestige is also outrageously high.

In a past life, no one could do it.

Chu Chuan found.

With current trends, I am afraid that he will really be able to achieve this achievement.


The world channel has already exploded.

Although many forces do not know the specific effect of the title.

However, based on the inference of “produced by the world announcement, it must be a boutique”, I am afraid that this title is not very simple.

Not to mention the high reward of 1000 reputation value.

For a time, a player’s name also appeared on the world reputation leaderboard.

【World Fame Ranking】

First place: The Chosen One (slightly heard).

Second place: None

Third place: None

Only Chu Chuan rode in the dust.

Many forces want to try to investigate the origin of the [Chosen Man].

But there is no way to find out.

[Dispute] is not under the jurisdiction of any country or even the Federation.

There is very little information that can be investigated.

It was nothing more than the confrontation with [Night Blade].


At this moment, there are countless people who want to add Chu Chuan as a friend.

Unfortunately, no one has been able to add success.

Chu Chuan was annoyed and set up [not accepting friend applications] long ago.

What he didn’t know was that someone was desperately trying to add him as a friend.

Tip: Adding friends [Chosen One] failed.

“Oh, why!”

Qiao Ying sighed and closed the friends panel.

She looked at the parchment in her hand, her eyes full of doubt.

“I kindly asked you to cooperate, but the attitude turned out to be really bad.”

After thinking for a moment, Qiao Ying could only shout from the world channel again.

[Magical Girl Urgat]: The Chosen One, can I add friends?

However, the World Channel immediately copied this sentence by countless people.

Crazy brushing.

[Shadow and Me]: The Chosen One, can I add friends?

[is unpalatable]: The chosen one, can I add friends?

“It’s annoying!”

Qiao Ying squatted on the ground, holding his cheeks and looking at the towering city wall in front of him.

For that group of copy parties, a look of disgust.

At this time, her mood was particularly depressed.

She only got into the game yesterday.

By chance, I got a treasure map at the level of a treasure.

The value is probably immeasurable.

At the very least, get items beyond epic level!

Even the legendary level, it is not impossible!

However, the place where she found the treasure happened to be in the [Peak Mountain Range].

Since the [Extreme Peak Mountain Range] was surrounded by high-level and high-level monsters circling, there was only the road [Misty Hills] in front of her.

However, the [Mist Fortress] was like a heavenly graben.

The towering city wall hung Qiao Ying for a whole day.

She wants to work together in search of treasure.

At that time, it will be a big deal to divide the treasure equally.

However, no matter how she shouted on the world channel, no one cared.

However, if Chu Chuan knew about this.

I’m afraid it will only destroy the flowers.

Be a great evil man and swallow the treasure.

Just when Qiao Ying was helpless and ready to go offline for dinner, a friend application came.

Tip: [Night Blade] requests to add you as a friend.

“Night without a blade?”

Qiao Ying immediately remembered the previous battle between [Night Blade] and Chu Chuan.

She immediately chose to refuse.

At the same time, he wrote “roll” on the note.

“Alas, treasure, it’s so uncomfortable.”

While thinking, she got off the line.

At this time, the [Golden Gryphon Lair] where Chu Chuan was located had fallen into a brilliance.

Tip: You turned on the [Random Aura Fluctuation Stone (Treasure)] and obtained the [Recovery Aura Fluctuation Stone].

Feeling the breath of life coming from the palm of his hand, Chu Chuan was a little surprised.

He actually randomly came to the aura of the life system.

[Aura Fluctuation Stone] is a special accessory.

When equipped, the lord can provide a powerful buff aura effect for the class.

In general, the life system is the rarest.

Because, the aura fluctuation stone of the life system is equivalent to having a 36e, which provides [slow healing] for the army in a steady stream.

It also coincides with Chu Chuan’s attack tactics.

[Recovery Halo Fluctuation Stone].

Grade: Epic

Requirement level: None

Type: Special jewelry

Equipment Skill: When [Recovery Aura] is activated, it provides a buff [Recovery] to all allies within a range of 500 meters, which restores 2% health per second.

Introduction: A gem extracted from the scepter of the goddess of life seems to be a broken part, and if you can collect 4 fluctuation stones of the same type, more information will emerge.

“Goddess of Life?”

Chu Chuan did not expect that this was not an ordinary aura fluctuation stone.

It is a gem on the artifact [Goddess of Life Scepter]!

“Like, there are some clues hidden in this.”

Chu Chuan decided to pay attention to collecting the same type of items in the future.

Perhaps, it can involve a big secret.

While thinking, he had already stepped into a land full of rubble.

The trees ahead obscure the view.

However, Chu Chuan knew.

Ahead, is where the dragon cub called earlier.

Similarly, it was also the approximate location of the mysterious creature when Chu Chuan conquered the [Golden Gryphon].

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