But all this is too late.

Before the [Night Blade Guild] players reacted.

[Night Bladeless] All guild members have been covered by dragon breath.

This group of players who have lost their territory have no protection from troops, and are vulnerable like a chicken.


Tip: You have been killed by [Purgatory Bone Dragon Irinsa], because you have lost your territory, your gold, equipment, and backpack items will all be dropped, please choose your respawn location.


The night is like a dead ash.

He knew that this time he was finished.

After nearly a week of hard work, in the breath of the destructive dragon, it was burned to the ground.

When choosing the birth point again, Ye Wujian thought for a long time.

The destruction of [Dark Mountain], he no longer wants to participate in it.

He just wants to make a fortune now.

While mobilizing funds and forces in reality.

Night Blade finalized the respawn point of all guild members.

“Sea of the Tomb of the Dead!”

“As soon as I hear it, it’s a good place to produce troops.”

“All members follow me!”

“One day, I will be ashamed of myself.”

What Ye Wujian didn’t know was that he who entered the [Sea of the Dead Tomb] did not escape the nightmare he was destined to have in his life – Chu Chuan!

Chu Chuan, who had just finished eating offline.

While complaining about the unbalanced nutrition of the game warehouse, which made him develop mouth ulcers, he was preparing to fall asleep.

But at this moment, the conquest point suddenly changed, and it increased by tens of thousands in an instant.

He immediately thought of Night Bladeless.

“Old unlucky.”

After speaking, Chu Chuan fell asleep peacefully.

After sleeping for five hours, Chu Chuan chose to log in to the game.

Although it is not known exactly when the fusion between game and reality began.

But once the two worlds have started to merge, he can directly log in to the game with his physical body.

Eliminates a lot of unnecessary processes.

Of course, that’s when it’s the most tragic.

Once the player enters the game physically, in addition to the angels who have the ability to resurrect, once they die, it is the death of the soul.

This is also the reason why Chu Chuan is eager to contract the angels of the Holy Church.

Fortunately, he has completed this goal, and the rest of the thing is to expand and expand again!

After going online, Chu Chuan is still in his previous position.

However, there are no other figures around.

After the lord goes offline, the troops under his command will not be silenced because of this.

On the contrary, they also have their own judgment and complete the corresponding tasks according to the instructions of their masters.

The incomparably loyal army continued to expand outward during this time.

I’ve been cleaning up all the small monsters around me.


Chu Chuan also found that there were many more players who collected and sold gold coins on the world channel.

This is not uncommon in past lives.

If you want to develop power, krypton gold is the most direct way.

But now he has speculated the price of gold coins to a height of 200:1, which he did not expect.

In the last lifetime, the price of gold coins climbed to a maximum of 1100:1.

At a higher level, the forces that control the gold coins will regulate the gold coins that flow into the market.

Prices will quickly fall back to a trough.

At this time, the large forces in reality will invest a lot of money, buy at a low price, and then sell at a high price.

The profits generated by this are even enough to change the pattern of the world.

Unfortunately, Chu Chuan, who mastered the [Gold Vein], would not allow this to happen.

He never thought of selling a single gold coin.

The reason is simple.

With so many territories, upgrading buildings requires a huge amount of gold.

It is impossible for him to slow down his development.

Once the strength is enough to affect reality.

At that time, it is no longer time that money can measure everything.

Seeing Chu Chuan’s figure appear, Nifil fell from the clouds with an excited look.

Suddenly, the wind howled, kicking up a cloud of dust.

In the state of Chu Chuan’s black face, Finelle rubbed Chu Chuan’s palm affectionately.

Seeing Nefil’s look of enjoyment.

Chu Chuan couldn’t help but smile fondly.

However, it was beyond his expectations.

Finelle, who was only level 20 before, has actually raised her level to level 0 at this moment.

It can be seen that the other classes are on the high level.

One-person experiences can be upgraded faster than you can imagine.

At this time, Finier was enough to evolve to the 23rd order.

Chu Chuan did not hesitate and directly opened [Unlimited Evolution].

There are two evolutionary opportunities in total.

For the first time, Chu Chuan still chose to evolve in the direction of the ancient dragon.

At this time, Finier’s body size increased again, and the length reached a terrifying point of 400 meters.

Compared to Irinsa, they are not small.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Chuan opened another level 30 evolution.

But this time, in Finelle’s body, he saw unusual changes.

With the completion of evolution, the scales of Finelle’s whole body became clearer than black glass.

The body size is beyond the length of a kilometer.

The huge wings are outstretched, and even half of the [Dark Fortress] can be covered.


But with the end of evolution.

A high-pitched dragon roar appeared.

Long Wei permeated the entire [Dark Fortress], and there was even darkness covering Finelle’s body.

In a black fog.

Only Chu Chuan could see her changes clearly.

He looked at Finelle’s milk-like arms and shoulders, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Without thinking about it, Chu Chuan took out the equipment armor that he took from [Cloud Peak City] and handed it over.

“Put it on, or you won’t pass the trial.”

But Finelle looked dazed.

“Master, what’s wrong with you?”

“Isn’t Finelle pretty?”

“Or does the owner not like the way Finelle looks now?”

Her three consecutive questions made Chu Chuan not know how to answer.

Good looking is good looking.

Excitement is also really exciting, but let’s get dressed and talk.

Seeing Chu Chuan’s seriousness, Finier, who was not familiar with the world, also seemed to realize the impropriety of her behavior.

However, she did not wear the equipment given by Chu Chuan.

As the black fog gathered, a set of battle armor like black crystals covered her skin.

A seamless armor that fits snugly and well.

Showing Finier’s perfect body to the fullest.

It made her charming and pure face look more and more rosy.

After Chu Chuan’s education, she realized the seriousness of her doing so.

And a guarantee was given.

It can only be like that when there is no one.

If she is in the outside world, when she transforms, she will prepare the battle armor.

Hearing Finier’s assurance, Chu Chuan nodded in satisfaction.

Chu Chuan was the closest person to her, even closer than her kindred, closer than Irishsa.

Therefore, he could also understand Finelle’s previous thoughts, and did not have any sense of blame.

After all, the dragon’s expression of feelings is always the most direct and violent.


Chu Chuan also knew about the changes that had occurred in Finier.

Black hair as clear as crystal, fair skin like jade, perfect face.

If it weren’t for the dragon scales in her eyebrows, Chu Chuan would even feel that this was the incarnation of the goddess of darkness.

It’s like a dream.

After the 6th evolution, Finelle successfully transformed into the oldest terrifying existence in the dragon family

【Ancient Dragon】!

At the same time, he also awakened the talent of transformation.

This kind of talent is often only possessed by the race standing at the top of the pyramid.

After awakening her transformation talent, her attributes have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Physical attacks and magic attacks have completely exceeded the level of 3500 points.

Health has also been increased to a height of 150,000.

It looks even stronger than Ophelia’s panel.

“Master, when are we going to fight?”

Hearing Finier’s words, Chu Chuan couldn’t help but start to doubt life.


All his heroes and arms are battle freaks.

However, the appearance of this kind of personality is the best thing for the lord.

Ten minutes later, Chu Chuan, who was riding Finier, led the army to reach its destination.

Looking ahead, the [Fearless Heart] guild is bustling and constantly developing its territory.

Chu Chuan finally answered for Finier’s previous words.

When to go to fight?

“It’s now.” _

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