At this moment, with the [Blade of Natural Calamity] being penetrated into the [Scabbard of the Atariss Dead] inch by inch, the [Sea of the Tomb of the Dead] fell into silence.

Only a skeleton tremor remained echoing through the empty palace.

After all, the huge figure did not sit down on the magnificent throne.

His body, which had rotted to the point where there was not much flesh and blood left, trembled with extreme anger.

“Everything, will pay a price!”

At this time, the shadow of the [Blade of Natural Calamity] running through the sky had slowly faded.

But he already remembered where it appeared!

“Dark Elf Land!”


Chu Chuan’s current state is very bad.

He obviously overestimated this [Blade of Catastrophe] that even the Dark Goddess could not control.

After all, they are not really gods.

He also did not have the control of the undead [Lord of Heavenly Calamity] over the power of the Law of Death.

Even with the [Ataris Undead Scabbard], Chu Chuan used all his power.

In the end, this divine-level weapon was completely sheathed!

The [Divine Word Seal] shrouded in brilliant holy light actually collapsed at this time.

The entire [Temple of Darkness] then fell into silence.

Only the Saint Yao wings behind Chu Chuan remained, still slowly burning with golden flames of light.

Look at the [Blade of Natural Calamity] in his hand.

Still flickering and dimming with breathing.

Full of mystery.

Even under the seal of the [Ataris Scabbard of the Dead], it exudes the aura of death outward all the time.

Even, let Chu Chuan’s arm holding the sword scabbard, turned into a rugged white bone.

The Light Divine Power is constantly restoring his vitality.

The death divine power that can continue to gush out from the [Blade of Natural Calamity] is also constantly fighting against it.

This unicorn arm has also become the main battlefield of the two forces.

However, the strange appearance on his arm did not weaken Chu Chuan by half a point.

Even, he could feel a trace of the slow increase in the unlocking degree of the [Path of the Light Gods].

It is also to add another weird touch to his image.

If a player sees his image, I am afraid that he can only fall into fear.

Unconsciously, Chu Chuan, who was on the same running line as them, had completely transformed into a terrifying existence.

“Put it in your backpack.”

Tip: This item cannot fit in a backpack.

Seeing this scene, Chu Chuan was not real.

He began to check the specific attributes of this divine-grade weapon.

【Blade of Natural Calamity】

Grade: Artifact

Demand Level: Adapts to the Holder Level

Type: Long blade

Status: Sheathed (Half Sealed)

Physical Attack +517 (stats vary by level)

Magic Attack +514

Penetration chance: 99%

Durability: Never wears out

Equipment skill 1: [Death Silence Falls] Urges the death power sealed in the blade, dealing with 100% buff (total skill damage) for the next attack, with a cooldown of 1 day.

Equipment skill 2: [Death Dream] awakens the power of death in the blade, causes a control effect on enemies within the specified range [Phantom Dream], attaches [Fixation] [Fear] [Silence] and other negative buffs to it, and the duration changes with the opponent’s rank and strength. Cooldown 2 hours

Equipment skill 3: [Natural Calamity Command] Completely revives the death divine power in the blade, has an indelible driving force against the undead race (ignoring the control of other undead), and has no cooldown. (Without the Master of the Law of Death, it cannot be turned on temporarily.) )

Equipment skill 4: [Open Hell Realm] Sacrifice a sufficient number of undead to completely burst out the death divine power in the blade, and open the door that runs through [Hell] and the main plane.

Introduction: [Goddess of Death] Once a weapon, only the God of Death can activate its full power.


“Four skills.”

Chu Chuan’s heart had thousands of fluctuations surging.

In [Strife], the blessing of attributes by weapons is not very large.

The biggest role depends on the skill of the weapon itself.

This also emphasizes the importance of self-attribute improvement.

Even so, this [Blade of Natural Calamity] also allowed Chu Chuan to gain an additional 517 physical attacks.

From the previous 3717 points to the current 4093 points!

Even, it was a step higher than Ophelia’s magical attack.

Not to mention that there is a 99% chance of penetration.

Perhaps, except for creatures that are too high-level.

Basically, it is a knife into the flesh, cutting people like cutting vegetables.

None of this is the most important thing.

The reason why the artifact is an artifact.

The most powerful point is the power of the artifact itself.

That is, skills.

The first skill increases the total damage of the skill by 100%.

In other words, if Chu Chuan uses the finishing technique [Optimus Extreme Blade Slash], under the 4093 point of material attack bonus, he can hit 32744 base damage.

Once [Death Silence Falls] is turned on, it will be doubled immediately.

Reached 65,488 points of fear damage.

Not to mention, his most powerful terrifying move [Blade of Destruction].

In the Thousand Blade state, each blade gas increases damage by 10%.

Combined with 500% base damage, you can hit 429,000 damage.

Once the [Dead Silence Falls] is turned on…

That’s a special move!

It’s just that the cooldown time is too long.

It can only be used as Chu Chuan’s ultimate killer weapon.

As for the second skill, it is a tough group control skill.

Based on its cooldown, the strength of this skill can also be seen.

Perhaps, it will play a decisive role in the next main expansion!

The latter two skills, one is to command the “natural disaster”, and the other is to open the [Hell] plane.

In the beginning, even the [Heavenly Calamity Monarch] needed to sacrifice countless undead to do something.

Chu Chuan didn’t think so much for the time being.

“Perhaps, we should try to find the godhead of the goddess of death.”

If any player knows what Chu Chuan thinks now, I am afraid that he will be directly frightened and incontinent.

This person was actually thinking with a serious face, wanting to master the godhead of the gods.

But for Chu Chuan.

It’s not far away.

After temporarily controlling the [Blade of Natural Calamity].

The shadow of the Dark Goddess also disappeared completely.

Only the cold statue of the god remained, standing alone in place.

The power of darkness also dissipated at this moment.

The dark magic elements above the entire [Dark Elf Race] also faded like a tide at this time.

The huge enchantment that guarded the entire [Dark Elf Race] had also disappeared.

This primeval jungle, which had been silent in the entire main world for nearly 10,000 years, was finally shrouded in the gentle sun at this moment.

The light was also thrown into the silent [Temple of Darkness].

It made Chu Chuan have a feeling of being like a dream.

“A real expansion…”

“It’s about to start.” _

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