Chapter 114 Metaphysics Unboxing, Gold Item Saint Demon Set! Urban Romance Works


Guild Token?

Wang Mang fell into contemplation while playing with the newly-baked little token.

Guild Token: You can go to the main city to register a guild.

A very brief introduction, and there is no specific information about the guild. After all, those things have long been released on the official website.


Guild is an essential element in an online game.

The official news about the guild has been released.

Level 1 guilds cannot choose their residence and permanent city, and the maximum number of members is only 200.

Level 2 guilds still cannot choose their residence and permanent city, and the maximum number of beckons is 500.

And wait until the 3rd level guild is the official opening of the guild system, not to mention the number of 2000, but also

You can choose a guild residence by yourself.

Of course, you need to pay a certain fee for choosing a guild territory, and it is paid on a regular basis. It is clearly stipulated that the guild leader

Land is not private territory.

After choosing a guild residence, you can start building guild buildings and build your own guild territory

, and the oath stele will also appear. Once the oath stele “three eighty-seven” in the guild’s resident is broken, it means that

The guild will be directly disbanded by the explosion on the spot.

This is the content of the guild war. Guild challenges and guild upgrades will be attacked. One is between players.

Confrontation, the other is from monsters.

Of course, the guild residence can also be set up in its own private territory, so that there is no need to pay for occupation

The cost of the ground, the specific players can explore by themselves.

But what Wang Mang thought was whether this thing was useful or not.

Form a union?

At least for the time being, Wang Mang has no such idea.

He has always been – a lone ranger wandering in the Shenguang Continent, looking for the opportunity that belongs to him

and stimulation, and forming a guild means responsibility and also means that he will inevitably devote energy to the guild in the future

with time.

Shaking his head Wang Mang took back the guild token.

Put it aside for now, there is no need to sell it, after all, he is not short of money, the income of the copy alone is enough for him

Create your own private realm.

As for private territories and city building orders, he already has plans.

That is his own woman, a gift from the Elf Queen!

As for the formation of a guild, Wang Mang really has to do some calculations. Maybe one day he will get a car on a whim.

library out.

The so-called garage is the place where the driven car is stored.

As far as he knows, God and Demon Games can invite NPCs to join their forces.

Compared with players who want to enjoy the shade under a big tree, NPCs are much simpler.


very show.

But also Wang Mang’s real thoughts.

The guild’s affairs can be put aside, and now what Wang Mang has to do is open the box.

Recently, I have received a lot of boxes. From the first pass through the treasure, I seem to be lucky.

Satisfied, he patted the trunk of Lady Luck, and Wang Mang swept to his backpack.

Randomly equip treasure chest*3, which is the reward for clearing the Hell Nightmare dungeon.

There are a total of two Hell Nightmare clearance treasure chests, just opened one and the last one left.

There are 9 bronze equipment treasure chests, all of which come from the rewards of killing the first boss.

Silver Equipment Treasure Chest*8!

Gold Equipment Treasure Chest*5, four from the first kill reward, one from the first pass contribution of the Hell Nightmare dungeon

First bonus.

Platinum Equipment Chest*3!

Diamond Equipment Treasure Chest*1!

The above is Wang Mang’s belongings.

Glancing at his equipment, Wang Mang narrowed his eyes.

For him, the level of these equipment is already a bit low, except for the general style and brute force play and

In addition to the three-piece Lingxi set, other equipment can no longer keep up with his level.

Of course, it’s just that he can’t keep up with his level. He believes that any piece of equipment that he pulls out of his body will be enough.

It will cause players to go crazy.

After updating the equipment and getting everything ready, the Forbidden Sea will do the [Legend of the Emperor’s Holy Law] quest, according to

Wang Mang’s guess seems to be related to his occupation.

The reason is very simple. When he was in the forest of elves, he wanted to obtain the profession of an elves master, but he was caught between his eyebrows.

The star bounced back.

Obviously, he has a similar inheritance on him, and other hidden occupations seem to be incompetent.

Bronze Equipment Treasure Chest: After opening it, you can randomly obtain Bronze rank and above equipment that does not exceed your own level.

Everything depends on the face.

The box is very clear, you can open up to level 40 equipment, but it is also possible to open it below level 40.

equipment, or equipment above Bronze level.

So, luck is important.

Wang Mang grabbed the trunk of Goddess of Luck with a firm hand!

With the change of the statue’s facial expression, a wave of 9 consecutive openings is completed in an instant!

“Ding! Congratulations to the player [Wen Wen Er Ya] for opening the bronze equipment treasure chest*9 and obtaining bronze swift leather shoes*

1. Bronze steel blade*1, bronze

The continuous system beeps made Wang Mang’s scalp tingle.

Even open, all bronze equipment, the so-called lucky attribute did not trigger.

face black.

The corner of Wang Mang’s mouth grabbed a hand at a certain position and tried again, but what puzzled him was that this statue

It’s hard enough that I didn’t crush it with such force.

As expected of a woman who is believed by others, the statues are so hard.

Wang Mang rolled his eyes.

This squeeze is so powerful!

He couldn’t believe his face was so dark.

“Ding! Congratulations to the player [Wenwen Erya] for opening the silver equipment treasure chest*8 and obtaining the golden magic

Robe*1, Silver Summoner’s Cane*1, Silver Love Ring*1, Silver Smart Cap*1, Gold

Item Saint Demon Bracer*1, Silver Item Smart Bracer*1, Gold Item Saint Demon Belt*1”

Three consecutive outbreaks of the European Emperor’s breath!

Wang Mang took a deep breath and looked at the holy magic robe. From the name alone, it is the equipment of the mage, and it is two

Pieces, suits no doubt!

Without looking at the attributes of the equipment, Wang Mang directly slapped the face of the statue of the Goddess of Luck, just looking at the statue

The saliva left by the reflection of the light shows that this kiss is very sincere.” Ding! Congratulations to the player [Gentle and Elegant] for opening the gold equipment treasure chest *5, and obtaining the golden weapon for bravery

Ring*1, Gold Item Holy Demon Headband*1, Gold Item Holy Magic Flower Pants*1, Gold Item War Blade*1, Gold

Artifact Magic Boots*1

Robe, Bracers, Belt, Shoes, Headband, Pants

Got a set?

Wang Mang looked at the statue next to him in shock.

Is this so real or fake? “Cha, reward you with a back push.”

The macho swallowed his saliva and stood behind the goddess of luck and embraced the other’s waist.

Keep going!

Give Laozi an artifact!

“Ding! Congratulations to the player [Wenwen Erya] for opening the Platinum Equipment Treasure Chest*3 and obtaining the Platinum Equipment Holy Light Rescue

Redemption, platinum spirit ring, platinum emperor and general!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the player [Wenwen Erya] for opening the diamond equipment treasure chest*1 and obtaining the right to the diamond equipment star


Finally, Wang Mang released the goddess of luck and turned to leave. He was stunned and planned to return to Estee Lauder.

Renew your equipment at the place you used to live in.

What Wang Mang didn’t know was that when he left, the statue of the Goddess of Luck exhaled a shameful voice.

phoenix. “I made an exception to influence God’s punishment of sins, and hope that my believers, the elves, are correct.” My chest hurts.” My fart

2.5″ My face, the emperor’s saliva

A glittering teardrop slowly floated down. Obviously, the price paid by the goddess of luck is far more than the superficial.

some. “Sweet away! Come on, brothers!” This novel was first published by “Dragon”

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n Do it! Laozi has wanted to do this for a long time! w “Damn the goddess of luck, this little sao bitch! The Laozi are here!”

What made the goddess of luck even more angry happened, a group of men surrounded her with wretched smiling faces. “I help the emperor and you. What are you doing!?”

Divine power suddenly erupted.

A gentle system prompt sounded in the ears of the players who turned into white light.

“Ding! You have blasphemed the goddess of luck, the wrath of the goddess of luck will come upon you, and within a year your luck will be

Your luck will be reset to zero! You will miss within a month of fighting monsters, you will fall to your death when you walk, you will choke to death when you drink water, and everything is wrong.

Lucky things will be rewarded on your head “please pay attention to the players to check.”

Whoops, can’t write anymore.

Think of a way to owe it three chapters!.

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