Chapter 155 The king says you are guilty, and you are guilty. Reading urban romance works

(3) “It’s over to you, I still have something to do, goodbye.”

Patting Sieg on the shoulder, Wang Mang turned and left.

The fate of the peripheral players of the Bright Cross Mission has been doomed.

And this also indicates that he will represent himself, and even the Empire of Light and the God of Light behind him will be completely torn apart


Pope, Archbishop, if you have any questions, please come to me directly!

This is Wang Mang’s response just after he was awarded the title of king by one word.

He is not afraid of the God of Light, let alone the God of Light preaching for the God of Light.

Watching the back of the man leaving, and the Royal Forest Army who completely surrounded them, your son was struggling.


“That, Commander Seager, I think there may be a misunderstanding between us.”

Seven days in prison!

Four days more than the last three days!

And it was to capture all the three thousand Light Cross regiments they had just expanded.

what does that mean?

Within seven days, the outer Illuminati Cross regiment he spent a lot of money on did not make any profit!

This is not the most terrifying, the gold coins offered to the great priest Sol every day can also be gritted and stubborn.

But the seven-day period means that their daily routine of obtaining rare occupations has been delayed again!

Three thousand elites will also be completely reduced to waste, and will be caught up to the level by later players.


Never be locked up for seven days!

It’s just that Sig didn’t mean to stop the movement at all, and still commanded the Royal Forest Army to prepare for action at any time.

“Commander Sig, the God of Light is above, your behavior will make the old man of the God of Light dissatisfied! We represent

But a servant of God!”

Your son suddenly changed his face, if you are soft, you can’t go straight to hard!

Gentleness is not afraid of the God of Light, but it does not mean that the natives of this world are not afraid!

Even as far as he knows, there are not a few NPCs who are extremely fanatical about the God of Light in the Bright Empire of the God-Devil Continent!

“Hehe, don’t say it’s the garbage you bought with money, even your peripheral status, even if it’s a real light

Ming Cross Regiment, it’s not okay to make trouble in the imperial city!” “His Royal Highness has already said the word side by side, the king’s power is supreme!”

Sig said coldly, unmoved.

In fact, as the emperor’s loyal commander-in-chief, his status is even higher than that of the city lord.

Quite a few, being polite to Wang Mang does not mean that he will be polite to the lackeys of the God of Light!

“But just now, it was clearly the man who did it first, and we didn’t disrespect him as you said”!

Seems to have caught the last straw, your son said eagerly.


Laozi didn’t fucking do it!

Although the purpose of bringing people here is to act in front of Wang Mang and seduce him, in fact the man

It really gives face, and the big mouth hits very loudly.

According to his plan, anyone who dares to attack the Illuminati will pay a price, although the plan fails

Now, he didn’t expect the other party to become the king side by side.

In the final analysis, it is gentle and elegant to do it!

At most, they are just gathering crowds to make trouble.

Beg for mercy, get light sentences!

A manly man can bend and stretch, what is this grievance?

As long as they keep up with the progress, they will be able to unlock rare occupations with their contribution in a while, although there is no such thing as

Hidden occupation is so perverted, but the growth of strength is certain.

Then he will definitely fight back!

In the end, he still couldn’t hold back and act in advance, otherwise he would never be so embarrassed. “Bullshit! The king says you’re guilty, you’re guilty! w”Take it for me!”

Despair began to spread, Sieg didn’t have any idea of ​​listening to the other party’s sophistry, he waved his hand, and received the order.

Lin Jun all rushed up.

In the face of NPCs with a minimum level of 100, Bright Ten

The players of the word group didn’t even have a chance to fight back.

And they didn’t dare fight back.

Attacking the guards in the imperial city will be considered treason!

The charge of treason is not a problem that can be solved by just being detained for seven days.

Not being able to enter the city of the Empire of Light for life is a trivial matter, and it will also be destroyed by the assassins of the Empire of Light with hundreds of ranks.

Bei’s pursuit until he was killed back to Novice Village.

Guards are absolutely impossible to attack, especially the guards of the imperial city.


The annihilation of the entire Light Cross regiment became a foregone conclusion.

At this moment, many players who joined the Bright Cross regiment were confused, and even looked at your son’s eyes.

With a little resentment, there is only remorse for joining the Light Cross.

The reason is very simple, they have one more enemy that they can’t afford to provoke.


The worst thing is that the Light Cross regiment cannot exit once it enters, unless it pays a heavy price, that

It is only possible to withdraw membership fees that they absolutely cannot afford in a short period of time.

This is the craziest place.

Judging from the conflict between your son and Wen Wenerya, even if they want to make a change in the future and go to Wen Erya again

Wen Erya, it is impossible to join that man’s camp to brush the Dragon Tower.

Angry, regretful, whimpering.

Joining the Light Cross Mission has changed from pride to humbleness.

The screams came one after another.

NPCs never show mercy.

After being pierced by Sieg, there was only one sentence left in your mind.

The king says you are guilty, you are your guilty!

Murder a heartbreaker?

The seven-day prison disaster has just begun.

But while they were suffering, Wang Mang had already left the site of the incident.

Not in a hurry, he looked at the map and came to the door of a store.

Imperial City Laboratory!

Unlike the pet laboratory and equipment laboratory in other cities, which are divided into two departments, the imperial city laboratory costs

Very expensive, but you can identify treasures with powerful attributes, equipment and pet eggs, you can choose to identify them here


Most people don’t come to this place.

Because no one will identify a garbage equipment with a high identification fee.

And Wang Mang came here, only one willing.

His eggs are already hungry and thirsty!


The identification master of Fearless City said that maybe his teacher in the imperial city could identify the origin of his eggs.

After all, it’s not an option to always keep it in your own backpack.

What is certain is that there is a strange thing in the egg, and judging by the sound, it is a female.

Mother egg, I don’t know if the master of the appraisal master Grote really has two strokes.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Mang pushed open the door of the laboratory.

(Qian Zhao’s) The store is very quiet, and a beautiful woman who is full of femininity is quietly reading a book.

And her name made Wang Mang a little surprised.

Legendary Appraiser – Sophia.

Any npc with a legendary prefix has two hits!

From the size of the appraiser’s headlights, it can be seen that the other party’s knowledge reserve is extremely rich.

I just don’t know if anyone has ever driven this car.

God knows why Wang Mang was thinking about all this mess when he saw this woman.

It seems that Dancing Heartstrings and Yuwu Qingcheng have not fed this calf at all. “Kunai, help me see my balls. ”

Taking a deep breath, Wang Mang took a step forward and said very seriously.

ps, explain the update problem, in fact, if the author has a recommendation, it will be at the same time every day

I wrote all seven chapters and sent them out, but the author did not recommend it, so I can only rely on the update

That’s it for the next update.

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