Chapter 279 On the Throne!

The solid ice enveloped the earth, and countless snowflakes fell with the wind.

In just ten minutes, frost has completely enveloped the city of death! From God’s perspective, Wang Mang sitting on the throne looked at the ice city below with satisfaction.

Frostmourne was already in his hands, and at this moment, he had some connection with the frozen town below.

It seems that everything in the city is under his control.

Just squeeze it hard like this! Kacha! Frostmourne let out a scream, the disaster officially came, and the entire town began to shatter in an instant. It wasn’t like it was annihilated and turned into ashes. .

At the moment of crushing Frostmourne, Wang Mang also completely understood what this trick really means.

Frozen, 13 smash!, Super control large-scale map cannon.

Boom! The city of death has truly become a frozen death land that matches the name! The consumption is a bit big.

Fluttering his wings, Wang Mang flew into the distance.

He has done what needs to be done.

Next, just observe the reactions of the Kunpeng Empire and the Corpse Empire.

“My lord.”

The supple Feixuan leaned directly into Wang Mang’s chest.

To Wang Mang’s surprise, the voice of Lord Husband seemed to be sincere.

This car seems to be able to drive

In the center of the corpse empire, in a dead castle in the sea of ​​death on the edge of hell, a thin and unidentified object with a crown turned his back to the magic soldier behind him and looked at the map on the wall.

Just now, the dozen or so green lights on the wall that represented the entire corpse empire city suddenly went out.

The city of death? The corpse demon emperor slowly turned around, and at this moment, his whole picture was imprinted into the eyes of the demon soldiers.

In the black robe, under the crown, there is no flesh and blood at all.

The skeleton body with golden rays of light does not look fragile like ordinary skeletons, but extremely tough! “Know what to do.”

It’s not worth taking out a glass of red wine and pouring it into the skeleton’s mouth, the red liquid flowing into the chest against the bones looks numb to the scalp.

But what surprised the magic soldier was that the red liquid did not flow out of the skeleton, but seemed to be absorbed by the bones.

“My subordinates understand that they will definitely investigate the cause of the annihilation of the City of Death.

The urn nodded angrily, and the magic soldier exited the luxurious room.

“This batch of human blood sent here doesn’t seem to be delicious enough.”

After the demon soldiers left, the corpse demon emperor waved his hand casually, and a human corpse was suddenly poured out from the organ above his head, and he raised the empty wine glass in his hand, and blood flowed from one after another.

The human corpse fell out from the neck.

Obviously, what he drank just now was not red wine, but human blood! “Sure enough, living blood is the most delicious.”

The Bone Devil Emperor’s empty pupils glowed with golden light, and an ancient teleportation formation appeared under his feet, and inside the teleportation formation was a fallen human being.

Pfft! Without saying a word, the Bone Demon Emperor pierced the opponent’s heart.

The fresh blood was drained in one gulp, and a terrifying sense of oppression suddenly emerged from his body.

And in front of him, there is no fallen depraved, and when he is dying, he can only see the real body of the skeleton that is constantly enlarged, and the fresh flesh and blood constantly emerging from the body of the corpse devil! At this moment, he is no different from a normal person! The most suitable for enjoying body.

Not only the human beings depend on for survival, but the demons yearn for it incomparably! Those people who are familiar with the Bone Emperor’s Bone Empire felt something instantly, and then knelt on the ground in unison.

There is only one thought left in their hearts.

The corpse devil is angry.

The death of the gluttonous devil and the destruction of the city of death made him completely angry! Their emperor was never a good-tempered being.

Even if Taotie Demon Lord is just a Demon Lord, and belongs to a dispensable existence in the Empire of Corpses, that is his person.

His people died in the Kunpeng Empire, so there must be an explanation.

The Dark Angels, or the Kunpeng Empire, are the enemies of the Bone Empire from today on! Not only that…the destruction of their own city has made the Bone Devil Emperor angry.

The 653 conflicts that will soon cover the entire hell are slowly brewing

“You’re sure it’s not you.”

In the Kunpeng Empire, the man on the throne turned his back to a strange creature with a cold breath on his body, and then said lightly.

“The subordinate is sure, although the subordinate really wanted to do this, but did not take action.”

The Frost King swallowed.

Although as a Demon King, he has had many contacts with Lord Demon Emperor, but that… kind of powerful coercion still makes him a little breathless, just looking at the phantom of Kunpeng stretching out from the mural above the throne, he will feel it. Fall into it and surrender completely.

“The gluttonous devil is really dead”

The Kunpeng Demon Emperor on the throne was a little surprised.

As far as he knows, there is no existence in Mosha City that can kill the gluttonous devil.

“Yes, but it was the hand of the dark angels.”

The Frost King replied respectfully.

“What’s the reaction over the corpse?”

Kunpeng Demon Emperor squinted his eyes, faintly realizing that things are not that simple.

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