Chapter 289 The baby does not drive an unlicensed car

It was a giant, and when he saw the giant grabbed the dragon, he threw it into his mouth.

After stirring for a few times, I felt nauseated, so I retched.

I spit out the flying dragon, but the flying dragon has no feeling at all now.

Because he has been judged dead.

“Ding! Congratulations to the player [Wen Wen Er Ya] for capturing Tianshui City.”

This piece of news spread not only in the China theater, but also in the Bangzi theater.

The leaders of the remaining three major guilds finally understood that there was absolutely no way to defeat these players in the China war zone by themselves. At this time, Phantom was the only female player in the three major guilds and said: “I will make my Phantom guild. Anfu is in this city, and I can see that the human star is the unified commander of the battlefield.”

Stormhammer asked, “What do you want to do knowing that guy is strong.”

Phantom giggled: “Since ancient times, the hero has been saddened by Meirenguan. As long as he is related to me, his power will belong to me. 16”

The phantom’s smile made the presidents of these major trade unions swallow a mouthful of spit at the same time.

They didn’t dare to forget that the former human star in the stick war zone couldn’t resist the temptation of the phantom, so he died.

No one dares to underestimate the only female character in the audience.

Although many people are jealous of her body, no one dares to do anything to her.

Of course, Wang Mang didn’t know the news, so at this moment, outside Tianshui City, the following player reported that a guild leader of the other party asked to see him.

Wang Mang was a little confused and said, “Then let her come in and let me meet.”

The Phantom appeared in front of Wang Mang, bowed slightly, and a bell-like laughter came from the corner of his mouth.

“Under Phantom, I have seen Lord Human Star.”

The men present were swept up in blood by her laughter.

However, Wang Mang is also a knowledgeable man, especially, after passing through Feixuan and the others, he has no interest at all in this kind of car that he does not know how many men have driven it.

“Well, I see. Then what are you doing to me? The baby doesn’t drive an unlicensed car.”

The Phantom was stunned for a moment, which man did not directly transform into a wolf when he saw him before, but now Wang Mang sees him as if he is looking at a fool.

This made her self-esteem so high that she was struck by lightning.

The phantom skin smiled and walked up without a smile, and in the process, she used a hidden skill that she accidentally discovered.

Came directly in front of Wang Mang, and there was a peculiar fragrance all over his body. But if a man smells this fragrance, he will not be hooked. It should be said that even if he can’t smell it, as long as he touches his body, he can hook him. Heart.

Wang Mang felt something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell.

I just felt a sudden urge to drive.

Long-term driving experience told him that it was the other party who did something for him.

He grabbed the Phantom’s hand.

“Aren’t you afraid that I will kill you?”

Wang Mang’s face is cold at this moment, even though he likes to drive very much, it does not mean that he has to drive if he has a car.

“Who would like to drive a bus like yours.”

Wang Mang pushed the Phantom away with a wave of his hand.

In fact, he is about to reach the situation where he can’t bear it anymore, but he is persevering with his huge endurance, as long as the phantom

If you put in a little effort, you will lose yourself.

Although the phantom has always been among the flowers, the leaves do not touch the body.

But it is not difficult to see through Wang Mang’s current state.

So he covered his mouth and said, “If the king can’t bear it anymore, don’t bear it anymore.”

Speaking of which, the phantom held Wang Mang’s car key in his little hand.

How could Wang Mang endure it: “This is what you forced me to do, you all go out.”

How dare a few players stay, their legs are like the wind, and they gallop away quickly.

In this small union room, the speed of the car soared.

While driving, Phantom was surprised to find that his passive skills did not have any effect on Wang Mang. On the contrary, his own experience and mana were being delivered to Wang Mang bit by bit.

What’s the situation? But this is not a car to kindergarten, and there is no possibility of getting off the bus halfway.

The speed of the car got faster and faster, and finally stopped in the forest of flowers.

Wang Mang smiled slightly, pinched the Phantom’s face and said, “Now you are satisfied.”

It was the first time that Phantom was driving with a man, and it was completely different from what he had imagined, and now he couldn’t even get out of here because the car was soft.

“My lord, I was wrong.”

“But I haven’t driven enough to say, you actually tricked me into driving this car, you have to accompany me to continue to speed through the mountains and plains.”

After that, Wang Mang picked up the Phantom again and continued to race at an unknown speed.

After driving the car for one night in a row, Wang Mang let go of the Phantom. In the process, the Phantom also became dependent on Wang Mang, as if Wang Mang was the only car key in the future.

The car can now be started.

Wang Mang put down the car keys, and then slowly asked, “What’s the situation in Tianyuan City now?”

“They sent you here to seduce me, right?”

The Phantom smiled charmingly, and then stopped on Wang Mang’s body.

, “That’s not it, I originally thought”

,,, The Phantom whispered a few words in Wang Mang’s ear, and Wang Mang suddenly realized that if it wasn’t for his own special skills, he would have been fooled by this girl.

However, it doesn’t matter too much. Anyway, there are single players under him. As for the Phantom, the members of the Phantom Guild can naturally allow their single players to equip each of them with a high-speed car.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang told the Phantom about his plan again, and the Phantom refused at first, but Wang Mang immediately said that the Phantom could go back if it wasn’t so.

Phantom had no choice but to agree to Wang Mang’s car key, and the next day brought a group of players from the China war zone to Tianyuan City.

I only saw countless people shouting below.

Storm Hammer walked from the middle of the city to the top of the city. He was a little puzzled. What did this phantom bring back so many people? “Who are those behind you?”

Phantom giggled: “These are my spoils of course.”

Seeing the obsessive looks of these Chinese players, Storm Hammer trembled and said with great fear: “Okay, let’s go to the city, I don’t know when the human star in the China theater will attack. come over.”

After entering the city, Phantom placed the players in the China theater in the Phantom Guild’s quarters.

Those players changed their confused appearances one after another, and there was a glimmer of light in their eyes.

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