Wait until Su Yan finishes filling it out and hand over the identity card.

It did not arouse the notice of the invigilator.

After all, the invigilator is only responsible for sending and receiving test papers and proctoring, and other things that should not be read will definitely not be read.

According to Su Yan's estimate.

On the third day at the latest, his identity card will attract the attention of the college entrance examination team.

"I don't believe it, level 150, I see who else can be more ruthless than me."

Su Yan muttered in his mouth

, reached out and took the test paper sent by the invigilator, and began the cultural class exam.

On the planet Blue Star.

Because the great threat of the demon race exists.

Pay more attention to talent strength.

Cultural education is just the most basic literacy phrases, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, and the history of the planet.

Often only students with poor awakening talents will specialize in mathematics, physics, chemistry and other subjects.

In order to continue to shine in all walks of life.

And how can a serious person learn this.

Serious people are pursuing strength and are proud of killing the demon race.

Therefore, this cultural class exam is extremely simple.

There was no difficulty for Su Yan.

On the day of the exam, the full score was basically not running.

After the first day of the exam

, not only Su Yan, but all the candidates felt good about themselves.

All of them have a relaxed mentality, talking and laughing.

And the next day's Divine Punishment Theory Exam was similar.

Su Yan once wondered if these two exams were just to make up numbers.

It's so simple that even the scumbags smiled when they saw it.

Not surprisingly, Su Yan still scored full marks.

By the third day.

The highlight of the college entrance examination is here.

Battle Assessment!


The combat assessment is divided into multi-subject assessments.

Candidates are grouped into groups of different levels of difficulty according to the university they are applying for.

Although the imperial capital university that Su Yan applied for was a first-class top university.

But the top is also first-class, and on the day of the exam, they were naturally placed in the difficult group.

The candidates in this group represent the strongest candidates in Jiangdong Province this year.

Therefore, the teachers in charge of proctoring the exam are two warrior-level powerhouses.

The assessment venues are also closed, ensuring the legal privacy of the candidates.

The special materials used in the wall are so strong that they can withstand the all-out blows of the fifth order of the warlord.

Other words.

During combat assessments.

Candidates can let go and attack without worrying about the damage to the examination room.

At this time.

Waiting room in front of the examination room.

A tiger-backed war-king-level teacher stood on the high platform and said loudly:

"There are a total of 12 candidates in this difficult group, and they cannot be changed after the group is determined."

"If you fail the three assessment opportunities, you will lose your place in this college entrance examination, do you understand?"


The twelve candidates said in unison: "Understood!"

"It's still time to change the volunteer, I'll confirm it one last time, is there anything you want to change?"

Teacher Zhan Wang spoke.

All the candidates immediately exchanged their heads and whispered, but none of them chose to change.

Su Yan looked at Tang Xia beside him.

In this difficult group, Tang Xia was the only B-level talent.

B-level talent dares to apply for first-class universities, making Tang Xia a very eye-catching existence.

And start by entering the waiting room.

There are constantly people whispering criticism, and the laughter is more or less sarcastic.

"Don't look at me, I won't change my volunteers!"

At this time, Tang Xia felt Su Yan's gaze, did not squint, and his voice was resolute.

Su Yan smiled slightly.

Of course, he knew that a first-class university was Tang Xia's dream all along.

After so many years of hard work, how can it change.

But he clearly saw that Tang Xia's hands were shaking.

Even the ponytail hair at the back of his head was gently trembling.

"I know."

Su Yan whispered, and suddenly stretched out his hand and held Tang Xia's hand.

"But don't be nervous, you can."

Tang Xia's body was startled, and he turned his head to look at him, and a burst of crimson suddenly appeared in his neck.

"Su Yan, thank you."

Su Yan smiled.

Consciously or unintentionally, neither of them took their hands away.

On the high platform.

Seeing that no one changed his volunteers, Teacher Zhan Wang nodded and said

, "Well, the battle assessment will start in 5 minutes, and when the time comes, those who read their names will enter the examination room to participate in the assessment."

"In the assessment, except for forbidden arts, various medicine scrolls, and weapons and equipment forbidden by the Demon Academy, all talents and skills can be used..."

As the War King teacher quickly explained the assessment rules.

Su Yan released the power of the void and checked the strength of the other examinees present.

"Huh? The breath of the void? Soon

, he sensed a familiar breath of void air.

[That's right, it's him who is him, your competitor Ye Laoliu! ] The

Eye of the Gods this prompt.

To make Su Yan more certain, this aura was Ye Yuan in Jinling No. 1.

"What my competitors? Do I have competitors? Speaking of big eyes, you are quite cute today.

Su Yan laughed in his heart.

[Hey, this is not for rhyme!] Also, I'm the eye master! Cut

, non-existent!

Su Yan didn't care, and only thought to himself in his heart:

"Strange, isn't this guy Ye Yuan admitted to the imperial capital university in advance?" Then why come to the combat assessment? "

[What else could it be?] In order to pretend! "


"But the whole battle assessment is conducted in a closed examination room, and no one can see it except the invigilator, what is there to pretend?"

Su Yanzheng was puzzled.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden movement outside the waiting room door.

"Mr. God of War, please come here!"


Followed by.

A group of well-dressed and dignitary people stepped into the waiting room.

"This is the waiting room, no one is allowed to enter except the candidates..." When

this group of people arrived, Teacher Zhan Wang frowned.

He wanted to invite this group of people out immediately, but he was suddenly shocked and exclaimed

, "Mr. Ye, why are you here?"

In this group, the man in a suit walked on the left side of the front row.

He is about forty years old, his breath is restrained, and he appears calm and heavy.

It was the head of the Jinling Ye family, Ye Tianhai!

This person not only controls the economic lifeline of the entire Jiangdong Province, but also covers the sky with one hand.

And he is also a top expert of the sixth order of the war king!

And the War King teacher only has the third order of War King.

In front of Ye Tianhai, both his status and personal strength were crushed to the extreme.

It was the Battle King teacher who was so surprised and groveled.

But when Teacher Zhan Wang turned his gaze to the person on the right side of the front row, he exclaimed again:

"Minister Wu, why are you here?"

This old man with a childlike appearance is the Minister of Education of Jiangdong Province! (Unrealistic minister, please do not sit with reality)

At the same time, the two super figures of Jiangdong Province appeared at the same time

, and the Zhan Wang teacher's eyes trembled, but he suddenly realized something, and quickly looked at the middle-aged man between the two.

I saw this man with a strong posture, and his posture was as tall as a pine.

The body is full of strong momentum and oil, giving people a feeling of not being angry and self-threatening.

At this time, Ye Tianhai proudly introduced:

"This is the God of War mentor from the Imperial Capital University, and the title is the God of War of the Rising Sun!"

"Because Inuzi was admitted to the imperial capital university in advance this time, he was fortunate enough to enter the eyes of the God of War of the Rising Sun.

Mr. God of War specially came from the imperial capital to watch the battle assessment of the dog. "


Ye Tianhai finished saying this.

There was an uproar in the waiting room.

Hey, God of War Mentor, turned out to be the legendary God of War Mentor!

And listen to it.

Is the God of War Mentor ready to accept Ye Yuan as a student?

In an instant

, all the examinees became envious and jealous, and their teeth were about to sour.

Only Su Yan was stunned.

Can't help but secretly complain, "I'll go, is the pretense this year so pompous?"

"Okay, I'll come too!"

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