After lying on Su Bai's back for a while, Xia Cha became more awake and her sleepiness gradually faded.

"Hehe, brother, why do you smell like flowers!"

Xia Cha laughed and sniffed Su Bai curiously.

"Okay, okay..."

Su Bai pushed her away with pretended disdain and urged: "Go wash your face and brush your teeth, the noodles will be ready soon!"


Xia Cha pouted and ran to brush her teeth and wash her face.



Su Bai took his mobile phone and went to the forum.

Then, of course, he saw the heated discussion on the establishment of the gang in the forum.

"You're quick!"

Su Bai smiled, very satisfied.

For this kind of thing, you need an absolute advantage.

Otherwise, if you delay for a while, maybe a golden boss will appear, and another gang creation order will be issued.

The first and second ones are very different in meaning.

For now, everyone knows that Su Bai was the first to enter the main city, but no one knows who was the second.


After dinner, the two did not delay anything and went online directly.

After a night's rest, both of them were full of energy.

And the bug progress bar was naturally full!

So, what bug should I fix?

Here, there are some things worth mentioning.

After these few bugs, Su Bai has figured out the general rules.

First of all.

Bugs are one-time in nature.

It can only block one behavior, one thing, or one thing.

The mysterious merchant is an exception, and his things should be counted as one thing.

For example, the mysterious merchant's stuff was stored in the space ring, while Su Bai's space ring was stuck.

"What should I do?"

After Su Bai entered the game and found that the progress bar was full, he kept frowning and thinking.

Xia Cha blinked his eyes, seeing that Su Bai was thinking about something, and did not interrupt.

Just looked at Su Bai quietly.

Stuck at the maximum level?

Su Bai tried, but it didn't work.

Display: [Infinite data, cannot create! ]

"Wow, there is no limit to the level of this game?"

Su Bai was slightly surprised.

The highest level he has seen so far is LV100.

I thought level 100 was the maximum level.

Either the game really has no level limit.

Or there is a unique level system that allows players to keep improving, so the data is displayed as unlimited.

"I kind of want to raise the level of the Reverse Scale Dragon Blood to a level that I can use now..."

Su Bai looked at the Reverse Scale Dragon Blood in his backpack. This thing is not usable yet.

It's a level 100 thing.

He was jealous!

But this thing is a bit dangerous!

There is only a 1% chance of evolving the physique into a true dragon body.

But there is a 99% chance of bursting the body and clearing all the character data!

The consequences are really hard to bear...

Even if Su Bai has a super high luck value, he doesn't dare to gamble with this 1% chance.

If you want to make it, then you have to make the success rate of the Reverse Scale Dragon Blood 100%!

"Hmm... Should I do this?"

Su Bai thought, it should be possible.

However, making it 100% successful and lowering the level of use are two actions.

You need to make two consecutive bugs to succeed.

"Well, I don't have anything on hand anyway."

"Let's do it!"

Su Bai thought and made up his mind.

Looking at the reverse scale dragon blood in his backpack, Su Bai silently said: "Set the success rate of reverse scale dragon blood to 100%!"

Then, Su Bai saw the reverse scale dragon blood in his backpack change.

The dragon blood, which was already shining brightly and emitting brilliant orange clouds, became even brighter.

After a while, a box popped up.

【Creation Success! 】

Su Bai read the information again.

【Reverse Scale Dragon Blood】

Level: LV100

Rank: Legend

Category: Consumable

Effect: After use, 100% of the physique will evolve into a real dragon.

Details: Real dragon reverse scale, touch it and you will die! However, this drop of blood is the real reverse scale dragon blood.

! !



The probability has become 100%!

Su Bai was also excited!

Just wait another ten hours, and you can use up this coveted reverse scale dragon blood!

"Speaking of which, how about..."

Looking at this reverse scale dragon blood, Su Bai had another idea, "How about,

This dragon blood brought out into reality? "

"If I can really turn into a dragon, it would be so awesome and cool!"

The more Su Bai thought about it, the more he was moved, and his heart was pounding.

"Calm down, calm down, it's still a long way to create the next bug, don't rush."

Su Bai calmed down.

Looking at his side, Xia Cha was staring at him blankly.

Su Bai said: "Cha Cha, I received a task, let's go together."

"Oh, okay." Xia Cha nodded.

The two set off and prepared to go to the stable to get the horse.

Along the way, Su Bai and Xia Cha both felt that there were many more players in the city.

Many people were excited, and many people were discussing fiercely.

The discussion was naturally related to the shops opened by players in the city.

"Do you think that shop was opened by Bai Ye?"

"I think it is. Even if it is not, it has a lot of connections with Bai Ye! ! ! "

"I think so too. This first order to establish a gang was probably issued by Big Boss Bai Ye!"

"By the way, why doesn't the store have a name? Shouldn't we quickly choose a name and make it famous?"

"Wow! Bai Ye!"

"Speak of the devil! I just happened to run into Big Boss Bai Ye!"

"So handsome!"

"Big Boss Bai Ye, I want to give birth to a baby for you!"


While walking, listening to the players' discussions, Su Bai felt a little strange.

How come Shangguan Qingchang hasn't even chosen a name after so long?

"Ding Di~~"

At this moment, his friend sent a message.

When he opened it, he saw that it was sent by Shangguan Qingchang.

Yesterday, the two of them had a cooperative relationship, so naturally they added each other as friends.

Nichang: "Big Boss, what do you think is a better name for the store? "

Su Bai then understood that the reason why she hadn't named it yet was to ask for his opinion.

I have to say that Su Bai was very pleased.

This is really an excellent partner who even gave up the right to name the store!

No matter what happens in the future, now, there is really no partner more suitable than Shangguan Qingchang.

This made Su Bai very curious.

What on earth made Shangguan Qingchang so eager to build an industry in the game.

Is it really just to make money?

Then with her ability, she would not give in to this extent.

After being curious for a while, Su Bai shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

This is someone else's business and has nothing to do with him.

After thinking about it, he sent a message: "It's up to you, I don't care."

He really doesn't care.

Su Bai only cares about whether his things can be sold, and doesn't care about anything else.


After a few seconds, Shangguan Qingchang said: "How about calling it [Yeluo]? ”

This name is still based on Su Bai.

It is taken from the last character of Su Bai's ID and profession.

Su Bai sent a message: "All is fine."

"Okay, let's call it Ye Luo." Shangguan Qingshang said.

The name was finalized.

So far, the first store opened by players in the world of Shentu was born.

As for the future, with Su Bai's reputation and help, to what extent will it be glorious?

That is unknown, leave it to time.



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