The city lord looked at Su Bai and nodded gently, saying, "In that case, I have a task for you to do." "You say." Su Bai said, waiting for the city lord's next words. "A long time ago, the Twin Cities on the Other Shore was a completely connected giant city..." "Instead of being separated by a river and divided into two cities on the left and right like now." But the city lord did not talk about the task immediately, but talked about the background story of the Twin Cities on the Other Shore. "Uh..."

This made Su Bai a little confused, and he couldn't help but say: "I know all this, what do you mean, City Lord?"

"I mean..."

The City Lord paused for a moment, then said in a serious tone: "I want you to reunite the twin cities on the other side!"

? ? ?

This is unlikely, right? !

The two sides are thousands of meters apart, how can they be reunified?

Su Bai was still in a daze when the city lord continued, "A long time ago, a huge object fell from the sky and split the entire city into two halves."

"Many people died! The river that separated the left and right halves of the city also came from this."

"Since then, strange changes have occurred in both halves of the city!"

"The left half of the city is full of yang energy and vitality."

"The right half of the city is full of yin energy. It has not seen the sun for many years and is full of ghosts! In fact, many people call the right half of the city [The City of the Underworld]!"

"Initially, the two cities built a teleportation array and could travel back and forth."

"But soon, someone discovered that if you stay in the left half of the city for a few days and then go to the right half of the city, you will inevitably suffer a great loss of health. The same is true for the other half."

"If you go back and forth frequently, it will endanger your life! ”

“At the same time, the river separating the two cities is getting wider and wider.”

“Because of these reasons, the two halves of the city are gradually completely cut off from each other.”

“The teleportation arrays are cut off, because when the teleportation arrays are activated, the yin and yang energies of both sides will be mixed and transmitted, causing chaos.”

“This isolation has lasted for thousands of years and continues to this day.”

“And now, I want to solve the troubles of the two cities!”

“I want to release and eliminate the yin and yang energies in the two cities.”

“In this way, the two cities can blend again.”

“Even if the river cannot be removed, it is still one! Instead of being truly separated and not communicating like now.”

The city lord said a lot at once, explaining the deeper background of the twin cities on the other side.


Su Bai held his chin, thinking and digesting this information.

The city lord did not urge him, but waited quietly.

After a while, Su Bai asked, "It's been thousands of years, the people in the right half of the city... I'm afraid they are all dead, is it still necessary?"

"No, the people in the right half of the city are still alive."

The city lord shook his head, his face slightly gloomy, "It's just that the erosion of Yin Qi has made their physical condition worse, the Yin Qi is so strong that they can't even touch things with slightly stronger Yang Qi..."

"Is that so..."

Su Bai nodded in understanding, and then said, "Okay, what do you need me to do?"

This task sounds difficult and challenging, Su Bai will definitely take it!

The city lord said: "In the first stage, I need you to go to the right half of the city and do something!"


The city lord did not explain immediately, but said: "You have been to the secret realm of the Ten Thousand Spirits Cemetery and saw a lake. Do you know what that lake is?"

"I know."

Su Bai nodded, and then said: "The Taiyin Cold Spring."

"Yes, it is the Taiyin Cold Spring."

The city lord nodded, and then asked: "You already know that the left half of the city is full of yang energy, but why is there a Taiyin Cold Spring and Taiyin energy here?"


Su Bai suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "I understand, Yang produces Yin, so the Yang energy in the left half of the city condenses, but the Taiyin Cold Spring appears."

"And you mentioned this, just want me to go to the right half of the city to explore and find a place where Yin produces Yang?"

Yin produces Yang, and Yang produces Yin.

This is the concept of Yin and Yang in the ancient mythology of Daxia, so Su Bai guessed it so quickly.

"Yes, you are very smart!"

The city lord looked at Su Bai in surprise and admiration, and said: "I do think so, but I don't want you to find the location."

"Because I already have the location, I need you to go there and disperse some of the extremely yang energy there."

After saying that, she

The task information box popped up.

[Yin and Yang·One]

Difficulty: S

Requirements: Go to the right half of the Twin City on the other side, go to the target location, and pass the target secret realm.

Progress: Not accepted

Reward: None

Note: This task has subsequent stages, and the task rewards will be accumulated and issued when the last stage is completed.


"Wow! It's an S-level task!"

After seeing it, Su Bai's heart skipped a beat.


As mentioned before, this level is already a task that can change the history of the game.

It can greatly affect the development of the game.

Tasks of this level are difficult to trigger and are hidden very deeply.

If the city lord didn't know that Su Bai was blessed by heaven, had the Vermillion Bird as his pet, and his profession was the powerful Shura, she would not have assigned this task to Su Bai.

"I will definitely accept it."

Su Bai came back to his senses and clicked the button to accept it. "But how do I get to the right half of the city?"

The city lord had said before that the two halves of the city were completely separated.


The city lord glared at Su Bai, then looked at the Suzaku beside Su Bai.


Su Bai smiled awkwardly, he had forgotten that he had a pet that could fly.

"Here is this for you, the location is marked on it." The city lord did not dwell on this issue, but threw a blueprint to Su Bai.

Spreading it out, it was another map.

There was very little information, only one location was marked.

It should be the Yin-Yang land in the right half of the city.

Su Bai used it, and on his game map, there was suddenly a location information in the right half of the city.


Su Bai left the city lord's mansion.

The task was accepted, the map information was taken, and everything was fine, so he naturally had to come out.

"Brother, shall we go now?" Xia Cha blinked and asked Su Bai.

Su Bai shook his head and said, "No hurry, the auction will start in more than an hour, it won't be too late to go after the auction."

"Besides, I just replaced a lot of equipment. But it's not suitable for you to wear heavy armor, and it's useless to keep it. I want to let Nichang sell it."

Xia Cha's situation is special, and her equipment only affects defense.

Heavy plate armor affects speed, and leather armor and cloth armor are too fragile.

Only light armor is suitable for her, but Su Bai doesn't have high-quality light armor now.

Besides, as long as Xia Cha stays with him, Su Bai, it doesn't matter whether she has equipment or not.

So, Su Bai plans to sell all these.

"Oh, great!"

Xia Cha nodded, and then murmured with curiosity: "This is the first auction in the game. I really want to see it."

"Haha, if you want to see it, let's go."

Su Bai chuckled, put his arm around Xia Cha's slender waist, and hugged her and jumped onto Luo Ying's broad back, "Let's go, Xiaoying, to the resurrection point in the city center."

"Okay, daddy."


Xiao Luo Ying spread her wings and took off.

After a while, they arrived at the central resurrection point.

In the eyes of the players here, they walked towards the store opened by Shangguan Qingshang:

Ye Luo!

The door was closed.

But Su Bai had the key and opened it directly.

He and Xia Cha walked in. As for Xiao Luo Ying, she could only go back to the pet space first.

I don't know when Luo Ying will be able to control her body freely, transform, etc., which will be much more convenient.


There are many players outside the field.

When they saw Su Bai open the door with the key, they all looked as if they had realized it.

"Bai Ye, Shura! The name of the store is [Ye Luo]! You taste it, you taste it carefully..."

"As expected!!"

"I told you, Bai Ye is indeed related to this store!"

"How did he do that?! It's not like I haven't thought about it, but I can't do it at all..."

"Bai Ye has taken all the good things..."

"It's really exciting! There's more than an hour left before the auction starts!"

"Looking forward to it! It will be a big scene, but it's a pity that we can't watch it live..."

"Be content, there will be a live broadcast later, which is enough."

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