The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Shangguan Qingchang led Zhang Shiyi to the attic.

The big guys looked at him and frowned.

If the target is not in sight, something might happen.

"The one in the attic should be Bai Ye. What are you looking for him for..."

"Do you want to make friends with this guy?"


These people speculated in their hearts, their faces sank slightly.

If Bai Ye wanted to stop them, then they... couldn't do anything!

Although they had a lot of money, they couldn't beat Su Bai at all...

Watching Zhang Shiyi gradually go up to the attic and gradually disappear from sight.

Some people couldn't sit still and didn't want to lose control of the situation.

So, they stood up and walked towards the attic.

Then, they were stopped at the attic stairs.

"No one is allowed to enter the VIP attic without the boss's permission!!"

The recruited NPC employees stopped them.


The faces of several big men turned black, and they were very unhappy.

As a local hero, they can't even enter an attic!

However, they were proud of their status and didn't say much, and simply stood at the stairs.

Here you can just see the VIP room that Zhang Shiyi is going to.

So, it is also within sight.


Because Su Bai did this, Shangguan Qingchang didn't have time to close the live broadcast room.

There are still many people in the live broadcast room, watching this development, and talking about it.

"What's the situation with these big guys?"

"Emmmmmm, these people don't look very good. I always feel that something big is going to happen!"

"I think so too. Although killing is prohibited in the main city, it is not uncommon to kill people and rob treasures under huge interests!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, I feel that we will see a great scene soon!"

"By the way, the person in the attic must be Bai Ye. What does he want to do with that player?"

"Who knows... Maybe he wants to talk to a big customer and make some friends?"

"Not likely? Bai Ye's personality doesn't seem like that of a flatterer, right?"


While they were thinking about it, Shangguan Qingshang had already brought Zhang Shiyi to the attic.

Knock on the door, then push it open.

Su Bai stood in the center of the attic, holding a sword in his arms, and looked at Zhang Shiyi with a serious face.


Repressing the murderous intent in his heart, Zhang Shiyi smiled softly and said, "Boss Bai Ye, what do you want to talk to me about?"


Shangguan Qingshang and Xia Cha also looked at Su Bai curiously, wondering why.

Similarly, the players at the stairs also looked at him intently and listened carefully.


But Su Bai said nothing and waved his hand to tell Zhang Shiyi not to speak.


Zhang Shiyi's eyebrows twitched, and the depression in his chest churned.

The smile that was forced to be raised before sank, and his face was expressionless.


In silence, Su Bai looked at Zhang Shiyi and adjusted all his energy.

Judging and observing.

Re-searching for that strange sense of familiarity, tracing the cause of the familiarity, and thinking about the origin of the familiarity.

It was very quiet at this time, and no one disturbed him.

With extreme concentration, he gradually got a little clue.

The feeling became clearer and the answer was about to be revealed!

This made his eyes shine.


In silence, invisible pressure gradually brewed, like mercury pouring down.

Looking at Su Bai, Zhang Shiyi's heartbeat began to speed up.

When he saw the change in Su Bai's eyes, Zhang Shiyi came to an absurd conclusion in his mind: "He, recognized me?!"

"How is this possible?!"

Zhang Shiyi was very confident in his disguise skills, but at this time, he couldn't help but be suspicious and doubt himself.

"It's really unpleasant!"

Cursing in his heart, Zhang Shiyi had an idea.

An object was taken out of his backpack and appeared in his palm secretly.

If Su Bai exploded later, he would use this object.

"Unfortunately, if I use it, the matter of killing Bai Ye will be postponed for a long time!"

"I'm really unwilling!!"

Zhang Shiyi was unwilling in his heart, and when he thought of killing Bai Ye, a subtle murderous aura naturally overflowed.

The murderous aura is something that cannot be touched or seen, and even just hearing it gives off a mysterious feeling.

But it exists!

It is not so mysterious in essence, but just a slight change in the eyes, a slight movement of the eyebrows, and a slight change in emotions.

And it was this murderous aura that, like thunder and lightning, tore open the

Su Bai's confusion!

"It's you!!!"

Su Bai shouted, his eyes bright.

He finally understood why the familiar feeling came from yesterday's killer!


Su Bai's shouting made Zhang Shiyi's heartbeat slow down suddenly, but he still tried to be calm, "What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

"What's going on?"

"What's going on? Does Bai Ye know this person?"

"Well... it seems that there is a contradiction! Haha, interesting!"

At the attic stairs, the big guys who were originally monitoring Zhang Shiyi were all confused at this time.

And after sorting out some things, they all looked playful.

"What do you mean by 'you'?!"

"Fuck, don't keep me in suspense! Let's see!!!"

"Wipe, wipe, is there a conflict? I'm so curious! Please let me see!"

"Ahhhhh let me see!!!"

The live broadcast camera is aimed at the auction hall, and they can't see the attic.

But the radio was very good, and they heard Su Bai's roar.

Suddenly, their hearts were like being scratched by a cat, and they were so curious!

In the attic.


Su Bai sneered, put down his hands on his chest, raised his sword, and his eyes were full of murderous intent, "How dare you! After assassinating me, you dare to auction my gang order?!!"

"What, it's him?!" Xia Cha was shocked when he heard Su Bai say this.

"!!!" Shangguan Qingchang was almost the same, and she was full of surprise behind the mask.

"I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Zhang Shiyi's face sank, and he said coldly: "Boss Bai Ye, I paid enough money for the gang order!"

"Your current behavior makes me very dissatisfied! I don't want to think that you are going back on your word and greedy!"

"Goodbye! See you later!!!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

He was still making a final struggle, wanting to leave the props in his hand.

If you want to use it, you have to kill Bai Ye first.

"Want to leave?! I said! If you dare to show up again, I will kill you again!"

Su Bai smiled coldly, stomped on the ground heavily, and slashed down with a sword.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

The wind behind him was howling, and Zhang Shiyi felt really frustrated and angry!

He really didn't understand!

Doesn't this Bai Ye care about anything? ! !

The few words he said just now were to make everyone think that Bai Ye wanted to kill people and rob goods!

He wanted Bai Ye to be cautious and not dare to take action, so that he could leave smoothly!

Then what?

Before he took a step!

The sword wind behind him was whistling!

His emotions were chaotic, but he couldn't think too much at this time.

Zhang Shiyi turned around quickly, and a small short knife appeared in his hand, accurately and quickly facing Su Bai's long sword.


The harsh sound of collision burst out, and the surging force was transmitted along.

The damage was reduced a lot, but when the terrifying force was transmitted, Zhang Shiyi couldn't stop it at all!


In the eyes of the players under the stairs, a figure suddenly flew out of the attic.


"Crack, crack!"

It flew several meters and hit the auction hall heavily, smashing several chairs.


Then, another figure jumped out.

But he landed on the ground lightly and steadily.

The long sword in his hand pointed obliquely at the ground, and he was wearing a dazzling golden armor, like a god.

Glancing at the chair smashed by Zhang Shiyi, Su Bai said indifferently: "The smashed chair, pay a hundred times!"



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