The more you buy, the more money you will get.

Su Bai felt his hands trembling a little, and felt that his eyes were probably shining with gold...

I wonder how much money these hundreds of pieces of equipment can sell for!

At least hundreds of thousands, or even millions, right? !


Su Bai laughed and ran around!

Copper coins are also money, and these tens of thousands of copper coins must be picked up.

Fortunately, the game has an automatic pickup function for a large number of game coins.

As long as the automatic pickup is turned on, the game coins will automatically fall into the player's backpack when they are next to you.

Otherwise, it would be a lot of effort to pick up so many game coins.

“Huff, huff, huff…”

After a while, Su Bai stopped, resting his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

Running also consumes the energy of the player character, so it’s a bit tiring.

Now, he has picked up all the game coins.

A total of 74,000+ copper coins, 263 silver coins, and no gold coins.

But it’s enough, these can be exchanged for 10 gold coins!

Get rich!

Su Bai was very happy and began to scan the equipment on the ground.

According to the luster, ordinary is pale, excellent is light gray, excellent is cyan, and rare is light red.

Silver is naturally silver, and gold is gold.

Perfect is a fluorescent blue.

On the ground, pale ordinary equipment accounts for the vast majority, about 60%.

Light gray, excellent equipment accounts for nearly 30%.

Blue-green, excellent equipment accounts for more than 10%.

Light red, rare equipment accounts for less than 10%.


No silver items!

"It shouldn't be..."

Su Bai touched his chin, unwillingly, "Logically, such a big snake should be at least a silver boss, right? There is no silver-level item?"

"Could it be that the person who killed the giant snake took it away?"

After thinking about it, it is probably this reason.

"Forget it, if there is no silver, then there is no silver. It's a big profit to get so many equipment for free."

Su Bai shook his head and began to pick up equipment with great interest.

Of course, pick up the high-level ones first.

Who can guarantee that it will not be refreshed and recycled by the system...

Since the equipment is scattered, Su Bai spent a lot of effort and finally picked up all the rare equipment.

Not much, a total of 41 pieces.

Together with some sundries in Su Bai's backpack, it just filled up 50 grids.

"Please don't refresh it for me..."

Finally, after taking a look at the equipment scattered in the cave, Su Bai began to climb the wall.

The cave passage is about three meters from the ground.

But the rock in the cave is hard and easy to climb.

Su Bai climbed up in a few steps and returned.

He wanted to return to the Novice Village and then temporarily store the equipment in the Novice Village bar.

There is a temporary storage warehouse there with unlimited capacity.

The first 10 grids are free, and each grid after that is 50 copper coins per grid regardless of what is placed.

It’s okay to put less things, but if there are more...


Who told Su Bai that he doesn’t have much else now, but a lot of money? !


On the way back, Su Bai ran all the way.

When his energy was almost gone, he took energy drugs and ran back to the Novice Village at a high speed.

When he came to the dilapidated bar, he shook all the equipment in his backpack into the big box in the bar.

After paying 1 silver coin as a deposit, Su Bai turned around and ran.

The bar owner was confused... What is he doing? In a hurry?

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh~~~

Su Bai ran at full speed towards the cave.

The grass on the ground was scraped and swished.

Soon, he reached the cave again.

When he entered the slope of the cave passage, Su Bai lay down directly.

Anyway, he had already laid down before...

Swish, swish, swish~~~


Sliding, and then fell into the big pit.

It still fell on the dead silver ring snake, but was not injured.

Standing up, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

Everything was there, and never disappeared.

I don’t know if it’s because the refresh time has not arrived, or if this is the rule of the game. Once the props appear, they will not disappear unless they are picked up.

Su Bai didn’t dare to gamble, and hurriedly started to pick up equipment.

This time, he mainly picked up excellent things that emit green light.

There are more than rare ones. Su Bai’s backpack is full, and he can’t take them all away.

Nothing to say.

Climb the wall out of the cave and return to the Novice Village.

Store equipment in the bar, leave the Novice Village, and enter the cave to pick up equipment!

Climb the wall out of the cave and return to the Novice Village...

Store in the bar...

It took Su Bai almost three hours to go back and forth, and he ran more than ten times!

Although he was exhausted, he was very happy!

The equipment had not been refreshed by the system, and Su Bai moved it all back!

A total of 634 pieces! ! !

According to the quality and quantity, it is divided into:

41 rare, 121 excellent, 142 fine, and 330 ordinary.

As for the equipment level, Su Bai took a rough look and found that the lowest level was LV3.

Ordinary quality, from LV3 to LV10.

The lowest level of equipment in the three qualities of fine, excellent, and rare is LV5.

In addition to the equipment, there are some snake skins, snake teeth, and three kinds of potions: red and blue essence.

There are more than 200 snake skins and about 100 snake teeth.

Three kinds of medicine, the cumulative amount does not exceed 50, and the drop rate of this thing is quite low...


It doesn't matter~

Anyway, it's not very useful to Su Bai, it's just icing on the cake.

After moving, Su Bai is now in the bar, next to the big box where things are stored.

He is choosing equipment.

With so many good equipment, he has to arm himself anyway!

"Wow! There is a set!!!"

After flipping a few times, Su Bai's eyes lit up!

Among the 41 rare equipment, there is actually a set!!!

What luck!

"So good!"

Su Bai smiled and looked at the information one by one.

[Black Scale Silver Ring Breastplate]

Level: LV5

Quality: Rare

Category: Light Armor/Top

Attributes: Strength +15/Intelligence +9

Defense: Physical Defense +65/Magic Defense +51

Affixes: Cold and desolate scales, silver-shining rings, love it!

[Black Scale Silver Ring Shoulder Armor]

Level: LV5

Quality: Rare

Category: Light Armor/Shoulder Armor

Attributes: Strength +12/Intelligence +10

Defense: Physical Defense +57/Magical Defense +43

Affix: Use scales to shape a snake head? Arms sticking out of the snake's mouth? Nice design!

[Black Scale Silver Ring Belt]

Level: LV5

Quality: Rare

Category: Light Armor/Belt

Attributes: Strength +10/Intelligence +8

Defense: Physical Defense +51/Magical Defense +39

Affix: This belt is very cool, not bad.

[Black Scale Silver Ring Bottoms]

Level: LV5

Quality: Rare

Category: Light Armor/Bottoms

Attributes: Strength +16/Intelligence +13

Defense: Physical Defense +64/Magical Defense +55

Affix: Hmm... It looks weird, but it also matches well!

[Ink Scale Silver Ring Boots]

Level: LV5

Quality: Rare

Category: Light Armor/Boots

Attributes: Strength +13/Intelligence +12

Defense: Physical Defense +62/Magical Defense +53

Affix: Nice shoes, but will my feet stink when I wear them?

[Ink Scale Silver Ring Set Attributes·Activation]

Attributes: Strength +20/Intelligence +20

Defense: Physical Defense +100/Magical Defense +100

Blessing: Attack Speed ​​+5%/Movement Speed ​​+5%

Trigger Attributes: When attacked, there is a 5% chance of generating a poison aura, which can rebound 30% of the damage taken. Lasts for 30 seconds, cools down for 300 seconds.

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