The old man was so angry that he was forced to leave.

"Wow, I just finished something big, and now I'm doing something big again."

"It feels good! Big Boss Bai Ye has notified all servers ten times again. It's great! All the players from other countries are so angry!"


"Huh? Didn't you plan to sell it before? Why are you using it yourself again?"

"I changed my mind. There's nothing to worry about."

"Hehehehe, I'm thinking about that now I want to laugh when I see someone who was cheated out of 700 million by Bai Ye. . ”

“Pfft… that person was cheated out of 700 million, but the first person to set up a gang was still Bai Ye.”

“Awesome! Speaking of which, Bai Ye has set up a gang, is he hiring people?”

“Yeah! I also want to join the Shura Sect, boss, my girlfriend sleeps very well at night, she can’t be shaken! Can you let me join the Shura Sect?”

“What the hell? Brother, what do you mean? There’s something wrong with you!”

“Did you see the photo of the author in women’s clothing in my hand? Yes? If you don't let me enter Shura Gate, it will appear on major websites!"

"Boss, I want to enter. My nanny has plenty of breasts, 38D!"

"You have 38D? I don't believe it! Unless you show me the picture!"

"Here you go! Attached.jpg."

"Fuck, you really gave it to me... Damn it! My eyes! You are a man, do you have such developed pectoral muscles? ! ! "

"Alas... I have to admit that this player from Daxia is too strong!"

"Yes, much stronger than the people in our country!"

"It's complicated... This person is really too strong, everything is ahead of all players! Ahead of the entire server, ahead of billions of players! ! "

"At first, I didn't accept him, but now... I accept him, I admire him!"

The live broadcast of Su Bai's cross-city pursuit has just ended. It is a hot time now, and a large number of players around the world are discussing Su Bai.

Now he has established a gang, and he is the first to do so. The whole server has announced it ten times.

This naturally aroused the interest of the spectators.

At the same time, many people became excited and wanted to join Su Bai's sect.

Of course, people in other main cities can only think about it at most.

But people in the other twin cities had the idea.

"Let's go, let's go find Boss Bai Ye! I want to join Shura Clan!"

"How to find him? Who knows where he is..."

"I know that to build a gang, you need to go to a place called [Gang Registration Office]."

"Great! There's a location on my map, let's go, let's go..."

"Brother! Let's go!"

"Sister, are we going too?!"

"Of course! Hurry up, or maybe Boss Bai Ye will finish and leave..."

"Damn! Boss has built a gang, I want to join him, I want to join Shura Clan!"

"Let's go, it's boring to stay in this guild, Shura Clan is still more exciting!"

"Fuck! President, why did you disband the guild... What? You want to join Shura Clan?"

"Clatter, clatter..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the Twin Cities on the other side, a large number of players were excited and walked towards the gang registration room.

Many guilds withdrew directly.

What's more, many guild leaders disbanded their guilds and wanted to join Su Bai's Shura Sect...

Inside the Gang Registration Department.

"Uh... there are actually first-time rewards, I almost missed it."

Su Bai listened to the system's broadcast and felt a little relieved.

Before, he was really too lazy to create any gang, so he didn't think about whether there would be rewards for creating a gang.

Well, it doesn't matter.

It's better to say that the current result is the best.

He was still the first to create a gang, but he made a lot of money, and even made a lot of money!

"Let me see what the rewards are."

Su Bai was not in a hurry to go out, but started to check the rewards.

Daxiazhou's full reputation +2000, this is good, it is Daxiazhou, all places have a reputation +2000 points.

Level +1, now Su Bai is LV31, this time the 15 free attribute points obtained are all added to intelligence.

Gold coins * 100, no need to talk nonsense about this.

Then, it is quite special.

[Mysterious Treasure Box*1]

Details: Come on, young man, open the door, you can go in and take the things.

[Hundred Miles Land Deed*1]

Details: You can choose a piece of land with a radius of 100 miles in Feiyun Dynasty as your gang station.

[Extreme Growth

· Gang Skill Book]

Details: After use, add a passive skill to the gang: [Rapid Growth].

[War Will· Gang Skill Book]

Details: After use, add a passive skill to the gang: [War Will].

[Super Limit Enhancement· Gang Skill Book]

Details: After use, add a passive skill to the gang: [Super Limit Enhancement].

Ignoring the mysterious treasure chest, Su Bai learned these three skill books.

Then, click on the gang interface.

In the [Gang Skill] column, three passive skills are added.

[Rapid Growth]

Passive Skill

Level: LV3

Effect: According to the member rating, the amount of experience points gained by members when killing monsters is permanently increased.

Details: Named +0%, Outer Gate +3%, Inner Gate +6%, Elder +9%, Deputy Gate Master +12%, Gate Master +15%

Note: This gain will be lost when you exit Shura Gate.

【War Will】

Passive Skill

Level: LV3

Effect: Permanently increase the attack power of members according to their rating.

Details: Named +0%, Outer Gate +3%, Inner Gate +6%, Elder +9%, Deputy Gate Master +12%, Gate Master +15%

Note: You will lose this gain if you exit Shura Gate.

【Super Limit Enhancement】

Passive Skill

Level: LV3

Effect: Permanently increase the four dimensions (strength, physique, intelligence, and spirit) of all members according to their rating.

Details: Named +0, Outer Gate +10, Inner Gate +15, Elder +20, Deputy Gate Master +25, Gate Master +30

Note: You will lose this gain if you exit Shura Gate.

"I learned it at level 3. The skill attributes are also interesting..."

Su Bai was satisfied. These three passive skills could provide him with great gains.

Close the skill interface, open the backpack, and look at the mysterious treasure chest.

No nonsense, open it directly.

In the box is a seed.

【A seed that fell from the sky】

Level: unknown

Quality: unknown

Effect: unknown

Details: A long time ago, a seed fell from the sky, and no one knew its origin and function.

The information can be seen, and it is not a question mark, but...

It is all unknown!

"Keep it first, the routine tells me that this thing is definitely not an ordinary thing! Maybe it has a heaven-defying origin and a terrifying effect!"

Su Bai put the seeds away and locked them up, so that he would not accidentally sell them.

"Brother, have you finished reading it?"

Just at this time, because he had not spoken or moved, Xia Cha could not help but urge him.

"I have finished reading it."

Su Bai said after coming back to his senses.

After that, he pulled Xia Cha and Shangguan Qingchang to join the gang.

"Deputy Sect Leader, Deputy Sect Leader!"

After joining the gang, Xia Cha took Su Bai's hand and shouted excitedly.

"Okay, okay, you can't escape..."

Su Bai rolled his eyes at her and set Xia Cha as the deputy sect leader.

Shangguan Qingchang found it interesting and chuckled softly, "Sect leader, Qingchang still has some chores to deal with, so I'm leaving now."

She suddenly changed her way of speaking to a more ancient style with a hint of the ancient martial arts world.

She also lowered her body slightly and bowed, and her explosive body curves were immediately outlined.

The curves were very attractive.

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