The right half of the city is about the same size as the left half.

Except for the Wanling Cemetery outside the city, which is covered by dark clouds, the whole city is sunny and the weather is bad.

But the right half of the city is different!

The whole city is covered by dark clouds, and the gloomy air is everywhere.

Before I got close, I felt a wave of cold air coming, which was very piercing, as if it could blow into my bones.

At the same time, the left half of the city is prosperous, with constant voices, and it has a very earthly atmosphere.

But the right half of the city is very quiet, and no sound can be heard.

It's like a ghost domain, like the underworld!

"Brother, it's so scary here."

Xia Cha looked around for a few times, and buried her head in Su Bai's chest in fear.

"It's okay, the city lord said there are people alive here, it should be safe, it just looks scary from outside."

Su Bai patted Xia Cha's slender back and comforted her: "When you find a safe place, you can go offline and rest."

"Yeah..." Xia Cha nodded obediently.

Soon, Xiao Luoying took them into the city.

There are indeed living creatures in the city, and they are all NPCs, no players.

Although there are living people, but...

They look like dead people,

lifeless, walking posture, facial expression, all reveal a sense of 'sorrow'.

Hearing the whistling sound of Xiao Luoying's wings, few people care...

Ten people, only one or two will look up.

Seeing Xiao Luoying as Suzaku, their eyes will light up, seeming a little excited.

But soon, it recovered its dying breath.

They lowered their heads and continued what they had done before, as if nothing could arouse their interest.

There was also a resurrection point in the right half of the city, and Su Bai asked Xiao Luoying to fly there.

After landing, Su Bai said to Xia Cha: "Cha Cha, you go offline and rest first, I will go offline in a while."

"Okay, brother, go offline and rest early."

Xia Cha nodded. Although she still wanted to play with her brother, she was really uncomfortable and sleepy, so she had to go offline first.

Xia Cha went offline.

"Xiaoying, fly higher and float." Su Bai said to Xiaoying.

Xiao Luoying nodded, carried Su Bai to the sky, and hovered.

The first stage of the S-level task given to him by the city lord was to go to a place to clear and grind away some extremely yang energy.

Moreover, she gave the target location.

Open the map and determine the direction.

The target location is... outside the right half of the city, northeast.

"OK, Xiaoying, go that way." Su Bai commanded.


Xiaoying responded and flew in the direction indicated by Su Bai.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

The wind whistled, and they quickly passed through the city below.

In the process, Su Bai passed by a huge mansion, which was a bit like the city lord's mansion in the left half of the city.

Of course, there was nothing to worry about.

What Su Bai cared about and noticed was...

This mansion has a large garden, and in the garden, Su Bai saw a very familiar figure.

Very petite, wearing a dress.

Most importantly, there was a head of silver-white long hair that Su Bai was very familiar with.

"A bit like Mu Mu..."

Su Bai wondered to himself, although it was a bit far away, he felt that it really looked like Mu Mu.

"Xiaoying, go down and take a look."

Su Bai said, he was really curious.

Xiao Luoying obediently lowered the altitude and flew towards the garden.

When it descended to a certain altitude, Su Bai confirmed it.

This is Mu Mu!

At this time, the little figure on the ground heard the whistling sound of the wind in the sky and looked up.

"Ah? Big brother?!"

Mu Mu was shocked when he saw Su Bai!

Unexpectedly, he actually saw that big brother here.

What's more terrifying is!

This big brother is riding on Suzaku? ? ?

"Who dares to break into the city lord's mansion?!"

At this time, before Su Bai landed, several loud shouts rang out.

It was the guards coming.

If he went in from the ground, Su Bai would be fine if he showed the token. Now going in directly from the air is like forcing it.

"Nothing, you all retreat."

Mu Mu saw the guards coming and waved his hand to let them retreat.


The guards who ran over retreated immediately.

At the same time, Xiao Luoying also landed on the ground with Su Bai.

"Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle..."

The blazing Vermillion Bird Divine Fire on her body burned the space, and the flowers and plants on the ground quickly withered.


The ground was filled with wisps of cold mist.


When the flames came, Mu Mu frowned, and in a burst of pain, he jumped back and leaped far away.

Xiao Luoying's Suzaku Divine Fire was extremely yang, and she couldn't bear it.

Seeing this, Su Bai hurriedly said, "Xiaoying, you go to the sky and wait for me first."


Xiao Luoying responded and spread her wings and flew up to the sky.

Mu Mu's frowned brows slightly relaxed, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Big brother, why are you here?"

"Xiao Mu Mu, why are you here?"

The two spoke at the same time, and then they were both stunned.


Little Mumu smiled happily, his eyes were bright, and he said with a smile: "Big brother, haven't you always wanted to ask where Mumu came from? This is little Mumu's home."


Su Bai exclaimed in surprise. He really didn't expect that little Mumu was actually an NPC in the right half of the city.

He asked in confusion: "But why did you go to the left half of the city?"

The city lord said that people from the left and right cities cannot travel to each other.

It will endanger their lives!


Little Mumu smiled and said: "Didn't I say that? I went to bask in the sun."

"The sun there is just right, I can bear it."

So that's it!

Su Bai suddenly understood.

The Taiyin Qi permeated the Wanling Cemetery, and the sunlight was neutralized by the Taiyin Qi, so little Mumu could bear it.

"Brother, what about you? What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here."

Xiao Mumu looked at Su Bai, and there seemed to be a deeper meaning in his words, "If you stay here for too long, it will affect your advancement and damage your physical fitness."


Su Bai was thoughtful.

What Xiao Mumu said should mean that the yin energy here will affect his... well, affect his attributes.

To put it in a more understandable way, it means: it will cause Su Bai's realm to drop, damage his potential, and affect the subsequent realm improvement...

Su Bai doesn't care about other online games, after all, it's just a number.

But this one, can't be careless!

"It seems that we have to solve the problem here as soon as possible, don't delay."

Su Bai thought to himself.

Just as he was thinking, little Mu Mu asked: "Big brother, what are you doing here?"

Su Bai said: "The city lord gave me a task and asked me to come to the right half of the city. When I saw you in the sky, I felt like Mu Mu, so I came down to see if it was you."

Su Bai looked around and said: "Mu Mu, where is this?"

This place looks very similar to the city lord's mansion in the left half of the city.

"This is my home, and it is also the city lord's mansion in the right half of the city, and I am..."

Mu Mu said this, smiled strangely, and then slowly said: "I am the city lord of the right half of the city."


Su Bai opened his mouth and was shocked, "You are actually the city lord of the right half of the city?!"

This innocent and quirky little girl who only reached his waist is actually the lord of this half of the city? ? ?

This contrast is too big, isn't it? !

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