The cave is so big that it is still a mystery.

This is a huge cave!

It is about the size of several basketball courts!

In the center of the cave, there is a pool of light yellow spring water.

The spring water emits white mist, and the cold seems to be emitted by the white mist.

Above this spring water, there is a rotten tree, and there are several fist-sized mushrooms growing on the tree.

At the edge of the spring water, there are several small grasses that look like weeds.

Inside the spring water, there are several lotus flowers, which are in bloom, but only half-opened.


It looks like the city lord's bridge-crossing mushroom, the underworld nine-leaf grass, and the Yinquan half-opened lotus!

"Brother, the Nine-Leaf Grass you want is next to the spring!" Mu Mu said to Su Bai in a low voice.

Su Bai thought to himself, sure enough, but he did not act rashly.

There are also monsters here, although there is only one person and one horse!

Yes, there are no monsters here, only one person and one horse.

The man was wearing armor, sitting on a tall white bone warhorse, holding a two-meter-long sword, guarding the spring.

What Su Bai found interesting was that this man had no head!

Yes, the neck was directly cut off, and the shrunken and white flesh could be seen.

"Headless Knight, this is..."

Su Bai thought, and sent a probe.

Then, his face turned black...

Because, the attributes could not be seen again, this headless knight exceeded level 20.

"Hehe, I'll do it."

Mu Mu whispered, detected the information, and then shared it with Su Bai.

The name is really the Headless Knight...

[Headless Knight]

Level: LV25

Category: Silver BOSS

HP: 400000

Damage: 7534

Skills: Death Charge, Attached Flame, Endless Resentment, Live and Die Together

Details: He was attacked and beheaded by a rogue, and the strong resentment supported him to become an undead, and he has grown up relying on the Taiyin Spring.

[Death Charge]

Level: LV5

Cooling down: 120 seconds

Damage: Normal attack*870%

Details: The Headless Knight charges, causing great damage to the target attacked. If the target is not dead, it will be stunned for 3 seconds.

[Attached Flame]

Level: LV3

Cooling down: 150 seconds

Effect: Within 30 seconds, weapon damage +30%

Details: The Headless Knight attaches Hell Flame to his weapon, greatly increasing weapon damage for 30 seconds.

【Endless Resentment】

Level: LV1

Number of times: 1

Details: After death, the resentment of the Dullahan will revive him again, but all attributes will decrease by 50% after resurrection.

【Live and Die Together】

Passive skill

Level: LV1

Attribute: Life +100,000 (already included in the main information)

Details: The Dullahan and his warhorse live and die together, greatly increasing their health.

"This attribute is really strong!!"

Su Bai exclaimed.

400,000 HP, 4 big skills, and 1 chance to rebirth!

More than 7,000 general attack damage!

Death charge once every two minutes!

As for defense, it's definitely not low!

If ordinary players come, even if there are dozens or hundreds of them, they will be sent to the battlefield!

With a swing of the two-meter-long sword, a large area can be taken away!

Even Su Bai was very solemn at this time.

The Dullahan and the bone horse are more than four meters tall, and the pressure is really strong!

But now that we have come this far, we will never retreat!

Su Bai carefully looked at the terrain again.

After all, this is a cave, and the terrain is naturally very complicated.

It is uneven, with stalactites and small rock peaks everywhere.

Therefore, this actually weakens the ability of the Dullahan.

Tactically speaking, we can only fly a kite here.

Su Bai put on the Molin suit again. If we want to fly a kite, light armor is more suitable.

"Brother, come on, I'll cheer you on!"

Mu Mu said, and the attack power buff was applied to Su Bai.

Su Bai nodded and said, "Well, you hide well, I'll pull its hatred first, and you weaken its state."


Mu Mu smiled and walked back, hiding in the shadow of the passage.

Su Bai was relieved, changed to the Cloud Piercing Wind Ripping Bow, and walked into the cave.

Next, it was going to be a life-and-death battle, and he couldn't be distracted.



Su Bai shot an arrow first, pulling the hatred.

The damage was so low that it made people feel sick...

"La La La~~~~"

Mu Mu's cheerful and pleasant voice sounded, and two cold lights rippled out.

Headless Knight Head

Two negative buffs appeared immediately.

Defense reduction 20%, deceleration 20%.

Okay, now is the time, tearing the wind and rain of arrows!

"Buzz buzz buzz——"

In 3 seconds, twenty arrows condensed, Su Bai loosened his fingers, and the arrows flew through the air!


Although the damage of the general attack is low, fortunately, the damage of the skills is powerful enough.

"Gu! Bold thief, dare to shoot arrows in the dark!"

And at this moment, the headless knight also made a sound with his stomach, and the sound was very loud!

According to common sense, it is impossible to make a sound without vocal cords, but this is a game, nothing is impossible.


The headless knight squeezed the horse's back, and the white bone warhorse immediately rushed towards Su Bai.


After deceleration, it is also a few points faster than Su Bai!

Fortunately, this complex terrain has a great impact on the horse's running!

Su Bai looked around and ran towards a stalactite forest.

He drew his bow while running, and struck a heart-piercing blow!


-3270·Critical Hit!

Unfortunately, he only got a critical hit, not a fatal one or an instant kill.

"Wow! Little thief!"

The headless knight was furious, and at this time, he also arrived at the stalactite forest, and he slashed it with a knife.


A stalactite broke with a sound!

Su Bai's eyebrows jumped, and he took out the half-burned nether fire from his backpack!

Use it, attack power +30%!

With the stalactite forest blocking, it is a good time to output!






"Wow, I'm so angry!"

After chopping for a few minutes, there was still a small part of the stalactite forest, and he had been hit by hundreds of arrows, and the headless knight was furious.

"Death Charge! Go!"

With a roar, the bone horse stomped the ground and rushed forward with a fierce momentum.

"OK, change places!"

Su Bai calmly withdrew from the stalactite forest. It was enough to kill so many people in this terrain.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time, the headless knight had already rushed into the stalactite forest, rumbling, and all the stalactites were broken.





Su Bai was naturally not polite, he bent his bow and shot, happily output.

Unfortunately, the nether fire only lasted for a few dozen seconds.

"Wow, where are you running!!!"

After outputting a few arrows, the headless knight also turned around and ran towards Su Bai.

Su Bai fought and retreated!

In general, although it was thrilling, the rhythm was firmly controlled by Su Bai.

He led the headless knight and brushed it easily.

"Death Charge!"

"Hah! Death Charge!"

"Go! Death Charge!!"


At this time, the Dullahan's HP had dropped to about 200,000.

And at this moment, there was not much terrain that could be used!

As soon as the Dullahan's Death Charge cooled down, he charged at Su Bai without thinking.

So, the terrain was damaged and in a mess.

In other words, at this time, Su Bai had to face the Death Knight directly.

"Okay... Let's challenge him like we did in the Novice Village!"

Su Bai's eyes condensed, and he put on the heavy armor he had taken off before, and took up the Chuiyun Sword!

"Crack, crack!"

Su Bai twisted his neck, stretched out his hand and waved, "Come on!"

"Hahaha! Good boy, I'm here!!"

Su Bai's provocative move made the Dullahan laugh.

Holding a big knife, he rushed towards Su Bai.

But Su Bai did not dodge, staring at the Dullahan's sword.

"Hah! Take my sword!"

The Dullahan came running, and the two-meter-long sword slashed at Su Bai's shoulder, and the force even made the air whirr.




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