The two girls were sitting on the ground floor, and the two girls were sitting on the ground floor.

Inside the restaurant.

A private room on the second floor by the window.

Su Bai and Xia Cha sat on one side, and Ni Chang and Xue Wu sat on the other side.

Xia Cha always held Su Bai's arm tightly, with a tense face, staring at the two girls opposite.

Especially focusing her eyes on Ni Chang.

Of course, her eyes would occasionally slide down, and then Xia Cha would frown and show a frustrated look again.


Ni Chang found it funny and couldn't help laughing softly, "Little sister, what are you looking at?"


Xia Cha snorted and didn't say anything, but she was also a little embarrassed, so she turned her head away and stopped looking.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Su Bai looked at him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and could only divert everyone's attention to business. "What method are you talking about?"

Speaking of business, Nishang also straightened her tone and said solemnly: "You can give me all the things you want to sell, and I will help you sell them all by auction or by selling them at a fixed price. You can use game coins or real money."

"And I won't charge you any fees for this!"

Nishang's tone was very sincere and earnest.

It didn't sound like a lie.

But this is very strange!

Isn't this just working for yourself for free?


After listening to it, Su Bai asked in confusion: "Are you sure you are right?"


Nishang's voice was very decisive and resolute.


Su Bai thought for a moment and understood, "I understand, you are planning to be a big merchant in the game, but there are too many merchants and the competition is too fierce!"

"And my reputation is even greater! The equipment and props I have obtained so far are also the best in the whole server!"

"What you want is this reputation?"

This is not difficult to guess.

If you don't seek material things, then seek other things.

Fame, communication, and popularity are all very important and valued things for merchants.


Nishang nodded and said, "For some reasons, I need to do something in this game!"

"I plan to build a store that sells equipment and props, and later I will open a chain of stores throughout the Great Xia Continent!"

"This game is too advanced and too real! Many businessmen have this plan, but they lack a lot of things. For example, fame, such as high-quality and rare equipment."

"And Boss Bai Ye, you have all these things!"

At this point, Nishang looked directly into Su Bai's eyes and said sincerely: "In fact, I can have another way."

"That is, just sell for you, With your rare and precious things, I can also get up quickly. "

"But I don't choose that way!"

"I hope we can establish a good cooperative relationship before, and hope we can become truly close partners!"

"I understand what you mean." Su Bai nodded, looking at Nishang with some strangeness, "If you simply help me sell equipment, you will not be restricted. After you become big, you can easily abandon me."

"But you plan to use my fame, which is different. You are basically tied to me."

"If we fall out, you will be passive!"

"Yes, that's it." Nishang nodded.

This method has the disadvantages.

The initiative is in Su Bai's hands. He can stop at any time, and Nishang can't do anything.

And if Nishang has any ill intentions, Su Bai can easily destroy her hard-earned business reputation.

This is sincerity!

Very sincere!

Enough to make Su Bai's heart move!

But Su Bai is also very strange.

A businessman would actually choose such a way that is so beneficial to himself!

It feels like he is desperate and has to make a desperate bet.

"I know your confusion."

Nichang saw Su Bai's doubts and said in a suppressed voice: "I can't tell you the reason. I can only say that I really don't have any evil intentions! I just want to make a big enough career! I want your support!!!"

"For this, we can sign a non-violation agreement!"

Non-violation agreement.

As the name suggests, it is a contract that guarantees that the other party will not violate some regulations and agreements.

Generally speaking, it is something signed between NPCs.

Many players have never heard of this kind of contract... Even if they heard of it, they might not sign it!

People's hearts are complicated.

Many people swear to drink water...

In the morning, they swear that Wuhei will definitely come in the evening, and if they don't come, they will chop the carving, and then they will be pigeons!

There are also those who swear to swim in a manure pool, and those who swear to use a five-speed electric fan. How can they fulfill this?

Let's get back to the point.

After signing this agreement, Nichang really can't do anything small.

This is sincerity, full of sincerity!!


There is another question.

Su Bai asked: "How can you guarantee that you will make money? Instead of losing money directly?"

Of course, this question must be asked.

Su Bai doesn't know her strength.

Is it possible to give the equipment to anyone who jumps out at random?


Nichang was silent for a while, as if she was making a decision.

But soon, she made up her mind and slowly said: "My real name is... Shangguan Qingchang."


Su Bai frowned and thought, this name always sounded familiar to him.

But it felt too long ago, and he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Shangguan Qingchang..."

At this time, Xia Cha on the side turned around and gently repeated the name, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

"Cha Cha, do you recognize..."

Su Bai was about to ask her if she knew him, but Xia Cha suddenly widened her eyes and exclaimed, "Are you Shangguan Qingshang?!"

"The Shangguan Qingshang who suddenly started acting three years ago, became popular in half a year, and disappeared inexplicably?!!"

"Then, she suddenly joined Yiqi Investment in a low-key manner two years ago!"

"In just two years, she turned a company that was heavily in debt and about to go bankrupt into the huge and powerful Yiqi Investment today?!!"

Xia Cha talked a lot of things like she knew everything.

Su Bai was stunned by what she said.

However, he remembered it now.

Shangguan Qingshang is indeed a powerful person!

She has a very beautiful appearance, and she is born with a foxy look and a foxy temperament!

This foxy charm is not a derogatory meaning!

It is a compliment!

She is so charming, her eyes, lips, and smile are all charming and enchanting!

She can only be described as the legendary fox spirit.

In addition, her family is also very extraordinary!

When she first debuted, she had excellent resources.

She became a top star in half a year after one play, and everyone knew her.

But, it was only half a year.

Half a year later, for some reason, she disappeared from the entertainment circle.

There are rumors in the industry that Shangguan Qingchang was disfigured, so she stopped acting...

But this is a bit nonsense.

More people are saying that the family behind Shangguan Qingchang doesn't like it and doesn't want her to show up in public...

But it's also interesting.

People are not in the arena, but the arena spreads.

The paparazzi have always wanted to dig up Shangguan Qingchang's affairs.

They really dug it out.

Shangguan Qingchang joined a company that was about to go bankrupt, and in less than two years, she rose all the way and was unstoppable!

Now, it can be said to be a behemoth.

If it's really her, then there's nothing wrong with it.


Shangguan Qingchang was not surprised by the two's performance, and smiled gently: "That's all in the past. Now I'm just Shangguan Qingchang. I said this name just to prove my strength."

"Then, then, then..."

Xia Cha was excited, and there was no trace of the previous depressed look, "Sister Qingchang, can you take off the mask and let us see you?"

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